Introduction from the Dean......................................................3 Program Timeline ....................................................................4 Graduates .................................................................................5 Appendices A: Graduating Classes.............................................................39 B: Graduates: Listed by Chair.................................................44
OFFICE OF THE DEAN Dear Doctoral Alum, Annually we update this directory and we hope you are proud of our outstanding graduates. Possessing a doctoral degree makes you a member of an elite group since only 1.2% of the US population holds this terminal degree. Being a member of this elite group, being privileged, also means responsibility, especially when your doctorate is in Leadership Studies. Thus, I hope that you will be willing to be an ambassador for our doctoral program as we strive to recruit outstanding students. I have been so impressed by the work you are doing, the positions of responsibility that you hold, and the scholarship many of you are producing. You are making a difference in your community; so many of you are leaders in your fields! We will continue to update this “Directory of Doctoral Graduates� so that you can see not only the wide range of dissertation topics, but also the diversity of organizations in which your fellow alums work. Also, please note the following award notations: 1 SOLES Outstanding Alumni recipients 2 Hughes Career Achievement Award recipients 3 William P. Foster Outstanding Dissertation Award Finally, please help us keep the directory accurate and complete by updating us with any corrections or additions at Sincerely,
Paula A. Cordeiro, Ed.D. Dean
Leadership Studies Program is founded by Drs. Joseph Rost and Philip Hwang
Dr. William Foster publishes Paradigms and Promises: New Approaches to Educational Administration
10th Anniversary of the Leadership Studies Doctoral Program, Speaker: Dr. James MacGregor Burns
Dr. Joseph Rost publishes Leadership for the Twenty-First Century
Leadership Lecture Series, Inaugural Lecture: Dr. William Foster, “Leadership in a Postmodern World”
Leadership Lecture Series: Dr. Ronald Heifetz, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard, “Leadership, Creativity and the Pain of Change”
Dr. William Howe, Visiting Professor, Jepson School of Leadership, “So Where Do We Go From Here?”
20th Anniversary of the Leadership Studies Doctoral Program, Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Pace-Marshall, Illinois Mathematics and Science Foundation, “Sustainable Learning Communities and Human Capacity in Organizations”
Leadership Charla, Speaker: Dr. Terri Monroe, Leadership Studies Faculty
Leaders in Practice Lecture, Inaugural Speaker: Dr. Kevin Freiberg, Doctoral Alum, ‘87, “A Conversation with Dr. Kevin Freiberg”
Groundbreaking of the new School of Leadership and Education Sciences Building; Approval of the Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership Studies
Construction of the new School of Leadership and Education Sciences Building
Agan, Donna L. - May 2001 The Role of Education in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients: A Quantitative Study of the Factors That Influence the Self-Management of Chronic Pain Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Lecturer II, School of Nursing, University of San Diego; Adjust Faculty, School of Nursing, San Diego State University (CA)
Algaier, Charles J. - August 2003 Job Satisfaction, Leadership Styles, and Teaching Practices among CNMI Public Elementary School Teachers Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Vice President, Northern Marianas College (Saipan)
Allen, Kathleen E. - May 1990 Diverse Voices of Leadership: Different Rhythms and Emerging Harmonies Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Vice President of Student Development, College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, Minnesota)
Amador, Sherrill Lea Hatfield - August 1988 An Analysis of Selected California Community College Chief Executive Officer's Perceptions of the District Governing Board Evaluation Policies and Practices Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: President, Palomar College (San Marcos, CA)
Ashden, Richard N. - May 1998 A Theoretical Perspective of the Factors That Relate to the Functional Independence of Mature Adults Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Chiropractor, Private Practice (Porterville, CA)
Atherton, Jeanne Davis1 - January 1987 An Analysis of Perceptual Differences and Congruities Between California Community College Chancellors and Presidents in Multi-College Districts Regarding the Decision Making Role of the Presidents Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: Chancellor (retired), Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District (San Diego, CA)
Ayala-Austin, Eliazer – May 2007 Validating the Experiences of Male Mexican American Community College Transfer Students Studying at Catholic Universities Chair: Athena I. Perrakis, PhD Job Title: Extended Opportunity Programs & Services Director, Caùada College (Redwood City, CA)
Babigumira, Daniel M. - January 1990 The Impact of Oppressive Military-Political Governments on School Effectiveness in Uganda - 1971 to 1986 Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Head, Department of Educational Foundations and Management, Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda)
Bader, Gloria E. - January 1987 Understanding Individual Political Behaviors in Organizations: Instrument Development and Validation Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: President, The Bader Group (San Diego, CA)
Baker, Linda Linstrom - May 1989 From Parent to Child: The Effects of a Home Learning Program on Attitudes and Achievements Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Bárcena, Carmen Mestas - May 1993 Bicultural Women in Monocultural Organizations: Professional Hispanic Women's Experiences of Diversity and Their Recommendations for Organizations Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Assistant Dean, School of Business Administration, University of San Diego (CA)
Barker, Herbert J. - May 1997 Common Higher Callings to Social Compassion: A Phenomenological Study of Civic Praxis Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Vice President, China Branch (Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China)
Barker, Richard A. - January 1990 A Study of Planned Organizational Change at General Dynamics Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Associate Professor of Management, Upper Iowa University (Fayette, IA)
Barker, Sheridan L. - May 1998 A Teachers' Perspective From Within a School Leadership Team: A Phenomenological Study Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Director, Leadership Services, San Diego County Office of Education (CA)
Barnes, Kurt - January 2003 A Model Health-Related Elementary Physical Education Program for Saipan: Teacher's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: Dean of Student Development, Northern Marianas College (Saipan)
Basilio, Edwin L. - May 2002 Veteran Teacher Perceptions of the Grossmont Model of Peer Assistance and Review (PAR). Is It a Viable Alternative to Traditional Teacher Evaluation? Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Teacher, Grossmont High School (El Cajon, CA)
Beach, Diane Lee - May 1999 Giving Up and Giving In: Young Adolescents’ Dilemmas When Caring for a Grandparent With Alzheimer’s Disease Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD Job Title: Lecturer II, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Beagles, Ruth Harrigan - May 1990 Case Studies of First-Year Elementary Teachers on St. Croix: To Develop a Model for Teacher Leadership Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Professor of Education (retired), University of the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas and St. Croix, Virgin Islands)
Bennett, Sally Jean - May 1997 Empowering Teachers, Empowering Leadership: A Multisite Case Study of School Restructuring and Accountability for Student Achievement Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Director, Standards, Assessment and Accountability Division, San Diego City Schools (CA)
Berger, Karen J. - January 1997 The Political Behavior of California Community College Nursing Faculties in Response to Budget Cutbacks, 198287 Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: (San Diego, CA)
Bergstrome, Scott E. - August 2001 The Relative Importance of Academic Achievement in Determining the Self-Esteem of Students in Rural British Columbia: An Empirical Study of Students in Grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 Chair: Paula A. Cordeiro, EdD Job Title: Program Director, Gulf Islands Secondary School (Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada)
Bertram Gallant, Tricia – August 2006 Reconsidering Academic Dishonesty: A Critical Examination of a Complex Organizational Problem Chair: Lea Hubbard, PhD Job Title: Academic Integrity Coordinator, University of California San Diego (CA)
Bishop, Helen H. - May 1992 Leadership in Policy Issue Networks: The New Community College of Baltimore Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Program Director, Starr King School’s Seminary for the Laity (Berkeley, CA)
Blair, David Robert – May 2007 Examining the Predisposition to Lead within the Homosexual Community Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD
Blackmon, Ginger Lee – May 2007 Factors that Motivate of Discourage Movement into School Leadership Positions and the Implications for Recruitment Policy and Practice Chair: Lea Hubbard, PhD
Blade, Melinda K. - May 1986 Interdisciplinary Research Methodology for Secondary Level Social Studies: A Teaching Unit Concerning the Holy Shroud of Turin Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD Job Title: Social Studies Department Chairperson, Director of Athletics, Academy of Our Lady of Peace (San Diego, CA)
Blanton, Gerald B. - May 2006 Gender Influences in the Graduate Classroom: An Investigation of Female and Male Student Perceptions Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Assistant Vice President, AMSEC LLC (San Diego, CA)
Boggs, Dallas B. - May 1990 Literary Perceptions of Leadership Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Professor, English, University of San Diego (CA)
Borin, Wayne E. - May 2003 Influential Factors Contributing to Exercise Compliance Following a Structured Lifestyle Change Program Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Exercise Physiologist, Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine; Adjunct Faculty – University of San Diego, University of California San Diego, San Diego City College, and Mesa College (San Diego, CA)
Bottroff-Hawes, Sally J. - August 1991 An Investigation of Preferential Learning Strategies, Modality Preferences, and Academic Performance Among Eighth Grade Students Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Principal, Options Secondary School (Chula Vista, CA)
Bowden, A. Greg - May 2002 Collaborative Leadership In Middle Schools and Teacher Job Satisfaction: A Search for Relationships Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Principal, Running Springs Elementary, Orange Unified School District (CA); Adjunct Faculty – Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, CA), Concordia University (Irvine, CA)
Bowen, Edward - May 2004 Organizational Structure and the Creative Process Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Executive Dean, Distance Learning, Academic Commons (San Diego, CA)
Bowers Smith, Susan L. - January 2002 A Cross Study of Teacher Perceptions of Program Design and Teaching Efficacy: The Seaview Reading Support Program Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Riverside County Office of Education (CA)
Bray, Peter J. - May 1994 Leadership in a Quality School Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Director, Wellington Catholic Education Centre (New Zealand)
Brice, Ronald W. - January 1993 Principals in Saskatchewan Rural Schools: Their Leadership Behaviors and School Effectiveness Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD
Broderick, Barbara Coulter - May 1988 Naturalistic Inquiry: An Appropriate Method for Evaluating Customer Training - A Case Study of a Computer System Value-Added Reseller Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
Brown, Robert Lee – May 2007 An Empirical Study of Employee Relations and Managerial Malpractice Risks in a Four Year Public Higher Education System Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Risk Manager, San Diego State University Research Foundation (CA)
Browne, Juanita M. - May 2004 The Creation and Development of an Afrocentric Christian College: Imani Kuumba College and Graduate School Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Professor, English, History, African American Studies, Social Science
Brydges, Richard Ross - January 1998 Total Quality Management - Bridging Theory to Practice Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Consultant, The Institute for the Advancement of Leadership (IAL) (San Diego, CA), and The ARC Leadership Group (ALG) (San Jose, CA); Associate, Leadership Development Specialist, Center for Police Leadership (Pinehurst, NC)
Bustamante, Rebecca McBride - August 2006 Essential Features of Cultural Proficiency in American International Schools in Latin America: A Delphi Study Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Assistant Professor of Education Leadership and Counseling, Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX)
Camberg, Cynthia L. - August 1992 Valuing a Culturally Diverse Work Force: An Examination of Intended Changes and Successes as Perceived by Upper and Middle Management, Supervisors, and Line Staff in a Health Care Organization Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Personal and Professional Life Coach, Private Practice (San Diego, CA)
Cameron, George James2 - May 1984 The Effects of Clinical and Traditional Supervision Methods on the Satisfaction Levels of Higher and Lower-Order Need Teachers Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Superintendent, National School District (National City, CA)
Campbell, Brenda Wright - May 2002 Genre Studies: Temporary Homogeneous Grouping to Improve Reading or Merely Another Form of Tracking? Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Teacher, Mission Bay High School (San Diego, CA)
Caouette, Alyson Brenda Marie - May 1995 The Phenomenon of Flow Among Classroom Teachers and the Implications for Leadership Practice Chair: Larry E. Frase, EdD
Cardinal, Phyllis Susan Ann - May 1998 Consulting First Nations Cultural Genocide: Showcasing Perspective of Cree Elders for Identity and Leadership Renewal Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Principal, Amiskwaciy Academy (Edmonton, Canada)
Carlow, John Joseph, II - August 1990 The Impact of Federal Regulation on Time to Equivalence and Compliance Within the Orthopedic Medical Device Industry Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Instructor, Clinical Trials Certification Program, University of California Santa Cruz (CA); President, Discover Statistics (San Clemente, CA)
Carlson, Elisa Maureen Sandra - August 1997 Romanticizing Leadership: A Historical & Cultural Critique Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD
Carlstead, Jeffrey A. - May 2004 What Effect Does the Hampton Inn 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee Have on Customer Loyalty? Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Owner, Hampton Inn; Adjunct Instructor, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Carpenter, Tiffany N. - May 2005 Confronting the Intra-Racial Gender Gap: A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Gender on African American Students' Perceptions of Campus Climate at a Predominately White Institution Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Assistant Pricipal, John T. Baker Middle School (Damascus, MD)
Caspi, Leslie Lawrence - January 1994 The Effect of Reading and Discussing Literature With Strong Women Characters on Sixth Grade Students’ Sex Stereotype and Occupational Attitudes Chair: Donna Barnes, PhD Job Title: Educator and Civic Leader; Board of Directors, United Jewish Foundation of San Diego County (CA)
Cecil, Christine - May 1997 Enter the Water Carriers: Embracing Parenting Experience in Work Teams Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Assistant Professor, Organizational Leadership, Chapman University (San Diego, CA)
Chiriboga-Hahn, Christina - May 2003 An Evaluation Study of a Community College Administrative Leadership Development Program Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD Job Title: Vice President of Instruction, Cuyamaca College (El Cajon, CA)
Chrispeels, Janet A. Hageman - May 1990 A Study of Factors Contributing to Achieving and Sustaining Effectiveness in Elementary Schools Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Professor, University of California Santa Barbara (CA)
Clark, Karen Lee - May 1986 A Comparative Study of the Attitude and Knowledge of Suicide Between High School Students and High School Teachers Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Director of Educational Administration, National University (San Diego, CA)
Clark, Robert Scott - May 2003 Leadership Development: Continuous Improvement Through Character Assessment Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Contracts Manager, Northrop Grumman (San Diego, CA)
Coffman, Jodi P. - May 1999 The Community College Coach: Leadership Practices and Athlete Satisfaction Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Head Coach, Women's Soccer, Santa Ana College (CA)
Conant, Janet L. - January 1992 Memory Change and Cognitive Function Among the Elderly Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Lakeside Union School District (CA)
Connell, Earl Wayne - May 1991 An Exploration of the Determinants of Attitude Toward Computers in Middle School Students Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Conroy, William F. , III - May 2001 A Study of Officers' Opportunities to Use Skills Learned in the Navy's Intermediate Officer Leadership Course on the Job Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Defense Acquisition University (California, MD)
Cosgrove, Thomas John - May 1984 The Effects of Participation in a Student Development Mentoring-Transcript Program on Freshman University Students Chair: Jack Morrison, PhD Job Title: Associate Vice President of Student Life, University of San Diego (CA)
Coskey, Laurie - May 2000 On the Edge of the Envelope - A Case Study of the Children's Initiative: An Inquiry Into Collaboration and Shared Vision Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Rabbi; Executive Director, Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (San Diego, CA)
Creager, Paige Litton - May 2007 Building Management Bench Strength: A Qualitiave Look at a Job Rotation Program Chair: Lea Hubbard, PhD
Cullinane, Debra - May 1995 The Influence of Control Theory and Reality Therapy on Educators: A Case Study Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Czech, Kathleen - May 2007 Communication and Leadership: Faculty Perceptions of the Department Chair Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD
Davies, Jon S. - August 1994 Transforming Leadership in the California Literature Project: Ethnographic Narrative as True Fiction Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Associate Professor, School of Education, Northern Michigan University (MI)
Dearstone, Terry M. - May 1989 Using a Cultural Change Intervention to Improve Organizational Effectiveness: An Evaluative Case Study 1989 Chair: William P. Foster, EdD
Deas, Edwin - May 1998 Shared Governance in the British Columbia Post-Secondary Education System: The Boards' Role in DecisionMaking Chair: William E. Piland, PhD Job Title: Vice President, Administration and Bursar, Malaspina University (College, British Columbia, Canada)
Dentico, John Paul - May 1999 Games Leaders Play: Collaborative Leadership Development Through Simulations in Knowledge Based Organizations Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Creator, Simulation Based Leadership Development, LeadSimm (Annapolis, MD)
Doonan, Joanna Ruth - May 1998 An Analysis of Dialogue for Understanding Educators' Stress: Implications for Voice, Listening, and Leadership Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Burnaby School District (British Columbia, Canada)
Dowd, Bonnie Ann - May 2003 The Relationship Between Decision-Making and Accountability: A Case Study of Two State Community College Systems Chair: Paula A. Cordeiro, EdD Job Title: Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services, Palomar College (San Marcos, CA)
Duoto, Mike - January 2003 Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Repatriated Managers Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD Job Title: CEO, Brilliant Futures, Inc. (San Diego, CA)
Eckmann, Helen Hays - May 2003 "You Are With Someone Who is a Fighter": Constructing a Model of Personal Transformation That Can Occur in Surviving Breast Cancer Chair: Kathleen M. Collins, PhD Job Title: General Manager, National University Virtual High School (La Jolla, CA)
Eder, Clara H. - January 1999 California African-American Infant Mortality Prevention: A Prospective Study Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Senior Technical Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Concern International (San Diego, CA)
Edwin, Judith Watlington - May 1988 Attributes of Undergraduates Majoring in Scientific and Technological Disciplines: Perseverance and Commitments Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Vice Provost for Access and Enrollment Services, University of the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas and St. Croix, Virgin Islands)
Eldred, Lynn M. - May 2000 From Warriors to Wingtips: The Leadership Transition of Retired Officers Into the Public Sector Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Programs and Operations Manager First 5 Commission, San Diego County (CA)
Ellefson, Inge - January 1997 The Role of the Principal When Parents Are Increasingly Involved in Decision Making Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Board of Trustees, Grasslands Public Schools (Alberta, Canada)
Ellis, Jimmie L. - May 2004 Total Resource Sharing Among Collegiate Public Libraries in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Narrative Case Study Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD
Fasci, Stanley Dominick - August 1993 A Framework of Transformational Leadership Concepts Proposed for Undergraduate College and University Student Development and Student Affairs Leadership Programs Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Director of Administration, Sport Management, University of San Francisco (CA)
Fenner, Douglas E. - May 2005 Linking Succession Planning to Employee Training: A Study of Federal Employees Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD
Ferrone, Jenny K. - May 2003 Enabling Performance Skills: Assessment in Engineering Education Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD Job Title: Faculty, Southwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)
Fink, Robert A. - May 1990 Vision: An Essential Component of Transforming Leadership Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Dean, The Hospitality College, Johnson & Wales University (Providence, RI)
Finley, Norina E. - January 1998 Team Mind: A Case Study of Collective Synergism, Team Development, and Decision Making Under Time Constraints Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD
Fitch, Suzanne - January 1987 Adolescents With Learning & Behavior Handicaps as Behavior Modifiers Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Adjunct Faculty, Special Educaiton, Imperial Valley College and San Diego State University (CA)
Fitzpatrick, Jacqueline Jachym - May 1996 Women Mentoring Women: A Phenomenological Study Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD
Flores, Nieves Pangelinan - January 2002 The Implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Provision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities on Guam Chair: Jerome J. Ammer, PhD Job Title: Associate Professor, Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service, University of Guam, Office of Academic & Student Affairs
Ford, James H. - May 1990 Education for Christian Leadership Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Fouzan, Ebrahim A. - May 1987 The Involvement of Parents of Educable Mentally Retarded in Their Children's Educational Programs in Saudi Arabia Chair: Robert E. Nelson, EdD
Fraher, Amy L . - August 2002 The Development of the Tavistock and Tavistock -Inspired Group Relations Movement in Great Britain and the United States: A Comparative and Historical Perspective Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Director and Principal Consultant, Paradox and Company, San Diego (CA); Visiting Social Scientist, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (London, United Kingdom); United Airlines Pilot; U.S. Navy Commander (retired)
Francis, Candice Ann - May 1990 Profiles in Faculty Leadership: The Experience of 1985-86 California Community College Senate Presidents Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: Professor, Life Sciences, Palomar College (San Marcos, CA)
Freiberg, Jacquelyn A. 2 - May 1994 Affecting Change Synergistically: An Interpretive Case Study of Leadership Relationships at Southwest Airlines Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: San Diego Consulting Group, Inc. (CA);
Freiberg, Kevin L. 2- May 1987 The Heart and Spirit of Transformation Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study of Herb Kelleher's Passion for Southwest Airlines Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: CEO, San Diego Consulting Group, Inc. (CA);
Freidrichs, Charles - May 2001 The Effect of Professional Growth Opportunities as Determined by California Public High School Instrumental Music Teachers Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Associate Director of Bands and of Music Education, San Diego State University (CA)
Fromm, Linell Blair - May 1993 District Elections, Redistricting and Recall: A Study of the Fifth District of the City of San Diego, 1988-1991 Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: President, The Fromm Group Consulting (Miami, FL)
Gallen, Joseph P. - January 1987 The Use of Computer-Assisted Instruction in a Biblical Studies Course: A Case Study Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Chair, Religious Studies, The John Carroll School (Belaire, MD)
Garcia, Piedad - May 1998 Transborder Economic Development: A Collaborative Partnership in the San Diego-Tijuana Region Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Clinical Director, Mental Health Services, San Diego County Health and Human Service Agency (CA)
Gavares, Danell Scarborough - May 1993 Empowerment as a Dynamic of the Leadership Relationship: A Study of Two Local Governmental Organizations Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Program Manager, City of San Diego (CA)
Germaine, Ron W. - May 2001 Values Education Influence on Elementary Students' Self-Esteem Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Academic and Administrative Headquarters, National University (San Diego, CA)
Getz, Cheryl A. - May 1998 Observing the Spirit of Resilience: The Relationship Between Life Experiences and Success in Higher Education for African American Students Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Program Director and Assistant Professor, Leadership Studies Program, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Gillan, Constance A. - May 2002 A Comparative Case Study: Aircrew Adaptive Decision Making Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: U.S. Navy, Sea Control Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Gillespie, Rebecca - May 2003 A Study of Technology Implementation in Two School Districts: The Dynamics of Leadership and Change Chair: Jerome J. Ammer, PhD Job Title: Superintendent/Principal, Pleasant Grove School District (CA)
Gilliss, Barbara E. - January 1994 Organizations of the Future: An Analysis of Current Literature and a New Model Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Organizational Consultant, Gilliss Organization (Prescott, AZ)
Girvin, Charles R., III - August 2001 The Role of a Middle School Assistant Principal in Establishing and Maintaining Positive School Climate Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Principal, Cajon Valley Middle School (El Cajon, CA)
Glazer, Jeffrey William - May 1994 Implementing TQM in a College of Business Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Dean, College of Business, San Diego State University (CA)
Gonzales, Adolfo2 - May 1996 Historical Case Study: San Diego and Tijuana Border Region Relationship With the San Diego Police Department 1957-1994 Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD Job Title: Chief of Police, National City (CA)
Goodyear, Rosemary - January 1987 A Descriptive Correlational Study of the Decision-Making Patterns of Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Nurse Consultant Associates (Cardiff by the Sea, CA)
Grant, Alan J. - May 1992 Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Delphi Study of New Venture Success Factors Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: President, Management Consulting, Corporation Management Mentors (Antioch, CA)
Grant, Jo Ann - May 2005 How School Counselors Gain Support to Implement Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs Chair: Lonnie L. Rowell, PhD
Grauer, Stuart R. - January 1989 Think Globally, Act Locally: A Delphi Study of Educational Leadership Through the Development of International Resources in the Local Community Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Director, The Grauer School (Encinitas, CA)
Green, Judith Turnbull - January 1984 The Transition Process in Office Automation and Its Impact on Clerical Workers: A Case Study Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Vice President of Human Resources, The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA)
Guillermo, Maribel - May 2003 Higher Education Administrators & Students With Disabilities: A Survey of Administrator Knowledge & Training Needs Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Adjunct Faculty, Grossmont college (El Cajon, CA); Community Rehabilitation Program, and Project Coordinator for the Participatory Capacity Building Project, Interwork Institute, San Diego State University (CA)
Guseman, Sheri L. - May 2006 Acts 2:24 in 2006: Examining Small Group Discussion in an American Mega-Church Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Assistant Professor, Communication Department, Grossmont College (El Cajon, CA)
Gyan, Pearl Anjanee - January 1999 An Analysis of the Pedagogical Methods of Hindu Gurus Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Forestburg School (Alberta, Canada)
Halsey, Victoria W. - January 1996 The Secondary School Assistant Principal Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Hamel, Elisabeth J. - August 1990 An Interpretive Study of the Professional Socialization of Neophyte Nurses into the Nursing Subculture Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Health Professions, Grossmont College (El Cajon, CA)
Hammond, Terrence Eugene - May 2006 Officers ' Use of Leadership Skills Learned in the Navy's Intermediate Officer Leadership Training Course - A Replication Study Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Aircraft Maintenance Officer, United States Navy (MD)
Hanes, John W. - August 1987 Executive Effectiveness Profile: Instrument Development and Validation Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: President, Effectiveness Dimensions International, LLC (Lake Arrowhead CA)
Haroun, Lezlee - May 2003 Making the Transition From the Field to the Classroom: The Experiences of Novice Health Care Instructors at Private Career Colleges Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Self-Employed Health Care Writer (Bend, OR)
Harrington, James Joseph - May 1989 The Effect of Art Education on Self-Concept of Disabled Adult Students in a Community College Setting Chair: Robert E. Nelson, EdD
Harrington, Nicki - January 1993 A Survey of Teaching Strategies Used in California Community College Nursing Programs to Foster Critical Thinking Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Chancellor, Yuba Community College District (Marysville, CA)
Harvard, Patricia A. - August 1988 A Qualitative Analysis of Successful Management Behaviors of Black Female Administrators in Higher Education Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, California State University Dominguez Hills (Carson, CA)
Haugen, Nan Elizabeth - May 1990 A History of Women's Intercollege Athletics in San Diego County Community College From 1955-1972 Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
Hendrickson, Richard L. - May 1989 Leadership and Culture Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Herrera, David2 - August 2004 Why Participate? Finding Meaning by Partaking in Decisions affecting Us, Our Work and Our Lives Chair: Paula A. Cordeiro, EdD Job Title: Organizational Consultant; Adjunct Faculty, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Hett, E. Jane - May 1991 The Development of an Instrument to Measure Global-Mindedness Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Hill, Sandra - August 1995 A Decade of Home Schooling in Saskatchewan, Canada 1984-1995: A Case Study Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD Job Title: Director, Maple Creek School Division 17 (Saskatchewan Canada)
Hoey, Douglas Archibald - January 2001 Aligning Practice With Vision: Leadership for Developing Character and Employability Attributes Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD
Hopkins, Paulette Wong - January 1999 Leadership Responses to Change in 21st Century California State University Physical Education/Kinesiology Departments Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Professor, San Diego City College (CA)
Igasaki, Kevin Andrew - May 2005 An Examination of the Media's Framing of the Illegal Street Racing Issue Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Director of the Language Learning Center, and Campus Foreign Language Proficiency Assessor, California State University San Marcos (CA)
Israel, R. Daniel - January 1995 Leadership: Personal Narratives of Practitioners Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: R. Daniel Israel & Associates (Concord, CA)
Jeffries, Jennifer L. - August 1994 The Leadership of a Superintendent: Putting the California School Reform Movement to Work Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Professor, California State University San Marcos (CA)
Jenkins, John R. - May 2001 Perceptions of International Students and University Personnel of Cultural Adjustment Problems at Two Private Universities Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Applied English Department, Kainan University (Luchu, Taoyuan County, Taiwan)
Jenner, Paula J. - January 1987 Factors Associated With Success of Resource Development Programs at California Community Colleges Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD
Johnson, Florence E. - January 1987 An Analysis of State Aid to Non-Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in the 50 States, 1970-1984 Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Johnston, Susan H.L. - May 1996 The Experiences of Mid-Career Elementary Teachers Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Jones, Elizabeth G. - August 1990 The Impact of Feeding Methods on Exclusion From Child Care for Infants Under Six Months of Age Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Founding President/Board Member, Foundation for the Children of the Californias (Garita de OtayTijuana, Baja California, Mexico)
Jones, Janet M. - May 2005 The Courage to Change: Striving for Magnet Hospital Recognition Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD
Jordan, Lilly "Ericka" - May 2003 Career Paths to Navy Admiral Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD
Jorgensen, Sharalee Cressaty - January 1985 Mira Costa College: The First Fifty Years Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Executive Dean of Administrative Services, MiraCosta Community College (retired) (Oceanside, CA)
Judy, Barbara B. - May 1984 Kindergarten Admission Procedures in Independent Schools With Suggested Guidelines Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
Kaczmarski, Mary Ann - January 2003 Heritage College: Partnership Leadership as Catalyst to a Multicultural Learning Community Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD
Kaeser, Miriam F., O.S.F2 - May 1987 A Study of Feminine Role Models Selected by Catholic Women Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Archdiocese of Cincinnati; Councilor, Sisters of St. Francis Oldenburg (OH)
Kao, T. C. - May 2005 High School Principals' Values and Their Symbolic and Cultural Leadership Approaches to Character Education in China Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: Managing Director, Chung-Hsin Private High School (Taiwan)
Kelly, Paula C. - August 1988 Accessing a Global Language: A Comparison of G-Telp and TOEFL Performance Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Vice President of Development, Monarch School (San Diego, CA)
Kelly, James F., Jr. - May 1989 The Transformation of a Corporate Culture in a Mature Organization Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Great American Federal Savings Association (retired) (San Diego, CA)
Keri, Madeline Mary - August 1987 Compulsory Interest Arbitration in Public Education: A Case Study Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Principal, Bedford Elementary (PA)
King, Rita M. - May 1988 A Study of Shared Instructional Leadership by Mentor Teachers in Southern California Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Professor, University Center for Teacher Education, California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Klein, Maria Theresa - August 1990 Human Sexuality Programs in Catholic Secondary Schools in the 80's Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Knapp, Judith - May 1998 Reflections of Reflections of Reflections: A Case Study of Women Educators' Callings to the High Arctic Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD
Knowlton, Lois Margaret - August 1992 Leadership in a Different Voice: An Ethnographic Study of a Latina Chief Executive Officer in a California Community College Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Dean, Business and Professional Studies, Grossmont college (retired) (El Cajon, CA)
Kodiath, Alex - May 1987 A Study of the Commonalties and Differences of Male and Female Spiritual Leaders Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: President, College of Geriatrics, The Janus Group (Poway, CA)
Kornuta, Halyna M. - May 2001 Teacher Portfolios in the Supervision Process: A Journey of Discovery Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Director of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness, California Lutheran University (Thousand Oaks, CA)
Krohne, Kathleen Anne - January 1992 The Effect of Sexual Harassment on Female Naval Officers: A Phenomenological Study Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: President, The Krohne Connection (Coronado, CA)
Lally, Theresa L. - May 2000 Cultural Factors Influencing Japanese Female College Students' Perceptions of Learning in a Web-Based Environment: Implications for Web-Based Instructional Designers Chair: Paula A. Cordeiro, EdD Job Title: Total Learning Concepts (Oceanside, CA)
Law, William E. - May 2000 An Historical Case Study: The Pregnant Minor Program at Garfield High School 1975 - 1999 Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
LeWinter, Barbara W. - May 1986 A Study of the Influence of Logo on Locus of Control, Attitudes Toward Mathematics, and Problem-Solving Ability in Children in Grades 4, 5, 6 Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Making the Grade to College, LLC (Williston, VT)
Lincoln, Barbara Crummer - May 2000 Career and Family: A Qualitative Study of Working Mothers Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD
Lindquist, Dean G. - August 1998 Market Values In Education: A Case Study of Its Effect on the Principal's Model for School Governance in Alberta Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Superintendent of Schools, Grande Yellowhead Regional Division (Alberta, Canada)
Lindsay, Mary - May 1999 Story as a Means to Distributed Cognition in Dispute Mediation Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD
Littrell, Janet L. - May 1996 Integrating Knowledge and Action: A Study of Leadership in the Development of Masters Degree Programs in Liberal Studies Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: CEO, Spectrum Pacific Learning Co. (La Jolla, CA)
Lorenzo, Virgil M. - May 1998 Toward Cooperative Ethics: A Ricoeurian Reading of the Educational Aims of Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, Founder of the Mondragon Cooperatives Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: President, PEACE Schools, International
Lubofsky, David J. - May 2002 Supervisor Leadership Style and Counselors’ Burnout: A Comparative Study of High School Counselors and Rehabilitation Counselors Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Counselor, National Coalition of Free Men (Hagatna, Guam)
MacRenato, Suzanne West - May 1995 Experiences of Moral Commitment: A Phenomenological Study Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Grossmont College (El Cajon, CA)
Maguire, Nance A. - May 1998 Collaborative Teaching Practices for a New Century: A Descriptive Case Study of Peer Coaching Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Founder, Excelsior Academy (San Diego, CA)
Makokis, Patricia Ann - May 2000 An Insider's Perspective: The Drop-Out Challenge for Canada's First Nations Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: President存 Blue Quills First Nations College (Alberta, Canada)
Makokis, Leona J. - May 2001 Teachings From Cree Elders: A Grounded Theory Study of Indigenous Leadership Chair: Paula A. Cordeiro, EdD Job Title: Director of Curriculum and Research存 Blue Quills First Nations College (Alberta, Canada)
Marinoble, Rita - May 1990 Faith and Leadership: The Spiritual Journeys of Transformational Leaders Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: School Counseling Program, California State Unviersity Sacramento (CA)
Marra, Kenneth J. - August 2006 The Who Persist: A Longitudinal Quantitative Case Study of a University Student Cohort Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Senior Analyst, Walsh Analytics, Operations Research Analysis (CA)
Marriott, Donna - May 2003 Examining an Observation-Based Model of Professional Development for Teachers Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Assistant Director of Literacy, Biliteracy, and Social Studies, San Diego City Schools (CA)
Martel, Mary Juliet - May 1996 School Reform: Leadership Through Shared Decision Making Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Principal, Roosevelt Middle School (San Diego, CA)
Martin, Port Robert - May 1995 Development of a Participative Approach to Guide Organizational Change: Reviewing the Sawtooth Technique Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: School of Business Administration, University of San Diego (CA)
Matheson, Roderick Reid - January 1992 A Comparative Study of the Perceived Job Satisfaction of Site Administrators in San Diego City Schools Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: District Principal, International Education, West Vancouver School District (British Columbia, Canada)
Mathews, Rachel - January 1984 Attitudes of Teachers and Administrators Towards the Handicapped in Malaysia and Implications for Teacher Training and Program Development Chair: Rosalie Rhoads, PhD Job Title: Professor of Special Education, Social Work, and Communication Disorders, Longwood University (Farmville, VA)
Mattes, Lawrence Joel - May 1982 The Identification of Spanish-Speaking Children With Speech and Language Handicaps: An Analysis of Current Assessment Practices in Speech and Language Therapy Programs With Proposed Assessment Guidelines Chair: DeForest Strunk, EdD
Matthews, Brian C. - January 2004 Leaders' Influence on School Recruiting: A Case Study of an International School Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Elementary School Principal, American International School (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Mattox, Joseph E. - May 1991 An Evaluation of the Program of Theological Education by Extension at the Center for Christian Studies in Northwest Mexico Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Associate Professor of Church Ministries, and Director of the H.E.A.R.T. Missions Institute, Warner Southern College (Lake Wales, FL)
Mays, Angie - May 1999 A Professional Competency Survey of Organizational Consultants in San Diego County Chair: Ronn Johnson, PhD Job Title: Team leadership & conflict resolution, Trinity Western University (Langley, British Columbia, Canada)
McClure, Diane Berger - August 1988 On Being a Truant: A Phenomenological Study of Students in a Comprehensive High School Chair: William P. Foster, EdD
McDaniels, Ophelia B. - May 1991 Political Participation of Registered Nurses: A Correlational Study Chair: William P. Foster, EdD
McDonald, Nan L. - May 2001 Reflective Practices: Collective Case Studies of Selected K-8 General Music Teachers in Peer Problem-Solving Discipline and Management Workshop Settings Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Assistant Professor of Music, San Diego State University (CA)
McGlynn, Darren J. - May 2005 Facing the Leadership Challenges on Decommissioning US Navy Ships Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Ballistic Missile Defense Officer, U.S. Navy (San Diego, CA)
McLaughlin, Dorene Casey - May 1996 An Evaluative Case Study of the Effects of a Learning Style Awareness Program for Ninth Graders at an Independent School Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
McNeil, Teresa Baksh - May 1986 A History of Catholic School Education in San Diego County, California, From 1850-1936 Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD Job Title: Counselor, Articulation Officer, Cuyamaca College (El Cajon, CA)
Meistrich, Madeline G - January 2007 Politics and the Glass Ceiling in American Law Enforcement: Why Not more Female Chiefs of Police? Chair: Robert Infantino, EdD
Mendoza, Pablo J. - August 1997 Leadership From the Perspectives of Filipino-Americans: A Delphi Study Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Academic Advisor, Chapman University (Morena Valley, CA)
Mestinek, Roger M. - May 2000 Charter School Leadership: A Comparative Study of Principals in Traditional and Charter Schools Chair: Raymond Latta, PhD
Miszak, Joan A. - May 1989 Organizational Change in Action: A Qualitative Case Study of US Air's Acquisition of Pacific Southwest Airlines Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Regent Pacific Management Corporation (Los Angeles, CA)
Mitchell, Dianette T. - May 1992 The Impact of the Accountability Movement on Principals in a Large Southern California School District Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Joe Albert Hickman Elementary School (San Diego, CA)
Mitchell, Susan E. - May 1994 Creating Campus Climates That Are Free From Sexual Harassment: Implications for Leaders in Higher Education Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Assistant Vice President for Student Academic Support Services, California State University San Marcos (CA)
Moffitt, Brian W. T. - August 1998 Identification of Core Multidisciplinary Competencies in an Integrated Public Health and Human Service System Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD Job Title: Organizational Development Manager, City of Sacramento (CA)
Moore, Patricia A. - January 1990 The Effect of Science Inservice Programs on the Self Efficacy Belief of Elementary School Teachers Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD
Mora, Elva Hernandez - January 1997 Involving Latino Parents in the Middle-Level School: A Study of First Generation and Second Generation Mexican and Mexican American Parents Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: World Languages, Patrick Henry High School (San Diego, CA)
Moran, Catriona Collins – May 2007 Teachers' Perceptions of a 360-degree feedback process Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Lower School Principal, Taipei American School (Taiwan)
Murphy, Andre D. - May 2002 Perception And Reality: An Empirical Assessment Of Navy Leadership Styles And Business Process Reengineering Outcomes Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD
Nelson, Alan E. - May 1994 Leadership Training of Ministerial Students in Evangelical Institutions of Higher Education Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Founder, Scottsdale Family Church (AZ)
Newman, Richard - August 2005 Connecting the Dots: A Study of an Innovative Principal Preparation Program's Impact on the Mental Models and On-the-Job Behaviors fo Aspiring School Leaders. Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Program Officer, Education, The Wallace Foundation (New York, NY)
Newton, Anna R. - January 1988 Leadership and Development: A Study of Higher Education Academic Administrators Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Manager, Training & Development, MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. (San Diego, CA)
Nicastro, Alana3 - May 2004 Wresting and Arresting Sense In Academe: The Complicated Discursive Structures of Female Assistant Professors Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Regional Coordinator, California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-Pass) (Encinitas, CA)
Noether, Derek R. 3 - May 2005 How Leaders use the Construct of Culture to Influence Change Resistance: A Study of a Planned Change Initiative in a Combined Government and Military Organization Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Associate, Organizational Change Team, Booz Allen Hamilton (McLean, VA)
Noyes, David A. - May 2002 Point Of Transition Service Integration Project: A Multiple-Case Study of a Systems Change Intervention Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD Job Title: Co-Instructor, Distance Learning Program, Department of Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education, San Diego State University (CA)
O'Brien, James Patrick – May 2007 Experiences of Sacramental Marriage Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Theological Anthropologist, Catholic Diocese of San Diego (CA)
Padulo, Mary Kimberly Braun - May 2001 The Balancing Act: Work Environment Issues for Women With Children in Student Affairs Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Parlin, Patricia R. - May 1985 Attitudes of Principals Toward Written Composition Research and Instructional Leadership Practices Associated With Effective Writing Practices Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Private Practice (San Diego, CA)
Patton, Lynette A. - May 1987 A Synthesis of Dissertation Research on Faculty-Role Stressors in Nursing Education Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: Instructor, Intercultural Studies, San Jose Christian College, Fresno extension; CFO, Patton Industries (Fresno, CA)
Payment, Susan H. - May 2003 Goddesses in the Union: A Qualitative Study of Women in Leadership Positions in College and University Union Settings Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Director of Student Life, College of Charleston (SC)
Peacock, Robert M. - May 2001 First Nations Students: What Teachers Do That Makes Them Successful Chair: Lonnie L. Rowell, PhD Job Title: Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Board of Directors (Cloquet, MN)
Pejza, John P. - May 1987 An Investigation of Strong Religious Cultures in Selected Catholic Secondary Schools Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: President, Villanova Prepatory School (Ojai, CA)
Pendleton, Bertha Ousley1, 2 - May 1989 The Schools of the Future Commission of San Diego City Schools: An Ethnographic Study Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Superintendent, San Diego City Schools (retired) (CA)
Peterson, Theresa M. - August 1993 Leadership Relationships and the Superintendency Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Petti, Kevin - August 2006 Connecting Art and Science: An Interdisciplinary Strategy and Its Impact on the Affective Domain of College Human Anatomy Students Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Professor, Science and Health; Coordinator, 21st Annual Conference, Human Anatomy & Physiology Society, Miramar College (San Diego, CA)
Player, Douglas George - January 1996 The Identification of Behavioral Indicators of a Superintendent's Leadership Success: A Delphi Study Chair: Raymond Latta, PhD
Ponce, Gregorio A. - May 2001 A Case Study of Shared Governance at Imperial Valley College Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: Teacher Education Department Chair, San Diego State University, Imperial Valley Campus (CA)
Powell, O. Yvonette Murrell - August 2001 A Historical Perspective of the Freedom Schools: Implications for Social Change Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Disabled Student Services Specialist, Cuyamaca College (El Cajon, CA)
Powers, Mary Alicia - May 1990 The Influence of the Strategic Planning Process on a Nonprofit Board and a Public Commission Chair: William P. Foster, EdD
Preimesberger, Jennifer - August 2000 Historical Perspective of the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Selected Schools in the Diocese of San Diego Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD Job Title: Director, English Language Academy, University of San Diego (CA)
Prentiss, Gail - August 1983 A Study of the Organizational Effectiveness of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Dean of Letters and Sciences (retired), Mira Costa Community College (Oceanside, CA)
Preston, Frederick Arnold - January 1997 A Measure of Perceived Power in Influencing Change Among Selected Education Participants in Alberta Chair: William E. Piland, PhD
Priest, Pamela Jeanne - January 1992 The Impact of an Integrated Study Skills Program on University of La Verne Adult Undergraduates at Vandenberg Air Force Base and Naval Air Station North Island Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Raffa, Joseph V. - August 1997 Clashing Cultures or Collaborating Networks: A Study of Organization Culture in Breast Cancer Prevention Chair: Jerome J. Ammer, PhD Job Title: American Cancer Society (San Diego, CA)
Rangel, Lyle - January 1988 The Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Spelling Skills, Self-Concept, and Locus of Control of Below Average Learners Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Counselor, Mira Mesa High School (CA)
Rauner, Judith Starr2 - May 1995 The Impact of Community Service Leadership on Student Development as Perceived by Student Leaders Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Director of Community Service Learning (retired), University of San Diego (CA)
Rechebei, Elizabeth Diaz - May 2003 Political Leadership Perceptions on the College of Micronesia System in the Federated States of Micronesia Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Consultant, Educational Assessment and Evaluation (Saipan, Micronesia)
Remy, Mark Nicholas - August 1999 The Relationship of Principal Leadership Styles and School-Site Conditions to Stress Levels of Elementary School Teachers Chair: Ronn Johnson, PhD
Richards-Wilson, Stephani - May 2003 An Analysis of the Benefits of an MBA Degree as Reported by a Diverse Graduate Population of a Southwestern University Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Assistant Dean for Recruitment and Retention, Helen Klingler College of Arts and Science, Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI)
Ries, Isabel - August 1998 The Role of the Site Facilitator in the New Directions in Distance Learning Project Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Robbins, Steven Blue - May 1995 Women and Men in Collaborative Working Partnerships: Connecting Two Disparate Modes of Experience Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD
Robledo, Jodi Ann - August 2006 An Exploration of Supportive Relationships in the Lives of Academically Successful Individuals with Autism Chair: Anne M. Donnellan, PhD Job Title: Coordinator, Autism Institute, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Rogers, Anita M. - May 1994 Barriers to Community: The Development of an Instrument to Assess Components of Prejudice Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Roll, Raymond B. - January 2007 Wherry Revisited: An Empirical Examination of the Nonperformance Factors that Influence Variation in a Performance Rating Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD
Romo, Jaime J. - May 1998 Voices Against Discrimination and Exclusion: Latino School Leaders' Narratives for Change Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: Assistant Professor, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Royal, Nancy Le Sanders - May 1987 The Long Term Consequences of Specific Language Disabilities: The Secondary School Years Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Executive Director, Reading and Dyslexia Center of the Desert (Palm Desert, CA)
Salerno, Carolyn F. - January 1991 A Study of the Differences Between Classrooms Using a Meaning-Centered Approach and a Code-Centered Approach in the First Year Implementation of the California English-Language Arts Framework Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Full-time Faculty, School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix Online (Encinitas, CA)
San Nicholas, Evangeline Quitugua - May 2003 Instructional Leadership in Guam's Public Elementary Schools Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Principal, CL Taitano (Hagatna, Guam)
Santos, Michelle Sanders - May 2003 Perceptions of Principal Effectiveness and Teacher Morale: A Study of Public Secondary School Teachers on Guam Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Dean, School of Technology and Student Services, Guam Community College
Santos Nacu, Juanita T. - May 1998 Storytelling in Project Heart to Heart: A Means to Bridge Generational Gap in Post 1965 Filipino Immigrant Families Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Professor of Heritage and Tagalog, University of California San Diego (CA)
Sargent, Susan Jean - January 1989 The Utilization of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act Funding Within the Disabled Student Programs and Services of the California Community Colleges Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Grants Office, Santa Barbara City College (CA)
Sax, Caren L. - May 1999 Diversity, Collaboration, Reflective Practice and Technology in Professional Education Programs: Strategic Choices for Higher Education Chair: William Howe, III, PhD Job Title: Professor, Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, & Postsecondary Education, San Diego State University (CA)
Sayre, Shay - May 1986 Leader Communication and Organizational Culture: A Field Study Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Professor, Department of Communications, California State University Fullerton (CA)
Schell, Emily M. - May 2003 Exploring Teachers' Experiences with the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: History-Social Science Professional Development Director, City Heights Educational Collaborative; Visiting Professor, San Diego State University (CA)
Schmidt, Verna Veronica - May 1995 Awakening Institutions: A Delphi Study Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Schoenfeld, Ralph R. - January 1994 Dimensions of Anxiety and Their Effect on an Aspect of the Performance Process: Commission of Mental Errors Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Walter Murray Collegiate (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Schwerdtfeger, Patrick M. - May 2005 The Role of the Chief Instructional Officer Within the California Community Colleges Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: Palomar Community College District (San Marcos, CA)
Scopinich, June Townsend - May 1987 A College Athletic Department - An Example of a High Performance System Existing in an Organized Anarchy Known as a University Higher Education Organization Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Board of Directors, San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (CA)
Scott, Mary Elizabeth - August 1989 The Labyrinth of Challenge to Change: An Analysis of Community College Leaders' Thinking Styles and Behavioral Practices in the Current Environment Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Professor, Community College of Southern Nevada
Secrist, Jan - May 1996 Voices of Midlife Tomboys: A Narrative Study Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Professional Training and Coaching (San Diego, CA)
Shea, Mary M. - May 2006 So You Think It's Inclusion... Think Again: A Quantitative Analysis of Stakeholder Perceptions in Community Youth Organizations Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Director of Site Development, Kids Included Together (San Diego, CA)
Shields, Jan - August 1999 Towards a New Theory of Personal Teaching Efficacy: The Development and Testing of a New Model and Scale Using Teachers and Student Teachers Participating in a Reflective Practitioner Model Practicum Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD
Shine, William P. 1 - May 1986 A Study of Retention and Leadership: A Process Model of Turnover Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Shippey, Ethelyn Elliott - May 1993 An Evaluative Study of the Effects of the PIRK Reading Program on Reading and Learning in Development in Learning Disabled Students Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Pirk Reading Center (Poway, CA)
Siciliani, Robert W. - May 1998 The Development of an Instrument to Identify Differing Views of Leadership Within Organizations Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Siefert, Linda - May 2002 Modeling the Effects of Financial Aid on Student Enrollment Decisions: A Quantitative Case Study of a Private Catholic University Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Director of Assessment, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego (CA)
Singleton, Sandra L. - May 1990 California Pioneers in Speech Pathology: 1915 Through 1951 Looking Back for the Future Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
Skalbeck, Karen Louise - May 1991 Profile of a Transformational Leader: A Sacred Mission Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Skordas, Marilyn Ann - May 1988 The Impact of the Father/Daughter Relationship on Women in Educational Administrative Leadership Positions Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD
Skube, Kathryn Dorothy - May 1995 Self-Esteem: A Descriptive Study of Students of San Diego Unified School District at Grades 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Related to Components of Self Esteem Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Principal, Naranca Elementary, Cajon Valley School District (El Cajon, CA)
Sloan, Ella F. - January 2003 W.E.B. Dubois's "Talented Tenth": A Pioneering Conception of Transformational Leadership Chair: Steven A. Gelb, PhD Job Title: San Diego City College (retired) (CA)
Smith, Anthony F. 2 - May 1987 Shared Organizational Culture and Leader Communication: A Study of Correlation Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD Job Title: Leadership Research Institute (Rancho Santa Fe, CA)
Smith, Steven L. 3 - May 2006 The Reluctant Sorority: Stories of American Wives of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, 1965-1973 / Lessons in Exercising Leadership in the Absence of Power Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: United States Navy (retired.); Freelance Writer (AZ)
Spadaro, Antonia J. - January 1997 The Wrath of Ignorance: Schizophrenic Policies in Access to Health Care for Undocumented Latinas Chair: Mary Jo Abascal-Hildebrand, EdD Job Title: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, GA)
Spoulos, Teresa L. - May 2006 The Dilemma of Disclosure for College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Counselor, Support Services Coordinator, Disabled Student Services, San Diego State University (CA)
Stanger, Louise A. - May 1999 Lifting the Veil off Widowhood: Portraits of Transformation Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Director of Alcohol and Drug Education and Services, University of San Diego (CA)
Stonebreaker, Kristen M. - August 1991 An Analysis of Selected California Community College Faculty Members' Perceptions of Challenges Experienced During the First Year of Hire Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD
Strattan, Judith Anne - May 1990 Directions for Leadership of the Association of California Community College Administrators in the 1990's Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: Board of Trustees, MiraCosta Community College District (Oceanside, CA)
Stump, Gregory G. - May 2003 Employee Receptivity to Three Hundred Sixty Degree Feedback Systems as a Function of Employee Trust and Employee Commitment: An Exploratory Study Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD
Sykoff, Lawrence S. - May 1988 The Emergence of the Middle School in Independent Education Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Head of School, Ranney School (Tinton Falls, NJ)
Taepke, Patricia Ann – May 2007 Effect of Computer-Aided Instruction on Grades in Middle School Algebra Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Mathematics Educator, South Hills High School, Covina-Valley Unified School District (CA)
Tan, Henry Heng-Lee - August 1991 Leadership Development at a Training Center in the Philippines Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Tarkington, Stephanie A. - January 1989 Improving Critical Thinking Skills Using Paideia Seminars in a Seventh Grade Literature Curriculum Chair: Robert L. Infantino, EdD Job Title: Principal (retired), Washington Middle School, Vista Unified School District (CA)
Tellei, Patrick Ubal - May 2005 Omesubel A Ureor: Workforce Development in Palau From Pre-Contact to 1999 Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: President, Palau Community College (Republic of Palau, Micronesia)
Thompson, Minareta Moananu - Jan 2004 Roles and Responsibilities of Chiefs in the Council of Chiefs Within a Village in American Samoa Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD Job Title: Project Director, Samoan Studies Institute, American Samoa Community College (Pago Pago, American Samoa)
Tiedmann, David Alan - January 1986 Media Services in Higher Education: A Delphi Study for the 1990's Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Director of Faculty Computing and Media Services, Syracuse University (NY)
Toups, Deborah M. - May 2006 Mentoring of Special Education Administrators Chair: Edward F. DeRoche, PhD Job Title: Program Manager/Principal, Whittier Center: Del Sol, Learning Centers, STARS, DTP
Trent, Barbara - January 1993 An Evaluation of Student Perceptions of Academic Advising in a RN/BSN Distance Educational Nursing Program Chair: Edward Kujawa, Jr., PhD Job Title: Nursing Supervisor, Villa Pomerado (Poway, CA); Graduate Nursing Faculty, University of Phoenix (San Diego, CA)
Trongale, Nicholas A. - May 2001 Changes in Navy Leadership Theory and Practice: Post-Vietnam Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD Job Title: Chairman and CEO, PB Solutions Leadership, Research and Consulting (Coronado, CA)
Twomey, Howard D. - May 2004 Two Perspectives on the Effectiveness of an Entry-Level Community Rehabilitation Training Program: A Comparison of Student and Supervisorial Perceptions Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Self-Consultant, San Diego State University Foundation (CA)
Ulloa-Heath, Julie - May 2003 Leadership Behaviors and Communication Satisfaction: Community Colleges in Micronesia Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD
Valdez, Shelly Marks - May 2003 Looking Forward, Looking Back, Looking Inward: Lessons From Vital Women Leaders in Old Age Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Director of Regional Intersegmental Collaboration, California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-Pass) (Encinitas, CA)
Valle, MarĂa Emilia - May 1984 Public Education in Baja California in Tijuana’s First School Chair: Patricia A. Lowry, PhD
Vela, Noelia - May 1989 A Delphi Study of California Community College Counselors' Responsibilities and Competencies for the 1990's as Perceived by Chief Student Services Administrators Chair: Wallace Cohen, EdD Job Title: President/Superintendent, Cerritos College (Norwalk, CA)
Villarreal, Beatriz M. - May 1989 An Analysis of the Special Education Services for Children and Youth in Costa Rica Chair: Janet R. Writer, PhD Job Title: Program Director, Mano a Mano Foundation (Encinitas, CA)
Vonder, Timothy S. - May 1992 Constructing and Testing Practical Procedures for Describing a Corporate Culture: The Electric Troublemen Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Senior Forecaster, San Diego Gas and Electric (San Diego, CA)
Waite, Lori - May 2004 Implementing Student Learning Outcomes: The Link To Accreditation In California Community Colleges Chair: Job Title: Dean, Counseling Services and Matriculation, Chaffey College (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
Waller, Katherine - May 1988 Organizing for Change: An Assessment of Organization Development Activities of Training Consultants Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Associate Director, John Ahlers Center for International Business, Univeristy of San Diego (CA)
Walling, Dana M. - May 1994 Spirituality and Leadership Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Wang, Yanping - May 2004 The Effects of Teachers' Flow Experiences on the Cognitive Engagement of Students Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Principal, Hjorth Road Elementary School, School District #36 (British Columbia, Canada)
Warn, Karen Jil - August 1994 A Model Part-time Bachelor's Degree Program for Adults at California Public Research Institutions Chair: Mary Woods Scherr, PhD
Warren, Marian H. - January 1987 Influences Affecting Career/Life Planning Aspirations as Perceived by Intellectually Gifted, Ethnically Diverse Adolescent Girls: A Case Study Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Roosevelt City School District (Roseville, CA)
Williams, Ronald E. - May 1989 A Study of the Impact of a Quality Circle on a Public Secondary School in Southern California Chair: Phillip O. Hwang, PhD Job Title: Point Loma Nazarene University (San Diego, CA)
Williams, Sheila Quinlan - August 1991 A Study of Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study of Intended Changes Within the County Government of San Diego Chair: Joseph C. Rost, PhD
Wilson, Robert James - May 2001 School-Based Management in Alberta: Perceptions of Public School Leaders 1994-1997 Chair: Mary M. Williams, EdD Job Title: Wilson Reading & Learning (San Diego, CA)
Winn, Jade G. - May 2005 Global Citizenship as a Function of Higher Education: The Demographic and Institutional Determinates in a Graduate Student Population Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Reference & Outreach Librarian; Assistant Professor, Copley Library, University of San Diego (CA)
Wirkus, Stephen R. - May 1991 The Leadership Process and Its Effects on Self-Managed Work Groups in American Manufacturing Companies Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: Director, Quality and Analytical Chemistry, Drug Eluting Stents, for Guidant Corporation's Vascular Intervention (VI) Group (Temecula, CA)
Won Pat, Judith T. - May 2005 To Be Or Not To Be: Status of Guam's Middle Schools Chair: Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Senator and Minority Leader, 28th Guam Legislature; Adjunct Professor, University of Guam
Woolston, Rebecca L. - May 2001 Faculty Perceptions of Dean Transitions: Does Trust Matter? An Interpretive Case Study of Organizational Trust and Organizational Culture Chair: Daniel M. Miller, PhD
Wright, Debra Jill - January 1995 Meeting Graduate Student Needs Through Alternative Programs: An Analysis of the Impact of Factors Related to Student Choice Chair: Johanna S. Hunsaker, PhD Job Title: Online Faculty Development Specialist, San Diego Community College District (CA)
Zhu, Nian Q. - August 2001 The Effects of Teachers' Flow Experiences on the Cognitive Engagement of Students Co-Chairs: Larry E. Frase, EdD and Fred J. Galloway, EdD Job Title: Principal, Alternate Education, Chilliwack School District (British Columbia, Canada)
Zoll, James Gregory - May 1990 A Learning Center Assessment Tool for the Assessment of Academic Services of a Private Learning Center Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Principal, St. Helena High School (CA)
Zoll, Sally Ann Draper - May 1990 An Evaluation Instrument for the Selection of an Integrated Learning System Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: CEO, United Through Reading (San Diego, CA)
Zomalt, Gary Dean - May 1997 Implementation of Continuous Quality Improvement in a Community Mental Health Center: Effect on Morale Chair: Susan M. Zgliczynski, PhD Job Title: Director, Child and Family Services, Fresno City (CA)
Zylmans, Adriana Cornelia Theresia - May 1991 Ethnic Inclusion Strategies for the World Affairs Council: A Case Study Chair: William P. Foster, EdD Job Title: School of Education, Curriculum Department, University of British Columbia (Canada)
Appendix A
Graduating Classes
May 1982 Mattes, Lawrence Joel August 1983 Prentiss, Gail January 1984 Green, Judith Turnbull MuĂąoz Mathews, Rachel May 1984 Cameron, George James Cosgrove, Thomas John Judy, Barbara B. Valle, MarĂa Emilia January 1985 Jorgensen, Sharalee Cressaty May 1985 Parlin, Patricia R. January 1986 Tiedmann, David Alan May 1986 Blade, Melinda K. Clark, Karen Lee LeWinter, Barbara W. McNeil, Teresa Baksh Sayre, Shay Shine, William P. January 1987 Atherton, Jeanne Davis Bader, Gloria E. Fitch, Suzanne Gallen, Joseph P. Goodyear, Rosemary Jenner, Paula J. Johnson, Florence E. Warren, Marian H. May 1987 Fouzan, Ebrahim A. Freiberg, Kevin L. Kaeser,. Miriam F., O.S.F Kodiath, Alex Patton, Lynette A. Pejza, John P. Royal, Nancy Le Sanders Scopinich, June Townsend Smith, Anthony F. August 1987 Hanes, John W. Keri, Madeline Mary
January 1988 Newton, Anna R. Rangel, Lyle May 1988 Broderick, Barbara Coulter Edwin, Judith Watlington King, Rita M. Skordas, Marilyn Ann Sykoff, Lawrence S. Waller, Katherine August 1988 Amador, Sherrill Lea Hatfield Harvard, Patricia A. Kelly, Paula C. McClure, Diane Berger January 1989 Grauer, Stuart R. Sargent, Susan Jean Tarkington, Stephanie A. May 1989 Baker, Linda Linstrom Dearstone, Terry M. Harrington, James Joseph Hendrickson, Richard L. Kelly, James F., Jr Miszak, Joan A. Pendleton, Bertha Ousley Vela, Noelia Villarreal, Beatriz M. Williams, Ronald E. August 1989 Scott, Mary Elizabeth January 1990 Babigumira, Daniel M. Barker, Richard A. Moore, Patricia. A. May 1990 Allen, Kathleen E. Beagles, Ruth Harrigan Boggs, Dallas B. Chrispeels, Janet A. Hageman Fink, Robert A. Ford, James H. Francis, Candice Ann Haugen, Nan Elizabeth Marinoble, Rita Powers, Mary Alicia Singleton, Sandra L. Strattan, Judith Anne Zoll, James Gregory Zoll, Sally Ann Draper
August 1990 Carlow, John Joseph, II Hamel, Elisabeth J. Jones, Elizabeth G. Klein, Maria Theresa January 1991 Salerno, Carolyn F. May 1991 Connell, Earl Wayne Hett, E. Jane Mattox, Joseph E. McDaniels, Ophelia B. Skalbeck, Karen Louise Wirkus, Stephen R. Zylmans Adriana Cornelia Theresia August 1991 Bottroff-Hawes, Sally J. Stonebreaker, Kristen M. Tan, Henry Heng-Lee Williams, Sheila Quinlan January 1992 Conant, Janet L. Krohne, Kathleen Anne Matheson, Roderick Reid Priest, Pamela Jeanne May 1992 Bishop, Helen H. Grant, Alan J. Mitchell, Dianette T. Vonder, Timothy S. August 1992 Camberg, Cynthia L. Knowlton, Lois Margaret January 1993 Brice, Ronald W. Harrington, Nicki Trent, Barbara May 1993 Bรกrcena, Carmen Mestas Fromm, Linell Blair Gavares, Danell Scarborough Shippey, Ethelyn Elliott
August 1993 Fasci, Stanley Dominick Peterson, Theresa M.
January 1994 Caspi, Leslie Lawrence Gilliss, Barbara E. Schoenfeld, Ralph R. May 1994 Bray, Peter J. Freiberg, Jacquelyn A. Glazer, Jeffrey William Mitchell, Susan E. Nelson, Alan E. Rogers, Anita M. Walling, Dana M. August 1994 Davies, Jon S. Jeffries, Jennifer L. Warn, Karen Jil January 1995 Israel, R. Daniel Wright, Debra Jill May 1995 Caouette, Alyson Brenda Marie Cullinane, Debra MacRenato, Suzanne West Martin, Port Robert Rauner, Judith Starr Robbins, Steven Blue Schmidt, Verna Veronica Skube, Kathryn Dorothy August 1995 Hill, Sandra January 1996 Halsey, Victoria W. Player, Douglas George May 1996 Fitzpatrick, Jacqueline Jachym Johnston, Susan H. L. Littrell, Janet L. Gonzales, Adolfo Martel, Mary Juliet McLaughlin, Dorene Casey Secrist, Jan January 1997 Berger, Karen J. January 1997 (cont.) Ellefson, Inge Mora, Elva Hernandez Preston, Frederick Arnold Spadaro, Antonia J.
May 1997 Barker, Herbert J. Bennett, Sally Jean Cecil, Christine Zomalt, Gary Dean August 1997 Carlson, Elisa Maureen Sandra Mendoza, Pablo J. Raffa, Joseph V. January 1998 Brydges, Richard Ross Finley, Norina E. May 1998 Ashden, Richard N. Barker, Sheridan L. Cardinal, Phyllis Susan Ann Deas, Edwin Doonan, Joanna Ruth Garcia, Piedad Getz, Cheryl A. Knapp, Judith Lorenzo, Virgil M. Maguire, Nance A. Romo, Jaime J. Santos Nacu, Juanita T. Siciliani, Robert W. August 1998 Lindquist, Dean G. Moffitt, Brian W. T. Ries, Isabel January 1999 Eder, Clara H. Gyan, Pearl Anjanee Hopkins, Paulette Wong May 1999 Beach, Diane Lee Coffman, Jodi P. Dentico, John Paul Lindsay, Mary Mays, Angie Sax, Caren L. Stanger, Louise A. August 1999 Remy, Mark Nicholas Shields, Jan May 2000 Coskey, Laurie Eldred, Lynn M. Lally, Theresa L. Law, William E. Lincoln, Barbara Crummer
May 2000 (cont.) Makokis, Patricia Ann Mestinsek, Roger M. August 2000 Preimesberger, Jennifer January 2001 Hoey, Douglas Archibald May 2001 Agan, Donna L. Conroy, William F., III Friedrichs, Charles Germaine, Ron W. Jenkins, John R. Kornuta, Halyna M. Makokis, Leona J. McDonald, Nan L. Padulo, Mary Kimberly Peacock, Robert M. Ponce, Gregorio A. Trongale, Nicholas A. Wilson, Robert James Woolston, Rebecca L.
August 2001 Bergstrome, Scott E. Girvin, Charles R., III Powell, O. Yvonette Murrell Zhu, Nian Q. January 2002 Bowers Smith, Susan L. Flores, Nieves Pangelinan May 2002 Basilio, Edwin L. Bowden, A. Greg Campbell, Brenda Wright Gillan, Constance A. Lubofsky, David J. Murphy, Andre D. Noyes, David A. Siefert, Linda August 2002 Fraher, Amy L. January 2003 Barnes, Kurt Duoto, Mike Kaczmarski, Mary Ann Sloan, Ella F. May 2003 Borin, Wayne E. Chiriboga-Hahn, Christina
May 2003 (cont.) Clark, Robert Scott Dowd, Bonnie Ann Eckmann, Helen Hays Ferrone, Jenny K. Gillespie, Rebecca Guillermo, Maribel Haroun, Lezlee Jordan, Lilly "Ericka" Marriot, Donna Payment, Susan H. Rechebei, Elizabeth Diaz Richards-Wilson, Stephani San Nicholas, Evangeline Quitugua Santos, Michelle Sanders Schell, Emily M. Stump, Gregory G. Ulloa-Heath, Julie Valdez, Shelly Marks
May 2006 Gerald B. Blanton Sheri L. Guseman Terrance Eugene Hammond Mary M. Shea Steven L. Smith Teresa L. Spoulos Deborah M. Toups
August 2003 Charles J. Algaier
May 2007 Eliazer Ayala-Austin Ginger Lee Blackmon David Robert Blair Robert Lee Brown Paige Litton Creager Kathleen Czech Catriona Collins Moran James Patrick O'Brien Patricia Ann Taepke
January 2004 Brian C. Matthews Minareta Moananu Thompson May 2004 Edward Bowen Juanita M. Browne Jeffrey A. Carlstead Jimmie L. Ellis Alana M. Nicastro Howard D. Twomey Lori Waite Yanping Wang August 2004 David Herrera May 2005 Tiffany N. Carpenter Douglas E. Fenner Jo Ann Grant Kevin Andrew Igasaki Janet M. Jones T.C. Kao Darren J. McGlynn Derek N. Noether Patrick M. Schwerdtfeger Patrick Ubal Tellei Jade G. Winn Judith T. Won Pat August 2005 Richard Newman
August 2006 Tricia Bertram Gallant Rebecca McBride Bustamante Kenneth J. Marra Kevin Petti Jodi Ann Robledo January 2007 Madeline G. Meistrich Raymond B. Roll
Appendix B
Graduates: Listed by Dissertation Chair
Abascal-Hildebrand, Mary Jo Herbert J. Barker – May 1997 Sally Jean Bennett – May 1997 Phyllis Susan Ann Cardinal – May 1998 Christine Cecil – May 1997 Joanna Ruth Doonan – May 1998 Norina E. Finley – January 1998 Jacqueline Jachym Fitzpatrick – May 1996 Piedad Garcia – May 1998 Cheryl A. Getz – May 1998 Judith Knapp – May 1998 Virgil M. Lorenzo – May 1998 Jaime J. Romo – May 1998 Antonia J. Spadaro – January 1997 Ammer, Jerome J. Nieves Pangelinan Flores – January 2002 Rebecca Gillespie – May 2003 Joseph V. Raffa – August 1997 Barnes, Donna Leslie Lawrence Caspi – January 1994 Cohen, Wallace Sherrill Lea Hatfield Amador – August 1988 Jeanne Davis Atherton – January 1987 Candice AnnFrancis – May 1990 Paula J. Jenner – January 1987 Lynette A. Patton – May 1987 Kristen M. Stonebreaker – August 1991 Judith Anne Strattan – May 1990 Noelia Vela – May 1989 Collins, Kathleen Helen Hays Eckmann – May 2003 Cordeiro, Paula A. Scott E. Bergstrome – August 2001 Bonnie Ann Dowd – May 2003 David Herrera – August 2004 Theresa L. Lally – May 2000 Leona J. Makokis – May 2001 DeRoche, Edward F. Kurt Barnes – January 2003 Mary Ann Kaczmarski – January 2003 T. C. Kao – May 2005 Gregorio A. Ponce – May 2001 Emily M. Schell – May 2003 Patrick M. Schwerdtfeger – May 2005 Deborah M. Toups – May 2006 Donmoyer, Robert Edwin L. Basilio – May 2002 Jeffrey A. Carlstead – May 2004 William F. Conroy III. – May 2001 Jimmie L. Ellis – May 2004 Amy L. Fraher – August 2002
Donmoyer, Robert (cont.) Charles R. Girvin III. – August 2001 Terrance Eugene Hammond – May 2006 Brian C. Matthews – Jan 2004 Darren J. McGlynn – May 2005 Catriona Collins Moran – May 2007 Andre D. Murphy – May 2002 Derek R. Noether – May 2005 James Patrick O'Brien – May 2007 Susan H. Payment – May 2003 Steven L. Smith – May 2006 Patrick Ubal Tellei – May 2005 Minareta Moananu Thompson – January 2004 Donnellan, Anne M. Jodi Ann Robledo – August 2006 Foster, William P. Kathleen E. Allen – May 1990 Richard A. Barker – January 1990 Ruth Harrigan Beagles – May 1990 Cynthia L. Camberg – August 1992 George James Cameron – May 1984 Janet A. Hageman Chrispeels – May 1990 Karen Lee Clark - May 1986 Terry M. Dearstone – May 1989 Judith Turnbull Muñoz Green – January 1984 Elisabeth J. Hamel – August 1990 John W. Hanes – August 1987 Paula C. Kelly – August 1988 Madeline Mary Keri – August 1987 Diane Berger McClure – August 1988 Ophelia B. McDaniels – May 1991 Mary Alicia Powers – May 1990 June Townsend Scopinich – May 1987 Timothy S. Vonder – May 1992 Katherine Waller – May 1998 Stephen R. Wirkus – May 1991 Adriana Cornelia Theresia Zylmans – May 1991 Frase, Larry E. (SDSU Faculty) Alyson Brenda Marie Caouette – May 1995 Nian Q. Zhu – August 2001 (co-chair) Galloway, Fred J. David Robert Blair – May 2007 Wayne E. Borin – May 2003 Edward Bowen – May 2004 Robert Lee Brown – May 2007 Brenda Wright Campbell – May 2002 Tiffany N. Carpenter – May 2005 Kathleen Czech – May 2007 Sheri L. Guseman – May 2006 Kevin Andrew Igasaki – May 2005 John R. Jenkins – May 2001 David J. Lubofsky – May 2002 Kenneth J. Marra – August 2006 Kevin Petti – August 2006
Galloway, Fred J. (cont.) Stephani Richards-Wilson – May 2003 Raymond B. Roll - January 2007 Evangeline Quitugua San Nicholas – May 2003 Michelle Sanders Santos – May 2003 Mary M. Shea – May 2006 Linda Siefert – May 2002 Teresa L. Spoulos – May 2006 Howard D. Twomey – May 2004 Yanping Wang – May 2004 Jade G. Winn – May 2005 Judith T. Won Pat – May 2005 Nian Q. Zhu – August 2001 (co-chair) Gelb, Steven A Diane Lee Beach – May 1999 Elisa Maureen Sandra Carlson – August 1997 Mary Lindsay – May 1999 Brian W. T. Moffitt – August 1998 Steven Blue Robbins – May 1995 Ella F. Sloan – January 2003 Howe, William III Caren L. Sax – May 1999 Hubbard, Lea Ginger Lee Blackmon – May 2007 Tricia Bertram Gallant – August 2006 Paige Litton Creager – May 2007 Hunsaker, Johanna S. Carmen Mestas Bárcena – May 1993 Gerald B. Blanton – May 2006 Juanita M. Browne – May 2004 Rebecca McBride Bustamante – August 2006 Laurie Coskey – May 2000 Lynn M. Eldred – May 2000 Douglas E. Fenner – May 2005 James F. Kelly, Jr – May 1989 Kathleen Anne Krohne – January 1992 Barbara Crummer Lincoln – May 2000 Alana M. Nicastro – May 2004 O.Yvonette Murrell Powell – August 2001 Elizabeth Diaz Rechebei – May 2003 Jan Secrist – May 1996 Louise A. Stanger – May 1999 Patricia Ann Taepke – May 2007 Julie Ulloa-Heath – May 2003 Shelly Marks Valdez – May 2003 Debra Jill Wright – January 1995 Hwang, Philip O. Ronald E. Williams – May 1989 Infantino, Robert L. Charles J. Algaier – August 2003 Inge Ellefson – January 1997 Charles Friedrichs – May 2001 Rita M. King – May 1988
Infantino, Robert L. (cont.) Janet L. Littrell – May 1996 Madeline G Meistrich – January 2007 Patricia R. Parlin – May 1985 Carolyn F. Salerno – May 1991 Stephanie A. Tarkington – January 1989 Johnson, Ronn Angie Mays – May 1999 Mark Nicholas Remy – August 1999 Kujawa, Edward Jr. Richard N. Ashden, – May 1998 Sally J. Bottroff-Hawes – August 1991 Ronald W. Brice – January 1993 Janet L. Conant – January 1992 Nicki Harrington – January 1993 Elizabeth G. Jones – August 1990 Port Robert Martin – May 1995 Roderick Reid Matheson – January 1992 Joseph E. Mattox – May 1991 Nan L. McDonald – May 2001 Patricia A. Moore – January 1990 Lyle Rangel – January 1988 Ralph R. Schoenfeld – January 1994 Mary Elizabeth Scott – August 1989 Jan Shields – August 1999 Lawrence S. Sykoff – May 1988 Barbara Trent – January 1993 Latta, Raymond (SDSU Faculty) Roger M. Mestinsek – May 2000 Douglas George Player – January 1996 Lowry, Patricia A. Melinda K. Blade – May 1986 Barbara Coulter Broderick – May 1988 Adolfo Gonzales – May 1996 Nan Elizabeth Haugen – May 1990 Sandra Hill – August 1995 Barbara B. Judy – May 1984 William E. Law – May 2000 Teresa Baksh McNeil – May 1986 Jennifer Preimesberger – August 2000 Sandra L. Singleton – May 1990 María Emilia Valle – May 1984 Miller, Daniel M. Christina Chiriboga-Hahn – May 2003 Mike Duoto – January 2003 Jenny K. Ferrone – May 2003 Janet M. Jones – May 2005 Lilly "Ericka" Jordan – May 2003 David A. Noyes – May 2002 Gregory G. Stump – May 2003 Rebecca L. Woolston – May 2001 Morrison, Jack Thomas John Cosgrove – May 1984
Nelson, Robert E. Ebrahim A. Fouzan – May 1987 James Joseph Harrington – May 1989 Piland, William E. (SDSU Faculty) Edwin Deas – May 1998 Frederick Arnold Preston – January 1997 Perrakis, Athena I. Eliazer Ayala-Austin – May 2007 Rhoads, Rosalie Rachel Mathews – January 1984 Rost, Joseph C. Daniel M. Babigumira – May 1990 Gloria E. Bader – January 1987 Karen J.Berger – January 1997 Helen H. Bishop – May 1992 Dallas B. Boggs – May 1990 Peter J. Bray – May 1994 Jon S. Davies – August 1994 John Paul Dentico – May 1990 Robert A. Fink – May 1990 James H. Ford – May 1990 Jacquelyn A. Freiberg – May 1994 Kevin L. Freiberg – May 1987 Danell Scarborough Gavares – May 1993 Barbara E. Gilliss – January 1994 Jeffrey William Glazer – May 1994 Stuart R. Grauer – January 1989 Patricia A. Harvard – August 1988 Richard L. Hendrickson – May 1989 R. Daniel Israel – May 1995 Jennifer L. Jeffries – August 1994 Florence E. Johnson – January 1987 Sharalee Cressaty Jorgensen – January 1985 Miriam F. Kaeser, O.S.F. – May 1987 Alex Kodiath – May 1987 Mary Juliet Martel – May 1996 Joan A. Miszak – May 1989 Dianette T. Mitchell – May 1992 Alan E. Nelson – May 1994 Anna R. Newton – January 1988 John P. Pejza – May 1987 Bertha Ousley Pendleton – May 1989 Theresa M. Peterson – August 1993 Gail Prentiss – August 1983 Shay Sayre – May 1986 William P. Shine – May 1986 Karen Louise Skalbeck – May 1991 Anthony F. Smith – May 1987 Henry Heng-Lee Tan – August 1991 Dana M. Walling – May 1994 Sheila Quinlan Williams – August 1991 Rowell, Lonnie L. Jo Ann Grant – May 2005 Robert M. Peacock – May 2001
Scherr, Mary Woods Sheridan L. Barker – May 1998 A. Greg Bowden – May 2002 Debra Cullinane – May 1995 Linell Blair Fromm – May 1993 Constance A. Gillan – May 2002 Victoria W. Halsey – January 1996 Lezlee Haroun – May 2003 E. Jane Hett – May 1991 Susan H. L. Johnston – May 1996 Lois Margaret Knowlton – August 1992 Halyna M. Kornuta – May 2001 Suzanne West MacRenato – May 1995 Patricia Ann Makokis – May 2000 Rita Marinoble – May 1990 Donna Marriot – May 2003 Susan E. Mitchell – May 1994 Mary Kimberly Braun Padulo – May 2001 Judith Starr Rauner – May 1995 Isabel Ries – August 1998 Verna Veronica Schmidt – May 1995 Nicholas A. Trongale – May 2001 Karen Jil Warn – August 1994 Strunk, DeForest Lawrence Joel Mattes – May 1982 Williams, Mary M. Susan L. Bowers Smith – January 2002 Robert Scott Clark – May 2003 Ron W. Germaine – May 2001 Douglas Archibald Hoey – January 2001 Dean G. Lindquist – August 1998 Nance A. Maguire – May 1998 Robert James Wilson – May 2001 Writer, Janet R. Beatriz M. Villarreal – May 1989 Zgliczynski, Susan M. Donna L. Agan – May 2001 Linda Linstrom Baker – May 1989 Richard Ross Brydges – January 1998 John Joseph Carlow, II – August 1990 Jodi P. Coffman – May 1999 Earl Wayne Connell – May 1991 Clara H. Eder – May 1999 Judith Watlington Edwin – May 1988 Stanley Dominick Fasci – August 1993 Suzanne Fitch – January 1987 Joseph P. Gallen – January 1987 Rosemary Goodyear – January 1987 Alan J. Grant – May 1992 Maribel Guillermo – May 2003 Pearl Anjanee Gyan – January 1999 Paulette Wong Hopkins – January 1999 Maria Theresa Klein – August 1990 Barbara W. LeWinter – May 1986 Dorene Casey McLaughlin – May 1996
Zgliczynski, Susan M. (cont.) Pablo J. Mendoza – August 1997 Elva Hernandez Mora – January 1997 Pamela Jeanne Priest – January 1992 Anita M. Rogers – May 1994 Nancy Le Sanders Royal – May 1987 Juanita T. Santos Nacu – May 1998 Susan Jean Sargent – January 1989 Ethelyn Elliott Shippey – May 1993 Robert W. Siciliani – May 1998 Marilyn Ann Skordas – May 1988 Kathryn Dorothy Skube – May 1995 David Alan Tiedmann – January 1986 Waite, Lori – May 2005 Marian H. Warren – January 1987 James Gregory Zoll – May 1990 Sally Ann Draper Zoll – May 1990 Gary Dean Zomalt – May 1997