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Student Affairs Graduate Assistant Seminar EDLD 594: Internship First Year Cohort Fall 2009 Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 PM; MRH 137 University of San Diego


Email: Phone: Office:

Cheryl Getz, Associate Professor Department Chair, Leadership Studies (619) 260-4289 MRH-275K

Email: Phone: Office:

Erin Lovette-Colyer, Director Women’s Center (619) 260-4716 SLP 420

Course Dates: September 15, 29 October 6, 20, 27 November 10, 24 December 1, 15

February 2, 16 March 2, 16 April 13, 20, 27 May 11, 18

Dates in bold indicate when first and second year students meet together.

Course Description: In this course students work together with faculty and student affairs practitioners to integrate the theory and knowledge base of the program course work with the experiential learning of the student’s internship in Student Affairs. This course supports the student’s individual development plan by asking them to analyze current events and issues in their work place and connect them to the broader higher education community. An emphasis on topics and skills related to professional culture, action-inquiry, organizational dynamics, developmental theory and diversity and inclusion will be made throughout the course. The application of student learning will be demonstrated through students’ ongoing individual electronic-portfolio development.

Course Objectives: In this course students will: • Discuss and apply to practice issues related (but not limited) to ethics, diversity and inclusion, professionalism, work-life balance, student development theory, and Catholic identity. • Learn about and apply student development theory to case study examples as well as real examples from experiences working with students in respective areas in Student Affairs. • Establish a sense of group cohesion among cohort members, and experience how to model meaningful relationships that contribute to overall group learning. • Develop a sense of professional identity as Student Affairs professionals. • Identify and discuss potential research projects. • Understand the theory and then practice of action inquiry related to specific topics and work related activities in Student Affairs. • Identify, reflect upon and evaluate individual strengths and areas of growth as Student Affairs professionals. • Learn from each other about the various subsystems (programs and departments) within student affairs.

Sept 14, 2009

Course Expectations: Here are some suggestions for you to consider when approaching this course. I encourage you to take risks; attend class; be prepared for discussion; and contribute to class discussions with careful examination of concepts, ideas, and opinions. You must be an active participant in your own learning. In this role, you help identify what you want to learn and decide on ways to learn it. The most powerful learning follows from the questions you ask rather than the answers you hear. Learning during this course is a collective responsibility that requires you to think, listen, question, reformulate, and critique. You are expected to contribute your share of learning. Grading & Evaluation: Grades, in part, gauge how well you have learned and applied course material. Although you will be assigned a grade, you should track your learning and set a high quality standard for your own academic work. Assessment of your work will be based on your grasp of readings; your skill as a critical thinker; and your ability to communicate – to listen, write, and speak in informed and persuasive ways. Based on your preferred learning styles, you will determine the percentage of each item below. Please use increments of 5. Attendance and participation Reflection Paper #1 Reflection Paper #2 E-Portfolio

_____ % (cannot be more than 30%) _____ % _____ % _____ % (cannot be less than 30%)

Attendance and participation: Since participation is essential to the success of this course, all students are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Students will lose five points for missing a class. Tardiness will also be noted in the student’s final attendance assessment. If an emergency situation arises and you must miss class, please notify one of the instructors in advance. Students are expected to come to class prepared by reading any assigned readings and/or completing all assignments, including getting feedback from supervisors on portfolio by specified dates. Points will be subtracted from late or incomplete assignments. Reflection papers (2): As Student Affairs professionals it is important you develop a reflective stance on your work. What this requires is paying attention to your own and others actions, behaviors, and responses to others. A reflection paper is not a report of the work you are doing; it is a critical and honest appraisal and articulation of your experiences. For example, this might include asking yourself how you are doing, what areas do you need to develop, and/or what might be impeding your progress? The instructors may provide prompts for you to respond to for one or both of the refection assignments. Although there are two dates/semester that indicate when your reflection papers are due to the instructors, it is highly recommended that you maintain a personal journal throughout the year, that will not be turned in, as you continue to reflect upon your experience. Reflection papers should be 3-5 pages (double-spaced). Late papers will be accepted, but 5 points will be deducted for each day they are late. E-portfolio: All students are required to purchase the use of the Chalk-and-Wire electronic-portfolio system. The cost is $40/person and this is good for the two years you are in the program. Every first year student must give a check (made out to USD) to Erin no later than September 22, 2009.

Sept 14, 2009

Course Schedule: Session Suggested Topic Welcome & Course Overview • Learning Objectives September 15


• Seminar expectations: group norms and course evaluation • Individual Development & E-portfolio

Professional Identity – all supervisors attend seminar Professional identity: What are the values and September 29 cultural characteristics of a student affairs professional? What experiences help to develop these? • Behavior and modeling • Ethics - CAS standards • Professional organizations and journals • Career Planning E-portfolio created and expectations reviewed

Student Development Theory • Discussion and case analysis October 6

• E-portfolio check in and evaluation

Student Development Theory continued and WRCSAD • Careers in Student Affairs: Prep October 20 Challenges as a Student Affairs Professional • Role plays October 27 Identity Development Diversity November 10 What does diversity mean to me?

Action Inquiry November 24

• Reading: New Directions: Student Development Theory


Bring specific situations to class ePortfolio feedback meeting with supervisor complete Reflection paper #1 due

What is it and why is it important for student affairs professionals? • First, second and third person action inquiry • Discussion of potential research projects • E-portfolio check in and evaluation

E-Portfolio Presentations - all supervisors attend seminar E-portfolio presentations December 1 Work/Life Balance What is it and how can we get it? December 15

Reflection paper #2 due

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS The instructors reserve the right to make changes / additions to the syllabus during the semester. Grade of Incomplete: The grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be recorded to indicate (1) that the requirements of a course have been Sept 14, 2009

substantially completed but, for a legitimate reason, a small fraction of the work remains to be completed, and, (2) that the record of the student in the course justifies the expectation that he or she will complete the work and obtain the passing grade by the deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to explain to the instructor the reasons for non-completion of work and to request an incomplete grade prior to the posting of final grades. Students who receive a grade of incomplete must submit all missing work no later than the end of the tenth week of the next regular semester, otherwise the “I” grade will become a permanent “F.” Requests for Accommodation: Reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be made for course participants with disabilities who require specific instructional and testing modifications. Students with such requirements must identify themselves to the University of San Diego Disability Services Office (619.260.4655) before the beginning of the course. Every effort will be made to accommodate students’ needs, however, performance standards for the course will not be modified in considering specific accommodations. Academic Integrity: At USD, we take the code of academic integrity very seriously; forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or facilitating academic dishonesty, are not tolerated in the Leadership Studies program or this class. Violations of the policy may result in suspension or expulsion from the university. If you are unfamiliar with USD's policy, it is your responsibility to read and understand its elements. In summary, any assignment that you turn in for class must be written in your own words, exemplifying your own thoughts and ideas, and you must clearly identify any references you used in completing your work using the format of the APA 6th Edition Style Manual.* * This statement was adapted from a statement written by Dr. Athena Perrakis

Sept 14, 2009

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