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ICET Newsletter

International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) February 2006

Vol. 2

NEWS from the ICET Vice President for Europe IVAN REID, University of Bradford, School of Lifelong Education & Development, U.K.

WHAT IS ICET? ICET is an international association of policy and decisionmakers in education, government, and business dedicated to global development through education. ICET provides programs and services that give its members access to a worldwide resource base of organizations, programs, specialized consultative services and research and training opportunities at the university level. It is a NonGovernmental Organization (NGO) and participates in NGO meetings and other UNESCOsponsored conferences around the world. ICET is a NGO in consultative status (Roster) with the Economic and Social Council. For membership information, visit our website. Website: HIGHLIGHTS: News from the United Kingdom


ICET 51st World Assembly 2 Border Pedagogy


AACTE Conference Update 4 2006 Conferences


Editors’ Corner


Board of Directors


Editorial Team


Following an agreement between ICET and the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) it was my privilege and pleasure to have presented the first ICET session at UCET’s Annual Conference, in November 2005. This will be now an annual event, as will be a UCET session at ICET’s World Assemblies. My session was entitled ‘Entering the Global Teacher Education Sphere’ and was used as a stage to inform UCET colleagues about ICET, encourage them to join it and to attend our World Assembly in 2006 and beyond. This was an important opportunity since surprisingly enough few teacher educators, not only the UK but also the whole of Europe, know about ICET. I have often wondered why! Certainly in the UK, as I know through personal experience funding for international conference attendance has been to say the least extremely limited for some time, while the culture of teacher education in European societies might well be viewed as insular. Indeed, in the UK we have six discernibly different variations in education service; England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Mann. Nevertheless as ICET members know well there are global and generic problems and issues in the education of teachers that are enlightened if not solved through international discussion. So I live in the hope that more Europeans will take up the opportunities offered by ICET World Assemblies. UCET’s conference theme for 2005 was ‘UCET and The New Education Profession’ as had 283 participants including not only teacher educators but also a range other professionals engaged in the enterprise of preparing new entrants to the profession of teaching and the professional development of serving teachers. Apart from ICET, there were other international teacher educators and teacher education organisation representatives. The conference was held in a very comfortable hotel in Daventry in the heartland of England and proved to be an interesting and well-paced professional experience of considerable professional utility, with ample opportunity for networking. Having attended more UCET conferences than I care to count, I thoroughly recommend them to ICET members. You can be certain of a warm welcome and a great experience. So think about it! Gaining more information about UCET and its activities is easy, just use their email address,, or visit their web site at UCET representatives will be with us in Brazil this coming July. The ICET Board looks forward to developing from its now established link with UCET a long and beneficial, co-operative relationship for both organisations’ members. Professor Ivan Reid ICET Vice President for Europe


ICET World Assembly JULY 17-20, 2006 University of Fortaleza Fortaleza, Brazil

Theme: LOCAL AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHANGE IN TEACHER EDUCATION Call for Papers Abstracts due: March 15, 2006 (Guidelines on website) The 2006 ICET World Assembly will be held at the University of Fortaleza, in the coastal community of Fortaleza, Brazil. In addition to providing a forum for teacher educators and policy makers from around the world, Fortaleza offers a rich cross-cultural experience for participants. It is Brazil’s fourth-largest city, located on the coast with beautiful beaches, a rich history, and growing commercial center. You can find anything in Fortaleza, including some of the best shopping in South America and forró dancing at Pirata’s on Monday nights (highly acclaimed by the New York Times). Participants will stay at the Marina Park Hotel (5 star) on the coast. Room rates will be $60.00 and up, based on view (including breakfast buffet). The call for papers is listed on the ICET website at Paper proposals are due by March 15, 2006. Formal paper sessions as well as best practice round table sessions will be available. Subtopics • Impact of globalization on local and regional educational development • Education for all: Literacy and teacher education • Cultural identity, equity, diversity and teacher education • Teacher education and health programs for schools – HIV/AIDS • Alternative ways to educate teachers: Partnerships, global awareness, on-line and blended programs, etc. Additional conference information can be found on the ICET website at, by clicking on World Assemblies at the homepage. The website will be updated as plans are confirmed. Email ICET at or Postal and telephone contact information is International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) National-Louis-University 1000 Capitol Drive, Wheeling IL 60090 USA Telephone: 847-947-5622 or 800-443-5522 x5622 Registration Registration Information Fee: US$300.00 Early bird registration: US$250.00 (registered AND paid by March 25, 2006) See website for various discounts. The Registration Fee includes conference sessions and coffee breaks, conference materials, transport to and from the University of Fortaleza at scheduled times, and selected receptions/cultural activities offered by the Brazilian hosts. Air Travel & Visa Contact your local Brazilian Embassy or Consulate for visa application information. Contact ICET or the website for possible airline discounts if departing from the US. Accommodations Reservations must be made by May 15th to guarantee the conference rate (indicate that you are with the ICET World Assembly):

Border Pedagogy: Mateo Covarrubias, President, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Tijuana, B.C., MEXICO

Educational Bridges for Crossing the U.S.Mexico Border

Puentes educativos para cruzar la frontera norte

The Bi-national Border Pedagogy Conference first came into existence in May 2002 with the inception of its first conference which was held in San Marcos, California. Several universities and educational institutions on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border are active leaders in organizing and planning the annual event: Universidad Pedogocica Nacional-Tijuana (UPN Tijuana), Unversidad IberoAmericana- Tijuana (UIA), California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM), University of San Diego (USD), San Diego County Office of Education. This collaborative effort has strengthened and extended the academic partnerships between educational institutions on both sides of the border.

Desde mayo del 2002, fecha en que se celebró la primera edición del Congreso Binacional de pedagogía fronteriza, la universidad UPN Tijuana es una activa promotora de esta importante reunión, la cual permite estrechar y fortalecer los lazos académicos y fraternales de la UPN, la universidad iberoamericana Campus Tijuana, la Cal State University San Marcos, la Universidad de San Diego (USD), Country Office of education.

On October 7th and 8th, 2005, the 5th Border Pedagogy Conference was held at the University of San Diego in which educators, parents, and students gathered to continue the dialogue and give voice to non-spoken educational issues that affect schools and students on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Some of the topics of discussion included: border education and policies; the daily classroom experiences; teacher education; increasing access to higher education; language and culture; academic segregation and other impediments of educational equality; socio-cultural borders; and evaluation of student support services. In addition, educators presented best practices of successful educational projects that exist on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Every year the Border Pedagogy Conference experiences an increase in conference participants, and additional national and international institutions have joined in the collaborative efforts of organizing the event. Some results that have come out of the annual conference is increase in research and publication on border pedagogy issues and topics; collaboration among educational researchers; production of a special edition magazine published by UIA Tijuana; training seminars; and graduate programs in Border Pedagogy. In addition, universities in Mexico, U.S., and Canada have added Border Pedagogy as a specialization in their academic program. Finally, the implementation of a doctoral program in Border Pedagogy at a university in the city of Mexicali, Mexico is a major accomplishment that the founders and leaders of the Border Pedagogy Conference are proud of. Translated by: Eliazer Ayala-Austin

La actividad del V Congreso Binacional se desarrolló bajo las premisas formuladas en una ser de preguntas críticas que guiaron y fortalecieron las conversaciones entre docentes de México y Estados Unidos. En este diálogo los participantes dieron voz a lo no hablado y permitieron el tratamiento de los asuntos centrales de la interdependencia México – EUA. Se trataron los temas: Educación y políticas fronterizas; la experiencia cotidiana en el aula; Educación del maestro; Proyectos o programas representativos de practicas educativas exitosas en la frontera México – Estados Unidos; Idioma cultura: acceso a la educación superior; segregación escolar y otros impedimentos para la equidad; Fronteras socio-culturales; Evaluación, y Servicios de apoyo para los estudiantes. Cada año despiertan más interés los trabajos del Congreso Binacional de Pedagogía fronteriza. El número de participantes va en aumento y más instituciones nacionales e internacionales se han sumado a este trabajo. El Congreso a dado como resultados contar con marial para elaborar y sustentar artículos de investigación; reunir investigadores y docentes; producir una edición especial de la revista El bordo, que publica la UIA Tijuana Desarrollar seminarios, y un diplomado de Pedagogía Fronteriza. Así como presentar ponencias para congresos especializados en México, EUA y Canadá y abrir un Doctorado en la ciudad de Mexicali, B. C. El V Congreso Binacional de Pedagogía Fronteriza, se realizó los días 7 y 8 de octubre en las instalaciones de la universidad de San Diego, con la participación de los docentes, investigadores, estudiantes de las instituciones organizadoras y de las escuelas formadoras de docentes.

Conference Update: American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education PAULA CORDEIRO, University of San Diego, USA The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) held its 58th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, January 29-February 1, 2006. The conference theme was: Creating New Visions for Teacher Education. For the first time in AACTE’s history, a major focus of sessions fell under the category of “Looking to Internationalization.” Topics ranged from internationalizing the teacher preparation curriculum to the creation of international collaborations. AACTE has several standing committees with one being The Global and International Teacher Education Committee (GITE).GITE sponsors the International Luncheon at the annual conference as well as a variety of other events that promote international collaboration and scholarship. Resources that may be of interest can be found on the GITE section of the website. global_international_edu. AACTE is comprised of 800 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada and is the leading professional association for teacher education in the US. Next year’s conference will be in New York from February 24-27, 2007.

The Leadership Institute at the University of San Diego and the Antai School of Management at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, cordially invite you to join us at the Shang- hai Hilton Hotel, Shanghai, China, April 6-8, 2006. This unique event will provide opportunities for you to participate, network, learn, rejuvenate and celebrate.

International Conference April 19-21, 2006

* Simultaneous translation (English-Chinese) will be available during all keynote sessions Many paths. One journey. Our theme refers to the rich and varied theories and approaches to the study and practice of leadership. In the end, we all share the same objective - excellence in leadership. This conference seeks to bring together as many of these diverse groups as possible. We will learn together by hearing from several world-renown speakers and workshop facilitators about how we might more effectively lead others in the twenty-first century. Please join us in a dynamic and engaging environment to discover the possibilities of personal transformation and the chance to return to the workplace with renewed vigor and passion. Participate in fun-filled simulations and activities and discover the power of synergy, influence, and collaboration. Share your best practices, network with other high-performing leaders, and become a catalyst for positive change. We extend a special welcome to the following groups: Managers, directors , and corporate executives interested in acquiring leadership knowledge and practical skills. Human resources professionals entrusted with the development of leaders within their organizations. Academicians and researchers dedicated to advancing leadership studies in higher education. Specialists in leadership assessment, developers of training simulations models, and illustrators of multi-media activities. Graduate students pursuing a major focused upon leadership studies.

Topics of interest: M-learning applications in teaching and learning; Mobile technology support for educator and student; Design and development of course content for MLearning M-learning emerging hardware and software; M-learning management systems; PDA content formats and field experiments; Mobile video Conferencing; Mobile WWW-connection; M-learning objects and development tools; Service providers for mobile networks; M-learning standards; Life-long m-learning; Impact of m-learning on social change; Future trends in m-learning; Web and Computer-based learning; Tools for interactive learning and teaching; Platforms and authoring tools; New learning models and applications; Applications of the Semantic Web; Adaptive learning environments; E-learning and knowledge management; Methods of content adoption; And more.

EDITORS’ CORNER: Make Your Voice Heard! Dear ICET Members and Colleagues, Welcome to the second issue of the ICET newsletter. This newsletter is a vehicle for world-wide communication of issues related to education for teaching. To make our ideas and information most accessible to our members, this international communication space will be in English; however, articles submitted in other languages will be published with a translation. Make your voice heard: We encourage you to submit program reports, conference updates, testimonials, and other material connected to teacher education around the world. To the right, you will find the deadlines for the upcoming issues of the newsletter. This newsletter is published every four months (February, June, and October). Contributions may be submitted electronically via email to Sincerely, ICET Editorial Team

Upcoming 2006 Conferences February 17th - 29th Association for Advancement of International Education (AAIE) Location: Boston, Massachussettes, USA February 22nd - 25th Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Loca- tion: San Diego, California, USA April 6th - 8th Global Leadership Conference (L3) Shanghai, China May 21st - 26th NAFSA (Association of International Educators) 57th Annual Location: Montreal, Canada June 22nd-23rd International Conference on e-Learning Location: University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada July 17th - 20th International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) Location: Fortaleza, Brazil September 27th-29th 9th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning Location: Villach, Austria. November (Dates to be announced) University Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) htt://


ICET Newsletter Issue: Submission Deadlines: June, 2006 May 15th October, 2006 August 15th February, 2007 January 15th June, 2007 May 15th

ICET Board of Directors/Trustees Executive Committee President: Tony Townsend Florida Atlantic University UNITED STATES (representing AUSTRALIA) President-Elect: Beatrice Avalos Education Consultant CHILE Immediate Past-President: Dolf van Veen National Centre Education & Youth Care/NIZW THE NETHERLANDS Executive Director/Treasurer: Darrell Bloom National-Louis University UNITED STATES Regional Vice President Africa: Patti Swarts Ministry of Education NAMIBIA Regional Vice President Asia/Pacific: Kai-ming Cheng University of Hong Kong REPUBLIC OF CHINA Regional Vice President Europe: Ivan Reid School of Lifelong Education & Development UNITED KINGDOM Regional Vice President Middle East: Mohammed El-Shibiny Dean Emeritus EGYPT

Regional Vice President North America: David Imig American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) UNITED STATES Regional Vice President: South America/Central America / Caribbean Nelly Aleotti Maia Professor BRAZIL

|Board of Directors

AFRICA: Shamsudeen Dawodu Education Management Associates NIGERIA Aliu Babatunde Fafunwa Former Minister of Education NIGERIA ASIA/PACIFIC: Richard Bates Deakin University AUSTRALIA EUROPE: Christopher Day University of Nottingham UNITED KINGDOM MIDDLE EAST: Majed Abu-Jaber Al-Balqa’ Applied University JORDAN

Kenneth Carr Zayed University UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Kamal Dawani Amman Arab University JORDAN NORTH AMERICA: Paula Cordeiro University of San Diego UNITED STATES Mahmoud Fahmy Education & Training Center of Northeast Pennsylvania UNITED STATES Elaine Jarchow University of Northern Kentucky UNITED STATES Nancy Quisenberry Professor Emerita UNITED STATES SOUTH AMERICA: Heitor Gurgulino de Souza International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) BRAZIL Sonia Martins de Almeida Nogueira Universidad Estadual de Norte Flumineuse (UNEF) BRAZIL

Rawia Al Busaidy Ministry of Higher Education SULTANTATE OF OMAN

Editorial Team: Dr. Paula Cordeiro Dr. Maria Luiza Dantas Eliazer Ayala-Austin, Ed.D. Candidate University of San Diego, SOLES Global! The Global Education Resource Center 5998 Alcala Park, AW1-216 San Diego, CA 92110

619-260-7443,, 6

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