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STRATEGIC GOALS AND ACTIVITIES 2008-20011 INSTITUTE FOR NONPROFIT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH November 16, 2009 Mission Statement: The mission of the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research is to educate leaders and advance best practices in the nonprofit and philanthropic community through academic excellence, applied learning, and research that examines issues of strategic importance to the sector. Vision Statement: In the next five years, the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research will become recognized as a premier national and international academic center by: • Educating nonprofit leaders at the graduate level • Enhancing the knowledge of nonprofit practitioners through professional and educational development • Researching issues affecting the nonprofit sector • Preparing future researchers and scholars for nonprofit/philanthropic studies

GOALS AND ACTIVITIES Executive/Fundraising Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Develop a strategy for raising the visibility of the Institute among stakeholders, nonprofits and funders in San Diego

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• 2. Identify new donor prospects

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Activities for 2009-2010 Ensure the work of marketing committee is implemented and supported by all Advisory Board members Develop a strategy for advisory board members to pass along major philanthropic venue activities where the Institute can have a presence in order to increase our visibility. Attract high profile nonprofits and funders for attendance at Institute events Develop a comprehensive feasibility study for Institute fundraising Maintain and cultivate existing donors Continue to coordinate efforts with Tim O’Malley, Paula Cordeiro and Gary Neiger regarding fundraising for the Institute Identify 5 new donor prospects in collaboration with development office and Advisory Board Contact 5 new donor prospects

3. Identify potential advisory board members 4. Ensure the Institute has sufficient funding to meet its budget

5. Provide stewardship of the Institute in between regular advisory board meetings

• Use advisory board, alumni and faculty networks to identify potential new board members • Maintain and cultivate existing donors • Develop a strategy for advisory board members to solicit project opportunities for the Caster Center • Revise fundraising case statements for the Institute • Meet on every six to eight weeks to plan, review and discuss Institute activities and financial condition

Research Center Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Revisit/refine the direction, scope and mission for the Center

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Activities for 2009-2010 Refine the Center’s mission statement Conduct an updated needs assessment and SWOT analysis Expand the RC committee to include more consumers of research with a focus on subsector representation (Art, Heath/Human Svc., Environment Develop job descriptions for committee members Conduct top quality research, evaluation and consulting products Develop an e-communications strategy

2. Provide research, evaluation, and consulting services that build the leadership and strategic/evaluative thinking capacity of local nonprofits 3. Be the leading source of information, data, and research on the nonprofit sector in the region

4. Recruit and develop doctoral students who aspire to become nonprofit academics

• Work on doc student recruitment/outreach with SOLES • Train doctoral students in: research, consulting and evaluation techniques; the preparation and delivery of research; the preparation of scholarly and practitioner articles for publication; train students in use of data bases provided by Urban Institute, Foundation

• Develop and maintain multiple current data bases on San Diego’s NP sector • Produce the following projects/reports: Economic Impact Survey; Spotlight Report; Economic Indicators; Up-date of Confidence

• 5. Make scholarly contributions to the field at the national and international level

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6. Ensure resources for long-term financial self-sufficiency

Center, Guidestar, Census Bureau, and other sources as well as data processing systems such as SPSS and excel Secure sufficient income to underwrite 4-6 doc student scholarships annually Work on development of Benchmark 3.5 conference scheduled for spring 2011 Have doc students and staff deliver papers/presentations at multiple conference venues Get at least one article accepted for publication in a juried academic journal Develop revenue generating products/services (e.g., tools and toolkits for Ethics; evaluation; private-sector Board leadership training; Standards for Excellence; O.D. work)

Community Education Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Work with Caster Center to disseminate research to the nonprofit community and general public through symposia, workshops, conference presentations and publications 2. Provide technical assistance resources to the nonprofit community through workshops, MA technical assistance projects, and resource materials 3. Continue utilizing criteria for assessing potential community education project opportunities and for assessing the impact of implemented projects 4. Expand outreach to nonprofit organizations in order to engage more and diverse participation in Institute events

Activities for 2009-2010 • Support various research symposia and activities of Caster Center • Develop activities for showing nonprofit organizations how Center research can and should be integrated into practice • Host 6th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium • Continue development of applied project/best practice website • Evaluate the impact of Symposium and other events hosted by the Institute/Center • Assess the feasibility of using webinars as a way to disseminate research and education topics • Market the 6th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium to diverse populations and organizations • Sustain collaborations with key nonprofit leadership organizations such as LEAD San Diego, San Diego Grantmakers, Fieldstone Foundation, the San Diego Foundation and Jewish Community Foundation and build

collaborations within the private and public sectors • Reach out and encourage attendance to Home Owners Associations for Governance Symposium • Target new organizations for special series – e.g., tools and toolkits for ethics – in collaboration with Caster Center.

Curriculum Review and Development Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Review MA curriculum and make modifications as needed, using evaluation data and benchmarking data from the Nonprofit Academics Centers Council 2. Create, pilot, and evaluate new NP International courses

Activities for 2009-2010 • Modify curriculum as determined by faculty and advisors • Create a student handbook for applied projects • Work with faculty to ensure a reflective assignment is added to each core course

3. Conduct evaluation of applied MA projects

• Assess and document the experience of client organizations working with NP MA students • Develop on-going systems for tracking use of applied projects by client organizations • Train the faculty, advisory board members, and students in the use of TaskStream • Monitor and assess the use of TaskStream • Evaluate how the revised portfolio rubric and guidelines are working and modify as needed

4. Continue with the development and evaluation of online portfolio system 5. Collect, analyze, and interpret data related to program learning outcomes 6. Create support for practitioner faculty 7. Develop social capital opportunities to students

• Develop and assess the international experience component of the portfolio • Explore the creation of an international course focused on working with multiple immigrant populations in SD.

• Develop mechanisms for providing support to practitioner faculty members • Document student support activities • Further develop alumni/student mentoring program

Marketing and Branding Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Market the Institute to USD NP alumni

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2. Market the Institute to San Diego NP executive directors, corporate and philanthropic leaders and other key stakeholders to raise awareness of and participation in our academic and community programs.

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3. Promote the work of the Institute through various media

Activities for 2009-2010 Market the availability of Caster Center services/programs to alums Continue to ask each alumni to bring one prospective student to the open house Provide more information to alumni about program achievements o Form ambassador club within alums o Introduce “AL-AS” (alumni association….) at outset of every class/course o Annual Alumni conference o Newsletter/website Finalize and distribute comprehensive brochure for the Institute Review and up-date Institute website Develop a strategy for advisory board members and others who have direct experience with the Institute to host subsector events to raise public awareness of our work and to distribute Institute materials through their respective networks Identify 5 new venues for Institute staff to present research or general information on the NP programs Develop a media plan for all goals o A nonprofit roundtable, TV program highlighting issues of the NP Sector

Strategic Planning Committee: Goals for 2008-2011 1. Facilitate annual strategic planning process. Revise plan as needed.

2. Gather data to inform planning process such as entrance and exit survey of program students, alumni surveys, benchmarking

Activities for 2009-2010 • Plan ¾ day retreat with faculty and advisory board to review curriculum and research presentations by Caster Center staff • Evaluate activities and goals of all the committees, including this one, and rationalize each activity presented. • Benchmarking data from the Learning Outcomes • Compare and benchmark NLM Program to

data from other programs, competitive analysis, etc. and use that data to inform planning.

other programs

Ad-hoc Committee to be created for the following task: Explore the development of an Executive Education Program (feasibility, interest, content, timeline)

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