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*SOLES Graduate Student Association Newsletter* -- 03-13-09 --

The GSA is a student-governed association supporting post-baccalaureate students in their scholastic and social experiences at USD. The mission of the GSA is to support the development of a professional, scholastic, and social community in the School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES)

Announcements: GSA Elections

One week left to submit your nominations! Get involved in the SOLES community, meet new graduate students, take a leadership role, and even earn some cash. To run for a position, send in your nomination by March 20th at 5:00PM. For more info on GSA, check out our website or email Natalie Pearson for all the details:

Graduation Merchandise

If you were unable to attend GradFest, order forms for cap and gown, announcements, and diploma frames are available in the bookstore and online. In order to ensure they have your correct gown size, orders must be received by March 31st. Orders placed after March 31st will be accepted, however, sizes cannot be guaranteed.

Financial Aid Deadlines

If you plan to apply for financial aid for the 2009-2010 school year, be sure to submit your documents by the priority deadline: April 1, 2009. For more information on this process, visit Financial Aid:

This Week’s Events: Information Session: Global Study in Costa Rica Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:00PM SOLES Global Center Attend an information session on this opportunity - a week-long course, offered at the University of Peace (UPEACE) in Costa Rica, designed to expand our vision of education and intervention strategies. Receive credit for this course: EDUC 579: Educational Leadership for Peace and Sustainability or MFTS 532: Human Diversity. For more information, visit /.

March Service Project: Tijuana Service Trip Saturday, March 21, 2009 Time TBA Come and serve your neighbors, learn more about border issues, and meet other graduate students. Transportation provided. Passport required. These trips fill up fast, so please email Maria at if you are interested in serving.

Other Upcoming Events: Theology on Tap Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:00PM Warren Hall Reading Room (Law School)

Take a break from studying and enjoy good conversation and free refreshments. Please bring your Graduate Student ID.

Life Direction Retreat for Young Adults Sunday, March 29, 2009 10:00AM – 4:00PM Maher Hall, Salomon Hall Sponsored by the Center for Christian Spirituality, this day-long retreat is for adults in their 20s and 30s who are facing major choices in their lives and who want help with discerning the next steps. The day will include input, sharing, quiet prayer, reflection, and food! The retreat costs $20, including lunch. Pre-registration is required. Please email Sister Barbara Quinn at if interested.

Lenten Grad Twilight Retreat: Unconditional Love and Forgiveness Tuesday, March 31, 2009 7:15PM – 9:30PM Manchester Village Lounge A quiet evening of prayer, reflection, and sharing led by Father Steve Callahan.

Networking Under the Stars Monday, April 6, 2009 6:00PM – 8:00PM SOLES Inner Patio, near Bert’s GSA hosts an opportunity to network with alum and other professionals from your field. With summer positions and graduation approaching, be sure to take advantage of this great event! Your favorite spring snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Character Matters Conference Tuesday, June 30, 2009 – Wednesday, July 1, 2009 8:30AM – 3:00PM MRHH This summer, attend a conference and a coinciding elective (EDUC 555/520CL ) that promotes teaching for socialemotional-character development. This opportunity is offered through our own Character Development Center and is taught by Edward F. DeRoche & CJ Moloney. For more information on this program and others through the CDC, visit

ISO Coffee Hour Thursdays – a weekly event 12:30PM – 2:30PM UC 128

The International Student Association invites all students to come relax and mingle at the UC. Meet new people! Free coffee, hot chocolate, and tea will be provided.

Career Services Drop-In Advising Thursday Afternoons – a weekly event 4:00PM – 5:00PM MRHH 122B, next to Bert’s Linda Scales, Director of Career Services is available every Thursday to discuss your career questions, review your resume, provide interviewing tips, assist in job searches, and more. Available on a first-come, first serve basis. If dropin hours do not fit your schedule, please call Career Services at 619-260-4654 to arrange a meeting time.

Graduate Women's Discussion Group Monday’s Lunch Hour – a weekly event* *February 23, 2009 – April 6, 2009 12:00PM – 1:00PM University Center, Room 116 (Women’s Center)

The experiences and needs of graduate women are significantly different than those of undergraduates. Come connect with other graduate women for an informal lunch discussion, focused on the personal, social, and academic needs of graduate women. The purpose of the group is to create a support network in which you can share your own stories and listen to those of other graduate women at USD. Discussion topics are generated by group members. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Sara Headden at

Tell me more about this newsletter! The SOLES Newsletter is brought to you bimonthly by your GSA Communications Director. It updates us graduate students on upcoming events and opportunities, making sure we’re constantly “in the know!” If you’re aware of any approaching events and would like to share it with more SOLES students, please email Natalie Pearson at to be included in the next newsletter.

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