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STRATEGIC PLAN SOLES NONPROFIT INITIATIVES: Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program Center for Nonprofit Research June 2007

I. MA in NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Mission Statement: The mission of the NLMP is to educate leaders for the nonprofit community through academic excellence, applied learning and research.

Program Vision Statement Growing Organizational Capacity And Excellence

Transforming Managers To Leaders Community Wisdom

Nurturing Community Impact And Effectiveness

Transformational Academic Excellence Academic Rigor with Real World Relevance


Goals for the 2007-2008 Academic Year A) Curriculum and Faculty 1. Explore the development of an international elective course to be taught in Mexico in accordance with the SOLES strategic planning objective of “establishing a requirement for all SOLES students to engage in an international experience prior to completion of their program.” The course would provide a framework for how nonprofits and philanthropy operate in other countries as well as cross-border administrative issues. 2. Develop, offer and evaluate a part two elective to the Board Leadership Course that would explore board leadership in more detail, looking more closely at recruitment, orientation and maintenance of board members. 3. Work within SOLES to advocate for and to secure a tenure line for one full time faculty member who is well versed in nonprofit sector studies and will teach in both the NLM program and NP doctoral specialization. B) Student Recruitment 1. Develop a marketing plan to recruit students who reflect the racial, ethnic, gender and disability diversity of the San Diego community as well as the sub-sector diversity of San Diego’s nonprofit sector. 2. Observe trends in admissions with regard to quality and number of candidates versus number of available enrollment slots (28). Investigate how other graduate programs make decisions about growth vis-a-vis demand and available faculty resources. C) Tuition and Scholarship Support 1. Raise funds for special scholarships in the amount of $10,000 per year that would underwrite the tuition of practitioners who are not currently employed in the nonprofit sector and agree to work at least 2 years in the sector following receipt of the degree. 2. Continue to work towards the $2.5 million endowment for scholarship funds.

D) Evaluation 1. In cooperation with the research center and SOLES Director of Assessment, develop a methodology for conducting an evaluation of the applied projects and their impact on the nonprofits for which they were created. 2. In cooperation with the research center and SOLES Director of Assessment, design and conduct an evaluation on program alumni that assesses the impact of the program on their careers. E) Continuing Education 1. Build on the Institute for Nonprofit Governance with the goal of attracting 400 participants over 2 days by: • • •

Co-branding Institute with Research Center Expanding media contacts by three Offering board exchanges to Institute participants

2. Extend continued education on governance issues beyond the Institute by exploring the feasibility of additional events such as breakfast meetings to discuss key governance topics and/or a week-long intensive program for nonprofit practitioners modeled on similar programs at Harvard and Stanford. 4. Participate in a national collaboration on board leadership with Seton Hall and other universities affiliated with NACC 5. Showcase student projects at open houses or other emerging venues 6. Sponsor Community Symposia in conjunction with Research Center 7. Develop a task force of Advisory Board members who will review the current Continuing Education Certificate Program and make recommendations.

II. CENTER FOR NONPROFIT RESEARCH Mission Statement: The Mission of the Center for Nonprofit Research is to study issues of strategic importance to the sector and to identify and advance best practices in nonprofit leadership and management. Vision: •

In the next five years, USD’s Center for Nonprofit Research will become recognized as a source of the highest quality research in the nonprofit sector.

The Center will serve as a convener of broad based community dialogue around topics of relevance to strategic operations of and public policy related to nonprofits.

The Center will help to define the full landscape of San Diego’s nonprofit sector and increase the community’s understanding of the value and contribution of the sector.

Key Goals of the Research Center Primary Goal: Conduct research that will enhance nonprofit management and leadership and guide public policy making. Supporting Goals: Disseminate research findings to practitioners, researchers and public policy makers. Publish in leading journals and participate in major conferences. Provide a laboratory for training doctoral students to be expert researchers and faculty members.

Goals for the 2007-2008 Academic Year A) Research Goals 1. Conduct and initiate publication of a study on giving and volunteerism for San Diego Grantmakers. 2. Facilitate a process that creates a combined community data base for analyzing nonprofit sector trends 3. Plan and Conduct follow up to Spotlight Report • • •

Conduct analysis of deficit spending data If appropriate, conduct service duplication pilot study Plan for a second Economic Trend Report, to be conducted and disseminated in Academic Year 2008/09

4. Create and disseminate three on-line Ethics Tools: • • •

Discussion Guide Organizational Practice Survey Policy Template

5. Conduct and initiate publication of Public Confidence Study 6. Conduct three (3) Program Evaluations and develop tool/white paper/product to provide technical assistance to nonprofit organizations on basic evaluation techniques. 7. Work with NLM program and SOLES Director of Assessment to develop a methodology for conducting an evaluation of the applied projects and their impact on the nonprofits for which they were created. 8. In conjunction with SOLES Director of Assessment, design and conduct an evaluation of NLM program alumni that assesses the impact of the program on their careers. This work will build on the evaluation work being undertaken for the American Humanics Program.

B) Dissemination Goals 1. Ensure media coverage for all completed studies 2. Submit at least two (2) articles for publication in peer reviewed journals 3. Deliver no fewer than five (5) academic conference presentations 4. Conduct two (2) symposia at USD 5. Complete planning for Invitational Conference in Academic Year 2008/09 6. Create Marketing Plan targeting: • Research community • Practitioners • Public Policy makers • Lay public C) Doctoral Training Goals 1. Finalize specialization curriculum 2. Provide co-teaching opportunities for doctoral students 3. Employ six (6) doctoral students at the Center beginning Fall 07 4. Recruit additional SOLES faculty for doctoral student support D) Project Pipeline Goals (for research and evaluation projects) 1. Develop relationships with: • • • • •

CA Endowment SD Foundation Ackerman Foundation SD Grantmakers CO HHS

E) Development Goals 1. Ensure sufficient resources are available for: • • • •

Base line Research Center funding ($125,000/yr.) Completion of Giving and Volunteerism Study ($30,000) Dissemination of Ethics Tools ($15,000) Seed money for Symposia ($4,000)

2. Identify donor to name Center F) Research Center Advisory Board 1. Evaluate Advisory Board to ensure proper diversity and talent mix 2. Develop recruitment plan 3. Define role of Advisory Board along governance continuum III. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR ADVISORY BOARDS The Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program (NLM) and Center for Nonprofit Research (Center) each have an Advisory Board charged with shepherding the work of that entity. The two Advisory Board are networked by a Steering Committee consisting of: • • • • • •

The dean Chair of Research Center Advisory Board Chair of NLM Advisory Board NLM and Center Staff At large member from Research Center Advisory Board At large member from NLMP Advisory Board

The role of the Steering Committee is to enhance/facilitate cross fertilization between the Center and NLM, ensure coordination of integrated goals and objectives, jointly brand and market the entities, and coordinate fundraising efforts.

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