Curriculum Committee Course/Program Action Sheet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Title of course/program: Contact Person: Campus Phone: Email: Program: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Enrollment Limit: Check each that apply: Undergraduate Masters
Today’s Date:
10. Proposed Course Action (check one below) Course Proposal Includes: 1. Course Title Drop (Course Action Sheet Only) 2. Course Description New Course (attach course proposal – see box to right) 3. Goals/Learning Outcomes Revision to Existing Course or Program (attach proposal) 4. Tentative Outline of Topics 5. Required Space, Technology, etc Experimental (information only; can be offered twice, 6. Other comments and additions then must be submitted as a new course and approved by curriculum committee) New Program (attach program proposal, and see box below) New Course part of new program 11. Rationale for Proposed Action (Respond below in 50 words or less): 12. Offering: Term(s)/Frequency: FA 20
IN 20
13. Names of two potential instructors of course: 1. 2.
Program Proposal Includes: 1. Program Title 2. Rationale 3. Description s (proposed) 4. Number of units 5. Instructor 6. Other comments and additions as outlined in CC policies
Action Steps: Approval by Program Faculty: date: Approval by Program Director/Chair: date: Curriculum Committee*:_______________________________ date: *(send electronically directly to Curriculum Committee Chair)
Curriculum Committee: Review: for experimental only Approve or Deny for other proposals Submitted to Dean for budgetary review: date: (attach copy of Dean’s email response or Dean’s signature) _________________________ Present to Full Faculty: date: Hard copy of all final approvals with supporting materials to Associate Dean: date: Associate Dean’s Office Use Only
Course Number Assigned: _____________________
Initials: ____