Course schedule Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program Last updated on March 24, 2009 This is a 36 unit program. Students are required to take all the Required Courses (31 units), and then may choose 5 Elective units. The number after the course suggests courses that are to be taken during the first and second year of the program. For example (R1) denotes a course that should be taken during the first year; an R1/2 donates a course may be taken in either year; an * indicates a course is offered twice during the year. In special circumstances in consultation with the program advisor, students may substitute elective courses if a competency in a given area can be demonstrated. Please refer to USD’s academic calendar for key University dates: 0
SPRING 2009 Classes begin on Monday, January 26, 2009 March 9-13th ~ Spring Break (no classes) April 9-13th ~ Easter Break (no classes)
Course Name (R1) EDLD 505 Organizational Theory (R2) EDLD 502 Leadership & Ethics (R1) EDLD 511 Strategic Planning & Positioning
Faculty L. Deitrick P. Saraniero M. McDonald
Units 3 3 3
Time Tuesdays: 6-9 PM Mondays: 6-9 PM
(R1)* EDLD 510 Board Leadership
L. Shear
(R1/2) EDLD 509 Legal Issues for NP Corporations
(E) EDLD 517 Capital & Endowment Campaign Planning
C. Fish
Wednesdays from 68:45 PM: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 (6-9 PM on this day), 3/4, 3/18 Wednesdays: 6-9 PM April 1, 8, 22, 29 & May 6 Every other Thursday from 6-9 PM and two additional 3-hour field trips – Feb. 5, 19, Mar. 5, 19, April 2, 16, 30 and May 14th
(E) EDLD 508 Nonprofit Marketing
P. Pike
Tuesdays: 6-9 PM Feb. 3, 10 17, 24, March 3, 24, 31, April 7, 14 and 21 Cause Conference on 3/11 optional
(E) EDLD 579 Understanding BiNational Nonprofits In the US-Mexican Border Region
R. Kiy
6-9 PM: March 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14. NOTE: Two all day trips to Tijuana are planned on April 23 and May 7th.
Mondays from 6-9 PM
SUMMER 2009 Monday, June 1 First day of first session Friday, August 21 Last day of last session
Course Name
(R1/2) EDLD 504 Human Relations for Leaders
T. Monroe
Units Time Friday, Saturday: July 17-18 from 9:00 am-9:30 pm and Sunday, July 19, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Optional pre & post sessions: Tues 7/14 & 7/21 from 6-9 PM
(R1) EDLD 507 Community Organizing & Change
J. Hughes M. Eichler
Thursdays: June 4July 9 from 4:30-7:30 PM. Saturdays from 9-4 PM on June 20 and 27 and Thursday, August 13th from 4:30-7:30 PM
(R1) EDLD 503 Nonprofit Finance
C. Bertrand
Mondays & Wednesdays from 6-9 PM: July 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29 August 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19 Some of you may be required to attend the following pre-sessions (this will be determined by an assessment in March). Pre-session dates: 6/8, 6/15, 6/22 from 6-8 pm and Monday evenings from 5-5:45pm
FALL 2009 Wednesday, September 2 - Classes begin
Course Name (R1) EDLD 550: Leadership
Faculty T. Monroe
Units 3
(R1) EDLD 501: NP Management Fundamentals (R2) EDLD 506 Resource Development
P. Libby
M. McDonald
A. Farrell
(R2) EDLD 500 Research Design & Eval
F. Sanudo L. Deitrick
(R1)* EDLD 510 Board Leadership
L. Shear
(R1/2) EDLD 509 Legal Issues for NP Corporations
(E) EDLD 515 Risk Management, Part Two of Legal Issues
E. Lewis
(E) EDLD 513 Advocacy Skills & Strategies
P. Libby H. Wayne
Time Wednesdays: 6-8:50 PM Mondays: 6-9 PM Tuesdays: 6-9 PM Mondays: 5:45-9:15 PM & Sat. 12/12 from 9:304:30 PM Thursdays from 6-8:30 PM October 1, 8, 15, 22 and Nov. 5 & 12 Tuesdays from 6-9 PM: September 15, 22, 29 and October 6 and 13 Thursday from 6-9 PM: October 22 and 29, November 5, 12, 19 Every other Tuesday from 6-9 PM: 9/22 thru 12/1 & Monday, January 11, 2010 ALL DAY in Sacramento & a final debriefing class (to be determined)
Course Name (R1/2) EDLD 504 Human Relations for Leaders (E) EDLD 512 Collaboration (E) EDLD 514 Public Speaking (E) EDLD 581 Creative Leadership – Assessment, Challenge & Support (E) EDLD 579P Nonprofits and Civil Society in Guatemala
Faculty T. Monroe
Units 1
Time TBD
L. Shear J. Prisk
1 1
C. Getz 1 G. Reed C. Torres P. Libby 2 E. Elliott T. Van Horn