SOLES Horizons News Magazine

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FALL 2010

News Magazine


| USD school of leadership and education sciences

How graduate student research directly benefits our communities

Bringing hope to suffering children in Uganda: One student’s journey Page 10

Irvine Foundation Grant to fund Linked Learning training for district principals Page 8

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News Magazine | fall 2010

Horizons Paula A. Cordeiro, Ed.D., Dean Steven Gelb, Ph.D., Associate Dean Linda Dews, Assistant Dean Pelema I. Morrice, Director of Outreach and Recruitment, (Ph.D. Cand.) Gary A. Neiger, Director of Development and Alumni Relations Paula S. Krist, Ph.D., Director of Assessment Tedi Kostka, Credential Analyst Rondi Stein, M.B.A., Budget and Operations Manager

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4 | Feature Article: How Graduate Student Research Directly Benefits Our Communities 8 | SOLES Receives $800,000 Irvine Foundation Grant 9 | Student Spotlight: Alexander Lehman 10 | Doctoral Candidate Nathaniel Dunigan: From Politics to Social Entrepreneurship 12 | $300,000 Stuart Foundation Grant to Fund Principal Training and Support 13 | Donor News: The Magic of Matched Giving 14 | Around Hill Hall – Alumni News, Faculty News, SOLES Bookshelf 15 | Photo Gallery 16 | Upcoming Events

5998 AlcalĂĄ Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 Phone: (619) 260-4538

On the cover: Top photo (left to right): Cindy Martinez, graduate assistant; Tom Cesarini, graduate assistant; Robert Donmoyer, advisor; Nathaniel Dunigan, graduate assistant; Julie Cramer, graduate assistant; Zachary Green, advisor; Alex Lehman, graduate assistant; Taylor Roberts, graduate assistant; Fred Galloway, advisor; Maureen Guarcello, graduate assistant. Center photos (left to right): Nathanial Dunigan and Ugandan orphans. Bottom photos: Alexander Lehman; SOLES building.

From the Dean Dear SOLES Alumni and Friends, I am pleased to report that in just the last five years, the number of graduate research assistantships at SOLES has risen from three to fifteen. The reason for this exponential growth: Quality programs attract quality research assistants.

Paula A. Cordeiro, Ed. D.

Doctoral student researchers are the backbone of programs like ours that seek to have an immediate and significant impact on the communities we serve. The results of their research efforts attract academic recognition and media attention, which in turn serve to attract a new group of quality doctoral students. In this issue of Horizons, we spotlight four SOLES doctoral students whose research work is having this kind of impact: Julie Cramer, Center for Education Policy and Law (Downtown San Diego Library Charter School project), Nathaniel Dunigan, SOLES Global Center (, Paige Haber, Department of Leadership Studies, (SOLES Leadership Minor Reassessment Project), and Alexander Lehman, Educational Leadership Development Academy (Stuart Foundation Linked Learning Grant). In addition, we are grateful to acknowledge generous grants from The Irvine Foundation and the Stuart Foundation, which will assist our Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) in training educators to meet the challenges of today’s classrooms. Saludos,

Paula A. Cordeiro, Ed.D. Dean and Professor

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Doctoral Research Assistantships


Feature article

How graduate research is providing the SOLES centers and institutes When Paula Cordeiro first

began her tenure as Dean

of SOLES in 1998, one of her first orders of business was to create a solid base of education and leadership-based centers and institutes that would serve as a conduit for research work conducted at SOLES. Today that dream has become a reality. In the last five years, the number of graduate research assistantships at SOLES has increased from three to fifteen. According to Dean Cordeiro, “We are beginning to attract the ‘crème de la crème’ in educational research doctoral students. But that’s only part of the story.”

An exponential increase in community impact

Left to right: Cindy Martinez, graduate assistant; Tom Cesarini, Julie Cramer, graduate assistant; Zachary Green, advisor; Alex Maureen Guarcello, graduate assistant.

design and charter development for the “In just a few short years, the work of our school,” says Cramer. “CEPAL also assisted SOLES graduate assistants at our twelve with many of the legal aspects.” centers and institutes has increased exponentially the impact of our programs on “In just a few short years, the work of our the communities we serve. These institutes SOLES graduate assistants at our twelve and centers are vibrant places where all the centers and institutes has increased work related to the community is happening, exponentially the impact of our programs the interdisciplinary work,” Cordeiro points on the communities we serve.” out. Cordeiro cites as an example the research done by doctoral student Julie Cramer at the Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL). Cramer spent five months working with the Downtown Charter High School board, along with associate professor Heather Lattimer, and others at CEPAL and the Caster Family Center, to petition for a charter high school at the new Downtown San Diego Public Library. “I did the research which supported the educational

Dean Cordeiro explains why Cramer was tapped for this assignment: “Julie was chosen to coordinate the project because of her extensive background in education policy, both as a parent and as a community advocate. Even though we have faculty and others running our institutes and centers, it’s graduate students like Julie who do the nuts and bolts research so critical to these projects. We’re fortunate to have them.”


final piece of the community impact equation for SOLES Institutes & Centers • Autism Institute • Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research • Center for Educational Policy and Law (CEPAL) • Center for Student Support Systems (CS3) • Character Development Center • Community College Leadership Academy (CCLA) • COMPASS Family Center graduate assistant; Robert Donmoyer, advisor; Nathaniel Dunigan, graduate assistant; Lehman, graduate assistant; Taylor Roberts, graduate assistant; Fred Galloway, advisor;

A win-win proposition for doctoral student research assistants and SOLES Doctoral research assistants at SOLES are eligible for tax-free tuition in return for their part-time (20 hours per week) work. According to research assistant Paige Haber, “It’s really been a win-win situation, because the school’s been able to benefit from me bringing my expertise and hard work. And because I’m working part-time, my cost to them is minimal. That’s the win for the school. The win for me is that I’m able to do valuable research and obtain my degree at an institution that seeks to recruit the strongest applicants.” Since Haber first became associated with the University of San Diego three years ago, first as an administrative employee and later as a doctoral student, SOLES has experienced a surge in the number of

assistantship applicants in keeping with the growth of research opportunities available.

• Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) • Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research (INER) • Leadership Institute • Manchester Family Child Development Center (MFCDC)

• SOLES Global Center But another real “win” for SOLES as a direct result of ongoing graduate research, according to Dean Cordeiro, has been national media attention. She cites as an example legal research conducted by CEPAL Associate Director Frank Kemerer, in conjunction with ELDA. “Graduate research assistants analyzed existing policies in school districts around the country, and the report garnered national media attention,” Cordeiro recalls. “That adds up to another ‘win’ for SOLES, in the sense that it will attract more quality graduate students.” Continued on page 6

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Graduate research

Continued from page 5

We have included profiles of four doctoral candidates to highlight the broad scope and reach of graduate research at SOLES and demonstrate the impact this research is having in the community.

Alexander Lehman Doctoral Student, Graduate Research Assistant Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) Education • M.Ed. 2005, Boston College Secondary Education, Physics • M.S. 2002, Boston University Mechanical Engineering • B.S. 1999, Tufts University Mechanical Engineering Professional Distinctions • Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Teaching Fellow of the Year, Boston University, 2000-2001 Area of Specialization • Development and implementation of state programs that allow high school students to meet California A-G requirements for college, while at the same time providing them with relevant work experience before graduation that relates to, and enhances, their academic studies (See related articles page 9) Research Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) • Doctoral Fellow, The Irvine Foundation Grant for research on Linked Learning (2010) Impact “I enjoy the collaborative nature of my work at ELDA. It’s a nice balance. In addition to me, the only graduate student, our team consists of one faculty member, two retired school superintendent consultants, as well as a team from the Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL) to help us deal with legal issues – teachers union and contract issues – that arise when students are involved in experiential learning off campus. Thus far SOLES has succeeded in securing a $800,000 grant from The Irvine Foundation in support of Linked Learning research at SOLES, which I’ll be directly involved in.”


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Julie Cramer Doctoral Student, Graduate Research Assistant Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL) Education • M.A. 2008, University of San Diego, Leadership Studies • B.S. 1980, University of California, Berkeley Business Administration Professional Distinctions • Award of Distinction Leadership Studies Department, University of San Diego, 2008 • Outstanding Leadership Award San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, 2003 Area of Specialization • K-12 public education reform and organizational change Research Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL) • “ Development of a Charter High School in the New San Diego Central Library” (2010) • “ Online Learning in California Public Schools: Options for New Legislation” (2010) • “ Research Study Related to the City of Chula Vista’s Pursuit of Higher Education Partners in a Planned University Campus” (ongoing) • “ Student Misuse of Electronic Communication Devices” (ongoing) Impact “Being a research assistant at CEPAL has been an amazing opportunity for me, as far as working toward education reform locally, as well as at the state and even national levels. The biggest and most recent research project has been my work in developing a charter high school in the new San Diego Central Library, which is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the City of San Diego, the San Diego Unified School District, and the San Diego Public Library Foundation. The proposal was presented to the City Council on October 21 and is now moving forward.”

Horizons Nathaniel Dunigan Doctoral Student, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL) Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Research Assistant SOLES Global Center Education • Ed.M. 2010, Harvard University Human Development and Psychology • B.A. 1997, University of Arizona, Political Science Professional Distinctions • Founder in 2000 of AidChild in Uganda, East Africa, which has since raised over $4,000,000 to provide homes, clinics, laboratory services and free antiretroviral medication to children infected with AIDS/HIV (See related article page 10) • Dammeyer Fellow in Global Education Leadership, University of San Diego, 2010 • Reynolds Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School Center for Public Leadership • 2002 Testimony before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on International Relations Area of Specialization • Social entrepreneurship with a focus on human development issues as a tool for effecting social change Research SOLES Global Center • Dammeyer Fellow in Global Education Leadership (2010) Impact “We often look at things like soup kitchens or providing medication or education as providing literal answers to specific human needs. But I believe we can look for better ways to understand the human condition and human needs as they relate to human development, whether it be prenatal care, childhood education, nutrition, or counseling for trauma and loss. My research work here at SOLES and my work with AidChild in Uganda are focused on finding solutions that translate into long-term change for our human experience.”

Paige Haber Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Research Assistant Department of Leadership Studies Education • M.A. 2006, University of Maryland Leadership Development • B.S., B.A. 2004, University of Arizona Business Management Professional Distinctions • Annuit Coeptis Emerging Professional Award College Student Educators International (ACPA) January 2010 • Joseph Rost Scholarship Department of Leadership Studies, University of San Diego, September 2009 Area of Specialization • College student development with an emphasis on leadership Research SOLES Leadership Minor Assessment (2007 – 2010) • Assisted in assessment of the Leadership Minor at SOLES through surveys and interviews with past and current instructors, students, and alumni for the purpose of initiating needed program and curriculum changes Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL) • As a member of the initial research team (University of Maryland, 2005 – 2008), assisted in the development of research design, survey instrument creation, data collection, and final report format for MSL, a national research study on undergraduate students’ leadership development • Served as principal investigator (2007 – 2010) for the University of San Diego’s participation in the second iteration of MSL Impact “I had a strong background in leadership before I came here, which is why they chose me for this research assistantship. I’ve spent the last three years at SOLES assessing and revamping the Leadership Minor at SOLES. We’re already in the process of rolling out some program changes, in the form of revised curriculum changes and instructor preparation.” 7

Educational Leadership Development Academy


SOLES receives $800,000 Irvine Foundation grant Two-year grant will help ELDA train principals on Linked Learning approach to high school education “Rigor” and “relevance” are two words likely to come up at any professional conference or meeting these days where the topic is high school education and the question is: How can we better prepare high school graduates to effectively compete in today’s technology-based global economy?

biology and chemistry. At the same time, he or she would be gaining valuable work experience designed to give meaning and relevance to what’s being taught in the classroom.”

“In the old days before technology and the Internet, the teacher’s job was to be the purveyor of knowledge,” Thome recalls. “So your curriculum was purely academic, According to new Educational and you didn’t decide on a career path Leadership Development Academy until after graduation. For many of us, that (ELDA) co-director Richard Thome, the Richrd Thome, ELDA co-director meant teaching.” fact that a purely academic model does Thome received his master’s degree in not meet the requirement of “relevance” for most education from Pepperdine University and holds of today’s teens presents the biggest challenge for administrative, secondary education and K-12 California high schools. A new $800,000 grant from teaching credentials. He served as superintendent The Irvine Foundation, with its focus on introducing of schools for the South Bay Union School District Linked Learning practices and Cardiff Elementary School throughout the state, will District. Prior to joining ELDA, enable ELDA to meet that he was the Educational Leader challenge by building better in Residence at SOLES. leadership capacity among The Linked Learning project high school principals in the at ELDA will focus on training nine districts that are the approximately 27 principals recipients of the grant. from throughout the state “Linked Learning combines the to become advocates for traditional academic rigor of A-G requirements with transformational change in California high schools. career technology education,” Thome explains, “giving “We will be providing these principals with 28 students a four-year head start on their chosen different coaching events over a two-year period, career path while enhancing what they’re learning as well as additional education and training,” he says. academically.” “They will also attend a summer leadership summit That work experience, according to Thome, is defined at the end of year one.” via multiple career pathways now being developed The Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL) within California’s 15 major industry sectors. These will also be closely involved in addressing the career pathways are distinctly different from the old monumental legal and policy implications that vocational school model, in that they are directly arise when students are getting off-campus work connected to the student’s core academic experience. experience. “When you are seeking to effect a

“Linked Learning gives students a four-year head start on their chosen career path, while enhancing what they’re learning academically.”

“An example would be a student who has an interest in the medical or biotechnical field,” says Thome. “That student would take regular academic classes in


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change of this magnitude, you can expect significant challenges,” says Thome. “But thanks to The Irvine Foundation, we are poised to move forward.”

Student Spotlight:

Alexander Lehman, M.Eng., M.Ed. Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) doctoral candidate and mechanical engineer Alexander Lehman talks about the chain of events that led him to pursue a new career in education, and his current involvement with California’s Linked Learning project and the Irvine Foundation Grant at SOLES. Q: You received your undergraduate degree in engineering from Tufts, then a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Boston University, and finally a master’s degree in secondary science education at Boston College before coming to SOLES. Did you ever actually work as an engineer? AL: You have to understand Alexander Lehman, M.Eng., M.Ed. that this was over a period of about twelve years. So yes, I did work as an engineer right after I got my master’s from Boston University. My first job was doing research at a large, multinational automotive parts manufacturer. We were a small division and we’d spend weeks or months, for example, trying to shave a few decibels off the sound levels of an engine cooling fan, often with little or no tangible results. Q: So it wasn’t very rewarding? AL: Not really. My second engineering job, designing fuel cell-based electrical generators at a much smaller company, was much more hands on. My team members and I were actually assembling, building and testing the systems ourselves. And when it worked, the rewards were tangible, which for me is a big component of my overall job satisfaction. Q: How and why did you make the switch to teaching? AL: In the process of getting my master’s in engineering, I was awarded a teaching fellowship, and I have to admit I wasn’t happy about it. I had never taught, had no interest in it whatsoever, and would much rather have been doing research. I was assigned in January to replace the former teaching fellow who had quit, so it felt like the teaching assignment nobody wanted. It ended up being a lot of work, two three-hour lab sessions per week, but I actually loved it.

About Linked Learning The Linked Learning approach to high school education combines strong academics and real-world experience to help students build a strong foundation for success in college and careers – and life. Students in Linked Learning programs follow a comprehensive program of study that connects learning in the classroom with real-world applications outside of school. They integrate rigorous academic instruction with a demanding technical curriculum and field-based learning – all set in the context of one of California’s 15 major industry sectors: • Agriculture and Natural Resources • Arts, Media and Entertainment • Building Trades and Construction • Education, Child Development and Family Services • Energy and Utilities • Engineering and Design • Fashion and Interior Design • Finance and Business • Health Science and Medical Technology • Hospital, Tourism and Recreation • Information Technology • Manufacturing and Product Development • Marketing, Sales and Service • Public Services • Transportation The Linked Learning approach challenges and inspires students to learn, and creates well-rounded, highly skilled individuals with the foundation for lifelong success.

Continued on page 17


SOLEs global center

From politics to social entrepreneurship: How one doctoral candidate’s life-changing journey To then 26-year-old Nathaniel Dunigan, deputy director of the Office of the Governor of Arizona, the idea of a month’s leave from work that included an African safari was almost irresistible. What he hadn’t bargained for was the way that first trip would affect him as a socially conscious individual and, ultimately, change his life. “In 1998 I was given the opportunity to travel to Uganda for a month to do HIV prevention education,” Dunigan recalls. “A month off work plus a free safari – who wouldn’t want to go.” But the realities of life in rural Uganda, where the first case of HIV had been recorded and where treatment for infected children was virtually nonexistent, were impossible to ignore. “At that time there were more orphans in Uganda than in any other country in the world, many of them living with AIDS, and yet there was no free medication available to these children,” he points out. “So they were dying a miserable, suffering death. I just couldn’t sit there and let that happen.” After returning to the US, Nathaniel’s search for an organization he could partner with in order to help these children came up empty. “There were orphanages as well as hospitals and clinics in Uganda, but none of them were equipped to deal with children living with AIDS,” he recalls. “Even though there was treatment available in other parts of the world back then, it hadn’t reached these children in Uganda.” Thanks to Nathaniel Dunigan, that situation was about to change.

Bringing hope to suffering Ugandan children In September of 2000, Dunigan sold his car and belongings, bought an airplane ticket, and armed with $3,500 in personal savings, along with a laptop computer and digital camera that had been donated to him, set out for Uganda, East Africa. Within a matter of weeks, he had received his first donation. Soon thereafter AidChild (, the organization


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”With no free medication available to the orphans in Uganda, those infected with HIV were dying a miserable, suffering death. I just couldn’t sit there and let that happen.”


is effecting change –and saving lives founded by Dunigan and his team of Ugandan professionals and colleagues, became the first organization in the world to offer free antiretroviral treatment for children. AidChild would go on to be selected by the Ugandan and US governments as a model for pediatric HIV/AIDS care for the entire continent of Africa.

Sustainability: The key to successful change Dunigan is quick to point out that his initial objective was not simply to start another orphanage, but rather “to identify the services most needed, and then try to establish an efficient, aggressive and sustainable system to deliver those services to the maximum number of children.” This approach to effecting sustainable social change is central to the concept of social entrepreneurship that has guided Dunigan’s own research as a graduate student, as well as his work at AidChild. In 2009 Dunigan received a fully funded Reynolds Fellowship to study social entrepreneurship at Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership. After receiving his Master of Education degree in Human Development and Psychology, he entered the doctoral program in Leadership Studies at SOLES in fall of 2010, where he is the recipient of a fully funded Dammeyer Fellowship in Global Education Leadership. Today AidChild is approaching self-sustainability,

with 70% of its income generated through in-country businesses founded by AidChild, and 100% of program administration handled by local Ugandans. Each month the organization cares for more than 3,000 children and families through outpatient and inpatient clinics, academies, comprehensive care centers, and laboratory services. AidChild has also promoted community development in Uganda through establishment of running water sources, electricity, and job opportunities. Dunigan continues to serve as chief executive officer of AidChild, Inc., USA, a foundation that has raised more than $4,000,000 to help supplement the group’s efforts in Uganda. He now divides his time between San Diego and Uganda and continues to find his work more rewarding than he had ever imagined. “When I moved to Uganda, I had no concept of the magnitude of hope that would come to me, and that I would come to rely on in the years to come, over and over again,” he says. “That hope is revealed to me through the laughter of the children, the joy in their hearts, and their great ability to rise above all that has come before.”


Educational Leadership Development Academy


Stuart Foundation grant provides veteran principals with ongoing training and support The Principals’ Ongoing Support and Training

(POST) program at ELDA, now in its second year, which is funded by a $300,000 grant from the Stuart Foundation, helps veteran principals with five or more years’ experience to develop their capacity as strong instructional leaders. The program offers one-on-one coaching, as well as ongoing professional development opportunities, to twelve principals and their three team members (assistant principal, vice principal, lead teacher or department chair) selected from four San Diego school districts – Santee, South Bay Union, Oceanside and Lemon Grove. “Principals these days are being held directly accountable for specific outcomes and results, such as test scores, under the No Child Left Behind initiative,” explains ELDA co-director Rose Linda Martinez. “Principals selected to participate Training and other professional development seminars and in POST were those who events are sponsored throughout the year by ELDA. had already demonstrated strong leadership ability but who wanted to improve their craft through additional training in the latest leadership strategies for accelerating student achievement.” POST focuses on bringing veteran principals up to date on best practices for improving student achievement, including effective instructional strategies, methods for assessing learning, monitoring results, and using those results to guide continuous improvement.

“Principals these days are being held directly accountable for specific outcomes and results, such as test scores.”

“In addition to creating strong instructional leaders, the real opportunity,” says Martinez, “is to create a culture where there is a high degree of collaboration and sharing of information and best practices.” She gives as an example daily classroom walk-throughs where the principal is able to observe and provide input to the teachers. “Symbolically when a principal is spending a part of every day walking through classrooms, connecting with kids, observing teachers and participating in improving instruction, it sends a strong message about the culture at that school, namely, that it’s a culture where collaboration and learning are highly valued,” she adds.


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Rose Linda Martinez ELDA co-director

The magic of matched giving Your multi-year pledge to SOLES Endowed Scholarship Fund adds up to more scholarship dollars for students – up to five times more! SOLES has been given a rare and exciting opportunity that will significantly increase the amount of scholarship dollars available to our students. A matching gift fund of $50,000 has been established to encourage alumni like you to pledge their support for the SOLES Endowed Scholarship Fund. The more dollars you pledge IN ADVANCE, the more matching funds SOLES receives. Here’s how it works: If you make a new gift, renew or increase your support for SOLES this year and direct your gift to the SOLES Endowed Scholarship Fund, your gift will be matched on a dollarfor-dollar basis. (Example: $50 individual pledge + $50 in matching funds = $100 total gift) By comparison, when you make a multi-year pledge to the SOLES Endowed Scholarship Fund NOW, the amount of matching

dollars would be greater, since we can match as much as five-to-one for multi-year pledges of five years (Example: $50 multi-year pledge + $250 in matching funds per year x 5 years = $1,500 total gift). So your gift automatically increases by up to 500%!

Here’s your chance to be recognized as a valued SOLES supporter

Matched-Gift Magic Example

Multi-year pledge of $50 annually for 5 years

Your Matching Gift Funds

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

$50 $50 $50 $50 $50

Total gifts & matching funds $250

$250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $1,250

Remember: These matching funds – and the increased recognition they bring – are only available on a limited basis. By making your multiyear pledge TODAY – for up to five years – you will significantly increase the total scholarship dollars available to those deserving students who are the recipients of these funds.

Hurry! Pledge your matched gift today. Donate Now

SOLES receives $1,500 Total

Here’s the magic of matched giving to SOLES: As the chart above illustrates, by making a multi-year pledge in advance of $50 per year for five years, as opposed to pledging that same amount separately each year, the amount of scholarship funds available to SOLES students increases from $250 to $1,500!

All gifts and pledges up to $1,500 per year will be matched. Your gift to the SOLES Endowed Scholarship Fund (not including matching funds) is fully tax deductible.


Alumni News

Faculty News

Soles Bookshelf

Christina Piranio, M.A, NLPN, ’09, has been offered a position as Community Services Manager for First Place for Youth in Oakland, California.

Newly Tenured Faculty The following SOLES faculty have recently been granted tenure:

Tricia Bertram Gallant, Ph.D. ’06, Academic Integrity Coordinator at the University of California, San Diego, has a new book about to be released at year end entitled Creating the Ethical Academy.

Katherine Shafer, M.Ed. ’10, has accepted a position teaching middle-school English at Mare Island Technology Academy in Vallejo, California. Jamie Norton, M.A. Leadership Studies ’09, has been appointed assistant principal of North Attleborough Middle School in Massachusetts. The school has just fewer than 1,200 students. Sol D’Urso, M.A. Marital and Family Therapy ’06, has started her own private practice here in San Diego and can be reached at (619) 9056198, or Marian Kim Phelps, ELDA ’05, as principal of Zamorano Fine Arts Academy and newly appointed area superintendent for the Madison/Clairemont clusters, has recently received the 2010 National Distinguished Principal Finalist Award for California. The program is sponsored by the Association of California School Administrators and the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Monika Hazel, ELDA ’11, has joined the San Marcos School District as Director of Early Literacy Support.


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Cheryl Getz, Ed.D. (fall 2010) Department Chair and Professor, Department of Leadership Studies Noriyuki Inoue, Ph.D. (fall 2010) Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Teaching George E. Reed, Ph.D. (fall 2011) Associate Professor, Department of Leadership Studies Noteworthy Rucheeta Kulkarni, SOLES adjunct faculty member (Department of Learning and Teaching) is the recipient of this year’s Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Council on Anthropology and Education for her dissertation entitled “Motivated to Overcome: An Ethnographic Study of a College Preparatory Charter School for Low-Income Youth.” The annual award, which recognizes excellence in educational ethnographic scholarship on a topic of great significance to the field, was presented at the CAE Business Meeting on November 19, 2010, in New Orleans. Kulkarni, received her Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 2010. She was jointly nominated for the award by her department chair, Dr. Teresa McCarty of Arizona State, and Dr. Lea Hubbard of SOLES.

Director Jason Doherty, B.A. ‘98 with Daraja Academy students in Kenya.

Horizons SOLES Photo Gallery

Global Study in MondragĂłn, Spain: Models of Participatory Leadership (Summer 2010) Dean Paula Cordeiro visited Global Partner Daraja Academy in Kenya in the fall.

Global Study in Qatar: Student Affairs and Higher Education Leadership in Qatar (Intersession 2010)

Presenting a joint research study at the Councel for Educational Administration Conference: (left to right) ELDA Co-director Rose Martinez, Tammy Moriarty, doctoral student, Professor Lea Hubbard, Katherine Shafer, M.E.d. ’10, and Dean Paula A. Cordeiro.

Dean Paula Cordeiro (upper right) with the 2010 Remarkable Leaders in Education Honorees (upper row left) Judy McDonald, (bottom row, left to right) Dr. Bertha O. Pendleton, Mary Searcy Bixby, Reverend Vahac Mardirosian, and Bill Cegelka (accepting the award on behalf of his late mother, Patricia Cegelka). The annual awards ceremony, held on November 13, 2010 at Hill Hall, recognizes extraordinary contributions by educators in San Diego and Imperial Counties.


Upcoming Events 7th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium: A New Urgency for Effective Board Governance Friday , January 7 - Saturday, January 8, 2011 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Sponsored by The Caster Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, University of San Diego Contact: Laura Stein (619) 260-7442

Marital and Family Therapy Alumni Workshop: Narrative Therapy With Couples and Relationships: A Day with Jill Freedman Monday, January 10, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sponsored by the SOLES Office of Development & Alumni Relations Warren Auditorium, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: Clare Crierie (619) 260-7441

Leadership for Change Friday, January 14 - Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: Beth Yemma (619) 260-7790

International Society for Military Ethics - 2011 Symposium January 25 - 28, 2011

Sponsored by the Department of Leadership Studies Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: George Reed (619) 260-7444 leadership_studies/partnerships/isme/

SOLES Spring Information Session Saturday, January 29, 2011 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sponsored by the SOLES Office of Outreach and Recruitment Warren Auditorium, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: (619) 260-4538 admissions/information_sessions.php


8th Annual Action Research Conference May 12 – 14, 2011

Sponsored by the Center for Student Support Systems (CS3) Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: Roni Nocon (619) 260-7708

Meeting Where We Are: The Art and Practice of Conversation June 2 - 3, 2011

Sponsored by the Department of Leadership Studies in collaboration with Public Conversations Project Degheri Alumni Center Contact: Beth Yemma (619) 260-7790

Character Matters Conference: Lessons & Strategies that Change Students’ Lives June 27 - 28, 2011

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Character Development Center Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: (619) 260-2250

Summer Autism Conference 2011: Curriculum, Community, & Communication June 29 – July 1, 2011 Sponsored by the Autism Institute Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: (619) 260-7705

Leadership for Change July 15 - 17, 2011

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute Mother Rosalie Hill Hall Contact: Beth Yemma (619) 260-7790

Spotlight On education a speaker series Sponsored by the Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA)

Spotlight on Education 2010 – 2011 Speaker Series Next Steps: Using Curriculum and Learning Technology in 21st Century Schools Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warren Auditorium, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall February 24, 2011 – Matthew T. Spathas Transforming Our Schools: Engaging, Empowering, Educating, and Preparing All Students for the 21st Century March 29, 2011 – Mike Schmoker The Opportunity: From Brutal Facts to the Best Schools We’ve Ever Had May 12, 2011 – Yong Zhao Schools as Global Enterprises: Re-imagine Education for the Age of Globalization Contact: Carmen McBride centers/elda/spotlight/index.php

SOLES Global Study

Contact: Cindy Martinez (619) 260-7443 SPRING 2011 March 5 – 19 Kenya: Fieldwork School Settings March 10 – 19 Hong Kong: Family Studies SUMMER 2011 June 6-10 Alberta, Canada: Leading and Learning in Cree Culture June 10 – 20 Montego, Jamaica: Multicultural Counseling June 13 - 24 Dominical, Costa Rica: Career Counseling Across the Lifespan June 23 – 30 Tokyo: Education Design and Methodology July 4 – 8 Mondragón, Spain: Models of Participatory Leadership July 8 – 17 Lithuania: Health Environments and Inclusive Education July 24 – 31 Costa Rica: Conflict Resolution, Violence Prevention and Peace Interventions in Diverse Families and Schools


Horizons Continued from page 9

AL: I had gone in with negative expectations, and I was afraid I wouldn’t have the patience to be “holding people’s hands.” But I found that teaching at the college level, which is where I started, was a lot more collaborative. I was a first-year graduate student, so these were essentially my peers, some even a little older. So we were figuring things out together in the lab, trying to make the experiments work. Q: Your plan, once you receive your doctorate from SOLES, is to teach at the college level. In the meantime, as a graduate research assistant at the Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA), you’ll be working on the Linked Learning project, through a recent grant from the Irvine Foundation. What will that entail? AL: I’ll be developing pathways to meet the California state high school graduation requirements by having students spend time doing off-campus internships at local technical industries. This would allow them to fulfill their high school education requirements with something a little more hands on and inquiry based. Once those pathways are in place, I will be working with and training principals on how to implement the program, in order to meet state requirements. Q: What do you foresee as your biggest challenges as far as your involvement with the Linked Learning project? AL: One definite challenge will be the legal issues involved in taking kids off school campus during the day. Because if students are not sitting in a classroom in front of a teacher, how does that affect teacher pay? Teachers’ unions and contracts will definitely be involved. Q: How do you plan to deal with these legal issues? AL: Luckily we have a team from CEPAL (Center for Educational Policy and Law) at SOLES working with us on these legal issues. Other members of our team include Rose Linda Martinez, Ed.D., who is a visiting professor. Also Rich Thome and Liz Johnson, both retired school superintendents who bring to the table a considerable body of educational policy experience. It’s all very collaborative, which in a nutshell is why I’m so glad to be here.

Advisory Board Members 2010-2011 Frank Arrington President and Owner, San Diego Funding

Rebecca Smith ‘93 Vice President Communications, San Diego Workforce Partnership

Victoria Baron ’94 Licensed Family Therapist

Dorothy Smith, Ed.D. Former Member and President, Board of Education, San Diego City Schools; Professor, San Diego City College (Retired)

Brian Bright Vice President for Business Development Liaison International Christopher Carstens, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Rodney F. Dammeyer President, CAC Sue Ebner, B.A. ’78, M.B.A. ‘87 Worldwide Partner, Mercer Wendy Gillespie Principal, Frontier Trading Todd Gutschow Founder, Todd and Mari Gutschow Family Foundation Norm Hapke, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Jacobs Family Foundation and the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation Brian E. Kinsman President, Kinsman Capital Stevan Laaperi ’76 Director of Schools, Diocese of San Diego William D. Lynch Founder, William D. Lynch Foundation Jim F. Mulvaney, Jr. Vice President, Driver Alliant Insurance

Darryl O. Solberg Partner, Hecht, Solberg, Robinson, Goldberg & Bagley Matt Spathas CEO, Bandwidth Now Partner, SENTRE Partners Linda P. Spuck CTFA, Vice President, Union Bank of California Adam Ward Global Campus Recruiting Manager, QUALCOMM Sheryl White Community Volunteer John Yochelson President, Building Engineering and Science Talent (BEST) Charlene Zettel Director of the San Diego Field Office, Office of the Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger Sally Zoll, Ed.D. ’76, ‘90 CEO, United Through Reading John Zygowicz Managing Director, Private Client Group, US Bank

Drew Schlosberg Community and Public Relations Manager, San Diego Union-Tribune Peter Sibley CEO,

School of Leadership and Education Sciences Mother Rosalie Hill Hall 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492

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