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Curriculum Vita Paula A. Cordeiro School of Leadership Education Sciences University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110 619-260-4540 EDUCATION 1986-1990 1976-1979 1972-1976

Ed.D. M.Ed. B.S.

University of Houston, Texas, Administration and Supervision Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island, TESOL Bridgewater State College, Massachusetts, Elementary Education

EXPERIENCE 1998-present

Professor and Dean, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego


Associate/Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, School of Education (tenure granted 1996) •Department of Educational Leadership, Graduate Courses •1992-1996 Educational Administration Program Coordinator •1990-1997 Facilitator Danforth/Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program •1990-1993 University of Connecticut Professional Development Center (PDC) Coordinator for the Manchester Public Schools •Sixth-Year and Doctoral Advisor


University of Houston, main campus and Clear Lake campus Adjunct Professor/ Doctoral Student


Adjunct Professor, ESL, Houston Community College


Director, Office of International Education, University of Houston, College of Education/Doctoral Student


Director (Headmistress): American School of Las Palmas, Spain, grades PK-12.


ESL Coordinator/Assistant Director: American School of Las Palmas, Spain.


ESL Coordinator, Escuela Bella Vista, Maracaibo, Venezuela.


ESL Instructor, Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill, MA

Paula A. Cordeiro



ESL Instructor, New Bedford Skill Center, New Bedford, Massachusetts. (Adult Education)

BOOKS Cunningham, W. & Cordeiro, P. (2002 [2nd ed.]; 2004 [3rd ed.]; 2008 [4th Ed.]). Introduction to educational administration: A problem-based approach. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Cordeiro, P. (Ed.) (1996). Boundary Crossings: Educational partnerships and school leadership. Newbury Park, CA: Jossey-Bass. Cordeiro, P., Reagan, T., & Martinez, L. (1994). Multiculturalism and TOE: Addressing cultural diversity in schools. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press. (Abstracted in EAQ Abstracts: Vol.29, No.3, July 1994.) Translated into Japanese 2003, Chinese, 2004, Arabic, 2005. BOOK CHAPTERS Taylor, D., Cordeiro, P., & Chrispeels, J. (in press 2008) An analysis of the Research on Pedagogy in Educational Leadership Programs. In Young, Crow, Murphy & Ogawa (Editors), Handbook on Research of the Education of School Leaders. Lawrence Erlbaum. Cordeiro, P. (1999 [2nd Edition]; 1994 ). Leadership in program development. In L.W. Hughes (Ed.), The principal as instructional leader. New York: Macmillan. Cordeiro, P., & Furey, E. (1998). Issues of gender and the abuse of people with mental retardation. In E. Furey (Ed.), Abuse and neglect of people with mental retardation. Columbus, OH: IDS Publishing Corporation. Cordeiro, P., Krueger, J., Parks, D., Restine, L.N., & Wilson, P. (1993). Taking stock: Learning gleaned from universities participating in the Danforth program. In M. Milstein (Ed.), Changing the way we prepare educational leaders: The Danforth experience. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press. Bitting, P., Cordeiro, P., & Baptiste, H.P. (1992). Philosophical and conceptual issues related to students at risk. In H.P. Baptiste, J. Walker de Felix, J.A.E. Anderson, & H.C. Waxman (Eds.), Students at risk in at risk schools. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press. Hooker, R., & Cordeiro, P. (1991). Facilitating the acquisition of political knowledge. In B. Barnett, F. McQuarrie, & C. Norris (Eds.), The moral imperatives of leadership: A focus on human decency. National Policy Board for Educational Administration. REFEREED ARTICLES Cordeiro, P. (2007). A modest proposal for the improvement of scholarship in internationalizing teacher education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31(1) 151-154. Cordeiro, P., & Sloan, E.S. (1996). Administrative interns as legitimate participants in the community of practice. Journal of School Leadership, 6 (1), 4-29. Carspecken, P., & Cordeiro, P. (1995). Being, doing and becoming: Textual interpretation of social identity and a case study. Qualitative Inquiry, 1(1), 42-55. Cordeiro, P. (1995). Supervision as staff and program development: Changing the metaphor. CASCD Journal, 12 (1), 96-100. Cordeiro, P. (1994, December). Educational leaders as cultural brokers. Organizational theory dialogue, a special interest group of AERA. Indiana University. (An invited response to the work of Benjamin Levin.) Cordeiro, P., & Shibles, M. (1993). Educational reform and politics in Connecticut.

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International Journal of Educational Research, 2 (4), 377-383. Cordeiro, P.A., & Carspecken, P.F. (1993). How a minority of the minority succeed: A case study of twenty Hispanic achievers. Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 6 (4), 278-290. McDougall, D., & Cordeiro, P. (1993). Effects of random questioning expectations on community college students' preparedness for lecture and discussion. Community/Junior College Journal of Research and Practice, 17 (1), 39-49. McDougall, D., & Cordeiro, P. (1992). Effects of random questioning on education majors' preparedness for lecture and discussion. College Student Journal, 26 (2), 193-198. McDougall, D., & Cordeiro, P. (1992). College students' preparedness for lecture and discussion: Effects of random questioning expectations. The Teacher Educator, 27 (3), 33-40. Cordeiro, P. (1991). An ethnography of high achieving at-risk Hispanic youths at two urban high schools: Implications for administrators. The NERA Researcher, 29 (3), 2-6. EDITORSHIPS Quezada, R., & Cordeiro, P. (Guest Editors) (Winter 2007) Internationalizing schools and colleges of education: Educating teachers for global awareness. Teacher Education Quarterly 34(1). ESSAY REVIEWS Cordeiro, P., & Reagan, T. (1994). Educational reform and multiculturalism: A critical essay review of books. International Journal of Educational Reform, 3 (2), 244-247. DISSERTATION Cordeiro, P. (1990). Growing away from the barrio: An ethnography of high achieving at risk Hispanic youths at two urban high schools. The University of Houston. BOOK REVIEWS Thody, A. (1997). Leadership of Schools: Chief executives in education. Journal of Educational Administration. Andrews, H. A. (1996). Teachers can be fired! The quest for quality. Journal of Personnel Evaluation. (In press) Duke, D. (1995). Teacher evaluation policy: From accountability to professional development. Journal of Personnel Evaluation, 1996, Winter. Farrel, E. (1990). Hanging in and dropping out: Voices of the at-risk high school students. Educational Studies, 1991, Spring Vol. 22, No. 1. NON-REFEREED ARTICLES Cordeiro, P. (1986). Section: Romance languages, Asian languages, and languages of the Middle East. In S. Meakin (Ed.), Language and cultures in English language-based international schools. European Council of International Schools. Petersfield, England. Cordeiro, P., Smith, E., & Sutton, C. (1984). An alternative drilling strategy: The use of picture box drills in the elementary ESL classroom. English Teaching Forum, 22 (1), 44-46. Reprinted in 1984-1988 Anthology. TECHNICAL REPORTS

Paula A. Cordeiro


Cordeiro, P. & Kasai, D. (2001). The Multicultural International School. Report presented to the faculty, administration, staff and parents of the International School, Port of Spain Trinidad. Cordeiro, P. (1996). Evaluation Report of The Hole in the Wall Discovery Center Spring 1996 Educational Programs. New Haven: Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund. Cordeiro, P., & Reagan, T. (1995). A qualitative evaluation of project concern. Hartford, CT: Hartford Board of Education. (Paid consulting.) Cordeiro, P. (1994). Twenty-four vignettes for the state department of education's principal's assessment grant. (Paid consulting.) Cordeiro, P. (1993). Evaluation of the Hartford/Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Spring Experience April 16-May 1. 1993. New Haven: Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund. Cordeiro, P. (1993). A descriptive report on an alternative education experience for innercity fifth graders at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. New Haven: Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund. (Paid consulting.) Cordeiro, P., Krueger, J., Parks, D., Restine, L.N., & Wilson, P. (1992). Taking stock: A study of the Danforth programs for the preparation of school principals. St. Louis, MO: The Danforth Foundation. Cordeiro, P., Krueger, J., Parks, D., Restine, L.N., & Wilson, P. (1992). Taking stock: A summary report on the Danforth programs for the preparation of school principals. St. Louis, MO: The Danforth Foundation. Cordeiro, P. (1990). Quality education: What is it? How much does it cost? Texas School Finance Symposium. Austin, TX. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS/PRESENTATIONS Cordeiro, P. Internationalizing a College of Education. (2004). A paper presented at the annual conference International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) Conference, Hong Kong, July 13-16. Cordeiro, P., Bloom, D., Englebrecht, G., Gonzalez, B., Kissock, C., & Wan, Y. (2003) A Call for the Internationalization of Teacher Education in an Era of Globalization. A paper presented at the annual ICET Conference, July 17-21. Melbourne Australia. Alexandrowicz, V., Cordeiro, P., Getz, C., Ji, M., Mantle, J., Rowell, L., & Woggon, R. (2002, November). Turning the Wheel: How One Principal Preparation Program is Restructuring a SchoOl of Education. A paper presented at the UCEA Conference in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Cordeiro, P. Donmoyer, R., Getz, C., Hansen, B., Williams, M. (2002). International Education and Colleges of Education: Educational Tourism or Enhancing Diversity? A paper presented at the Annual Conference of AACTE, New York, Feb. 23-26th. Cordeiro, P. (2001, April). Schools change: But do they improve? Keynote Address Houston Action Education Alliance, University of Houston. Cordeiro, P., Popinchalk, M., & Kasai, D. (2001 March). The multicultural, International School. Paradox? Possibility? Oxymoron? A paper presented at the Annual Convention for the Advancement of International Education. Miami, Florida. Cordeiro, P. (2000, April). National cultural values and their role in school leadership: A cross-case analysis of high school principals in six nations. Paper presented at the AERA

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conference in New Orleans, LA. Cordeiro, P. (1999, September). K-12 and higher education in San Diego and California. Presentation to Rotary International, San Diego. Cordeiro, P. (1999). The Next Generation of Faculty. Panel discussant at the Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education in Washington, D.C. Cordeiro, P., & Sjoberg, S. (1999). Engaging in Social Responsibility: Violence in US Schools. Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education in Washington, D.C. Cordeiro, P. (1998). Bibliography on the Superitendency. Paper presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA. O’Shea, M.M., & Cordeiro, P. A. (1998). Characteristics of high ability women who have achieved in the 95th percentile on the quantitative section of the scholastic achievement test. Paper presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA. Cordeiro, P. (1996, April). Simulated and authentic problem-based learning: Transforming administrative praxis. Paper presented at the AERA Conference in New York. Campbell, B., & Cordeiro, P. (1996, April). High school principal roles and implementation themes for mainstreaming information literacy instruction. Paper presented at AERA Conference in New York (presented by B. Campbell). Cordeiro, P., & Campbell, B. (1995, April). Problem-based learning as cognitive apprenticeship in educational administration. Paper presented at the AERA Conference in San Francisco, CA. Cappello, N., Mullarney, P., & Cordeiro, P. (1995, April). School choice: Four case studies of home school families. Paper presented at the AERA Conference in San Francisco, CA (presented by N. Cappello). Carmelich, R., Iwanicki, E., & Cordeiro, P. (1995, April). A study of what successful suburban high school principals do to enhance teaching and learning in their schools. Paper presented at the AERA Conference in San Francisco, CA (presented by R. Carmelich). Cordeiro, P., Kehrhahn, M., & Sheckley, B. (1995, February). Effectiveness and efficiency in graduate education: A case analysis. Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education Second Annual Conference International Forum for Quality in Higher Education in Daytona Beach, FL. (presented by B. Sheckley) Cordeiro, P., & Sloan, E.S. (1994, October). Learning about learning: Apprenticeships for administrative interns. Paper presented at the UCEA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Cordeiro, P., & Badiali, B. (1994, October). Problem-based learning in educational administration. Paper presented at the UCEA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

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Spaulding, C., Cordeiro, P., & Meagher, J. (1994, July). Innovative programs to foster leadership. Paper presented at the Region 1 Annual Conference of Phi Lambda Theta in Boston, MA. Furey, E., & Cordeiro, P. (1994, June). Nested connections: Gender differences in the abuse and neglect of adults with mental retardation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation in Boston, MA. Cordeiro, P., & Panicek, J. (1993, May). Strategies for the successful advancement of women and minorities. Paper presented at the annual NECEL Conference in Warwick, RI. Cordeiro, P., Boutilier, L., Panicek, J., & Salamone, A. (1993, February). The training of school administrators: The roles of practitioners, students and professors. ERIC Document EA 025-841. Paper presented at The American Association of School Administrators in Orlando, FL. Reagan, T., & Cordeiro, P. (1992, October). Metaphors for teaching: A case study of educational belief systems. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association in Pittsburgh, PA. (presented by T. Reagan) Cordeiro, P., Krueger, J., Parks, D., Restine, L.N., & Wilson, P. (1991, October). Symposium: Preliminary findings of a study of the Danforth programs for the preparation of principals: Implications for the profession. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration. Cordeiro, P. (1991, August). Taking stock: Pedagogy and content in Danforth supported principal preparation programs. Paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration annual conference in Fargo, ND. Cordeiro, P. (1991, April). An ethnography of high achieving at-risk Hispanic youths in two urban high schools: Implications for administrators. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual conference in Chicago, IL. This paper won the NERA Lorne Woollatt Distinguished Paper Award. Cordeiro, P. (1990, October). Growing away from the barrio: An ethnography of Hispanic high achievers: Implications for administrators. Paper presented at the meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. Cordeiro, P. (1990, November). Against the odds: At-risk high achieving Hispanic youths in two inner city high schools. Paper presented at the Northeastern Educational Research Association in Ellenville, NY. Cordeiro, P. (1990, Spring). Bandaid instruction: A tutorial program in a Texas school district. PDK Monograph, University of Houston Chapter, (4). Cordeiro, P. (1989, April). An ethnography of tutorial and support services in a Texas school district. Paper presented at the meeting of University of Houston Chapter of PDK in

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Houston, Texas. REVIEWS FOR CHOICE Mitchell, B. & Salsbury, M. (2000). Multicultural education in the United States. Boaz, D. (1991). Liberating schools: Education in the inner city. Caplan, P. J. (1993). Lifting a ton of feathers: A woman's guide for surviving in the academic world. Clune, W.H., & Witte, J.F. (1990). Choice and control in American education. Dryfoos, J. (1994). Full service schools. Ginsberg, M. (1991). Understanding educational reform in a global context. Hollingsworth, S. (1994). Teacher research and urban literacy education. Klein, S. (1992). Sex equity and sexuality in education. Leavitt, H. (1992). Issues and problems in teacher education: An international handbook. Meier, K., & Stewart, J. (1990). The politics of Hispanic education: Un Paso Pa' Lante y dos Pa' tras. Rafferty, J. R. (1992). Land of fair promise: Politics and reform in Los Angeles. Solomon, R. P. (1992). Black resistance in high school. Wasley, P. (1994). Stirring the chalk dust. Wolfe, L. R. (1991) Women, work and school.

Paula A. Cordeiro


WORKSHOPS/CONSULTANCIES February 2005 Keynote Speaker National Association of Independent Schools, San Diego CA. Topic: Internationalizing the K-12 school. August 2004 June 2004

Keynote Speaker: San Diego City Schools, Administrators Conference Topic: Principal Leadership San Diego Reads Conference, Keynote Speaker, San Diego, CA

May 2004 & October 2004

Philadelphia School District—Development of Principal Leadership Academy: Consultant

April 2001

Issues in Educational Reform; How we organize Learning: Principles and Design for Leadership Preparation; The Professional Induction of Beginning Principals: A Multi-National Study

September 2000

Adult learning: US Leadership Training Programs, University of Lincolnshire, England. Two day presentation to doctoral students

Fall, 1995Spring, 1996

Consultant: Inter-district Regional Magnet Middle School (Towns: Hartford, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, South Windsor, CT) Educational Specifications and Curriculum Framework


Long-Term Consultant: Plainville, West Hartford, Glastonbury and Manchester, CT. Topics: District Reorganization, Cultural Diversity, Gender Equity, Parent Involvement, Group Facilitation

April 1996

AERA Conference: New York City Presenter: Town Meeting Session - The Stand-Off: Educational Administrators Versus a Changing Student Population

January 1996

Workshop Presenter: Making Meetings Work, New Britain General Hospital, New Britain, CT. Audience: Supervisors

January 1996

Appointed as Adjunct Faculty at Graduate Level for the purpose of serving as an Associate Advisor on two dissertation committees, University of

Houston April 1995

AERA Conference: San Francisco Discussant: Creating Success: Studies of School Change

January 1995

Consultant: University of Houston, Department of Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies, - Department Reorganization Moving to a ProblemCentered Field-Based Preparation Program


Elementary/Middle School Principals' Association of Connecticut (EMSPAC) Principal Aspirants Committee - Co-chair

Paula A. Cordeiro


October 1994

Workshop Facilitator: The Danforth National Forum-Teaching in Educational Administration, Philadelphia, PA

June 1994 and June 1995 April 1994

Facilitator: Administrator's Three-Day Retreat, Plainville Public Schools. Topic: Multicultural Education, June 1994; Literacy, June 1995 Planning Committee Member: UCEA/AERA Graduate Research Symposium

May 1993

Workshop Leader: Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens (HARC) -Issues of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

April 1993

Conference Chair: Leadership: Unification in Diversity, Department of Educational Leadership, University of Connecticut

March 1993

CAS Assistant Principals' Conference Presenter: Issues of Cultural Diversity: The Assistant Principal's Role

March 1993

NECEL Presentation - Warwick, Rhode Island with J. Panicek Strategies for the Successful Advancement of Women and Minorities

March 1992

Workshop Leader: Putnam, Connecticut Inservice for classroom teachers: Multiculturalism in Education

November 1991

Workshop Leader: Archdiocese of Connecticut School Administration in Culturally Diverse Settings

July 1991

Consultant/Presenter: One week in-service workshop for Hartford Public Schools. Multicultural Education as Global Education.

March 1990

Inservice workshop for classroom teachers with native Russian speaking students--Jewish Community Center, Houston, TX

August 1989

Pasadena Independent School District, Pasadena, TX: Two in-service workshops for high school and middle school social studies teachers Topic: Cooperative Learning

April 1989

Paper presentation and session chair: PDK, University of Houston Chapter

Four two-day regional workshops sponsored by: East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) held at: October 1988

Seoul Academy, Seoul, Korea, and International School,Manila,Philippines; and,

May 1988

Nagoya International School, Nagoya, Japan and Taipei American School, Taipei, Taiwan. Topics: Cross Cultural Aspects of Teaching; Mainstreaming ESL Students; ESL Program Design; the ESL Student in the Content Classroom. Target Audience: Content Area Teachers.

Paula A. Cordeiro


January 1988

Ventura, CA Unified School District: Leadership Workshop for School Administrators with Drs. William Georgiades and Larry Hughes

November 1986

Mediterranean Association of International Schools (MAIS) Conference, Rabat, Morocco: Administrators' Aspects of Classroom Management Workshop Leader: Sponsored by European Council of International Schools (ECIS):

November 1985

•Helsinki International School, Finland. Administrator and teacher inservice training including ESL program design and curriculum management. •St. John's International School, Waterloo, Belgium. Inservice training for foreign language teachers. May 1983 November 1983 November 1982

ESL Consultant: American School of Madrid: classroom observations; inservice presentation; program evaluation; program report and recommendations ECIS Rome Conference. Presentation: "The ESL Student in the Content Classroom." MAIS Conference, Tangiers, Morocco: Presented two workshops: Developing an ESL Program and Cross-Cultural Awareness.

AWARDS, BOARD MEMBERSHIPS, AND RELATED EXPERIENCE 2006-presnet Commissioner: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacremento 2007-present Board Member: James Irvine Foundation, San Francisco 2006-present Board Member: Francis Parker School (Pk-12) 2004-2006 Chair: San Diego Arts in Education Partnership 2004-present 2001-2003 2001 2000-01 1999 1999-2005 1999-2003 1998-present 1998

Board member: International Council for the Education of Teachers (ICET) Appointed as Commissioner to the National Commission for the Advancement of Educational Leadership. UCEA & the Johnson Foundation. Distinguished Alumnus Award, College of Education, University of Houston Appointed to the California State Task Force (CCTC) for Administrative Credentials Women in Industry Award, YWCA San Diego Board Member and President (9/00-present) – San Diego Council on Literacy Board Member – Academy of International School Heads Outside reviewer for Promotion and Tenure: New Mexico State; Temple University; University of Wisconsin, Madison; Syracuse University Awarded a Fellowship from the Commonwealth Council for Educational

Paula A. Cordeiro


Winter 1989-

Administration and Management (F.C.C.E.A.M.) Appointed by Connecticut Commissioner of Education to the State Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee UCEA Executive Board Member, President 1997-1998 AERA Conference Section Chair, New York - Division A Section: Teaching and Learning in Educational Administration University Council for Educational Administration - Conference Co-chair, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 27-29. CASCD Publication Committee Journal Co-Editor Advisory Committee Member - Center for School Change, Graustein Foundation Two-day Advanced Training Institute, Danforth-Johnson Scholar National Training Institute in PBL, San Francisco, CA UCEA Cases Project - Editorial Board Member Committee Member and Aspirants Conference Co-chair Elementary/Middle School Principals Association of Connecticut Member - Connecticut Statewide Committee--Improving Schools--State Department of Education Member - School Governance Team, Dwight School, Hartford Keynote Speaker - Capitol Region Mental Health Center, "Cultural Diversity in the Workplace" Member, Board of Directors – New England School Development Council (NESDEC), Sudbury, Massachusetts Keynote speaker at the Elementary and Middle Level Principals Annual Meeting of CAS. "The Changing Role of the Principal from a State Perspective." Chair, Board of Directors, Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Education Program Danforth-Johnson Scholar National Training Institute in Problem-Based Learning for Educational Administration, Stanford University Appointed by the Commissioner of Education to the Advisory Board of the Connecticut Leadership Academy Appointed to Executive Committee of the North East Coalition of Educational Leaders - Connecticut Affiliate - Liaison for Higher Education NERA Lorne Woollatt Distinguished Paper Award, Distinguished paper presented at AERA UCEA Plenary Representative Consultant to the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) (State Principals' Association) - Member, Board of Control Service Award-Phi Delta Kappa UH - College of Education Graduate Student Representative to University Council of Educational Administration, UCEA/AERA Graduate Student Seminar, San Francisco, California Assessor for four NASSP Assessment Center evaluations,

Summer 1985 1984-1985

Harvard Principal's Center - Summer Session at London University Editor - ECIS EFL Newsletter

Fall, 1995June 1996 1995-1998 1995-1996 1994-1995 1995-1998 1994-1998 April 1995 1994-1998 1994-1998 1994-1995 1994-1996 November 1994 1994-1997 January 1994 1991-1996 May 19-22, 1993 August 19921995 May 1992-1994 February 1991 1990-1996 September 19901998 May 1989 March 1989

Paula A. Cordeiro


JOURNAL REVIEWER/CONFERENCE PROPOSAL REVIEWER Journal of Hispanic Higher Education American Educational Research Journal (section on Social and Institutional Analysis) – Editorial Board Journal of Law and Education – Editorial Board Educational Administration Quarterly – Editorial Review Board Member Reviewer Journal of School Leadership - Editorial Review Board Member Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education – Book Review Editor, Journal Reviewer Co-Editor, CASCD Journal Journal of Qualitative Inquiry – Reviewer Educational Research Quarterly – Reviewer Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education – Reviewer CHOICE - Book Reviewer Conference Reviewer AASA - Conference-Within-A-Convention UCEA AERA - Divisions A, L (since 1996)

1005-present 2002 - 2006 1999 - present 1996-1999 1996 - present 1992 - 1998 1992 - 1999 1995 - 1997 1990 - 1992 1992 - 1996 1993 1990 - 2000 1990 - present

GRANTS Eli Broad Foundation and Bank of America - $6.2 million for the Educational Leadership Development Academy with San Diego City Schools Girard Foundation, San Diego – $10,000 for conference: Choice, Charters and Vouchers Danforth Foundation 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 total $23,000 4 grants for Principal Preparation Project 1 grant - Problem-Based Learning 1 grant - PDC Meeting, Columbia University with UCEA Newman's Own Foundation 1995 - $46,000 1 grant - Education Program at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp COURSES TAUGHT Graduate level: Adult Learning (created course - University of San Diego) Higher Education Administration (created course) (University of San Diego) The Development of Educational Partnerships (created course) (University of Connecticut) Administration of Schools in Multicultural Settings (created course) (University of Connecticut) The Principalship (University of Connecticut) Administration of Educational Organizations (University of Connecticut)

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Dissertation Seminar (University of San Diego) Policymaking Process (University of San Diego) Supervision of Educational Organizations (University of Connecticut) Leadership in Program and Curriculum Development (University of Connecticut) Educational Administration Issues and Research (University of Connecticut) Administrative Intern Supervisor (University of Connecticut) Basic Concepts in School Administration (University of Houston - main campus) History and Philosophy of Education (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Social, Legal and Ethical Foundations of Education (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Undergraduate level: Student Teaching Seminar (University of San Diego) Introduction to Teaching (University of Houston, main campus) Teaching Strategies for Elementary and Secondary Teachers (University of Houston, main campus) Student Teaching Supervisor (University of Houston, main campus) UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE WORK Chair, Search Committee-Dean of the Business School-fall 2004 Chair, Search Committee – Associate Vice President for Human Resources – USD, 2001 Chair, Search Committee – Director of Undergraduate Admissions – USD, 1999 Chair, Interdisciplinary Travel Committee – USD, 1998 – present Chair, University-wide Committee on Learning and Teaching, 1998 – present (University of San Diego Center for Learning and Teaching) Area Review Committee 1994-1998 Graduate Faculty Council - Department Representative 1994-1998 Faculty Senate Committee - Faculty Standards 1993-1998 100 Years of Women at UConn/University-Wide Committee; Committee Representative to Board of Regents Honorary Degree Committee 1991-1992 NCATE Accreditation Committees: Relationships With Schools; Fifth Year Planning Committee 1991-1992

ADMINISTRATION 1998 – present Dean – University of San Diego 1990-1997 UCAPP Facilitator – University of Connecticut 1992-1996 Educational Administration Section Coordinator – University of Connecticut 1990-1993 PDC Coordinator, Manchester, Connecticut STUDENTS COMPLETED/PROPOSALS SUBMITTED

Paula A. Cordeiro

Doctorate: Sixth-Year Diploma: Masters: Honors Thesis Advisor:


Major Advisor: 13 completed Associate Advisor: 44 completed 35 completed 1 completed 1 completed

CERTIFICATIONS Superintendent Principal K-12 Secondary English and Social Studies Elementary K-8 ESL K-12 Trained Assessor - National Association of Secondary School Principals MEMBERSHIPS International Council on the Education of Teachers (ICET) Commonwealth Council of Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE)

ACCREDITATION EXPERIENCE Team member for Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, International School of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (1998). NCATE/UCEA, University of Connecticut (1996). Team Member for Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, Robert E. Lee High School, Houston, Texas. Chair--Philosophy and Missions, ESL Sections (1989). Team Member for Middle States Association for Accreditation and European Council of Schools (ECIS): International School of Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Elementary, Secondary ESL and English sections (1988). American School of Las Palmas, steering committee chair for accreditation. Accreditation approved by New England Association of Schools and Colleges and ECIS (1985).

Paula A. Cordeiro

PERSONAL INFORMATION Languages: Spanish, Portuguese Travel: Europe, Central and South America, Africa, Far East


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