Updated Conference Schedule as of 19 January 2010:
2010 ISME Program January 2629, 2010 University of San Diego “Ethics and Irregular Warfare” Tues 26 January 1730 (5:30 pm) James B. Stockdale Symposium reception at the University of San Diego, Courtyard adjacent to the Shiley Theater. 1900 (7:00 pm) James B. Stockdale Symposium address by BG H.R. McMaster, Shiley Theater. Wed 27 January 0800 (8 am)
ISME Registration/Refreshments, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Sala
0845 (8:45 am) Welcome and Overview of Program, ISME Program Chair, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Warren Auditorium 0900 (9 am) Keynote Address, Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Warren Auditorium David Rodin, Law of Armed Conflict Project, Oxford University “Ethical Challenges of Irregular Warfare” 1015 (10:15 am) Break 10:30 (10:30 am) Plenary Panel: “Ethics Education and IW, ” Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Warren Auditorium H.R. McMaster, Martin L. Cook, Paul Robinson, James Connelly 1245 (12:45 pm) Lunch break (no host) 1430‐1600 (2:30‐4 pm) Concurrent sessions What do we Mean by IW? Non‐combatant Immunity Virtues & Intentionality in IW Chair: George Lucas, USNA “Doing More with More: the Ethics of Counterinsurgency” Rebecca Johnson (Marine Corps University) “What Do we Mean by ‘Irregular Warfare’?” Michael Robillard (Univ of Victoria)
Chair: Franklin Mark Osanka, Independent Scholar
Chair: Patrick Mileham, U.K. Defence Academy
“Liability and Moral Fault: Legitimate Use of Force” Bernhard Koch (Institute for Theology and Peace, Hamburg)
“The Politics of Courage and Asymmetrical Warfare,” Pauline Kaurin, Pacific Lutheran Univ
“The Goldstone Report & the Gaza War: Just War vs Human Rights,” Howard Adelman (York
“Utility and Intentionality,” Capt. Willie Caudill, USAFA Location: Reading Room, 2nd
Location: Warren Auditorium, First Floor
Floor, overlooking the Sala
Location: Executive Classroom, Room 102
1600 (4 pm) Floor
Annual ISME Business Meeting (approx. 30 minutes), Warren Auditorium, First
1830‐2030 (6:30‐8:30 pm) ISME Banquet, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Salon D Presiding:
Col Jeff McCausland, USA (retired), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Keynote Speaker: LtGen John R. Allen, USMC, Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command Thurs 28 January 0900‐1045 (9 am‐10:45 am) Concurrent Sessions Changing the Rules for IW
IW: Weapons and Tactics in IW
COIN and the “Ethics of Care”
Chair: Capt Kelley McPherson, USAFA
Chair: LtCol Ed Barrett, USAFR and Stockdale Center, USNA
Chair: CAPT Elizabeth Holmes, USN (retired)/Stockdale Center
Robert Kennedy (Univ of St. Col John Mark Mattox (US Army Thomas), “Who may be Attacked Defense Nuclear Weapons in War?” School), “Nuclear Weapons: the Other Extreme of IW” Asa Kasher (Tel Aviv Univ), “The Dignity of Persons in Uniform” Bradley Jay Strawser (Univ of Connecticut), “UAVs as Ethically Location: Warren Auditorium, Obligatory” First Floor Randall Dipert (Univ of Buffalo) “The Ethics of Cyberwarfare”
Geoffroy Murat (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), “Military Ethics & the Ethics of Care” Daniel H. Levine (Univ of Maryland), “Care and Counterinsurgency” Location: Reading Room, 2nd Floor, overlooking the Sala
Location: Executive Classroom, Room 102 1030‐1100 (10:30‐11:00 am)
1100‐1230 (11:00 am ‐ 12:30 pm) Concurrent Sessions
Noncombatants and Detainees Chair: David Perry, Davidson College John Lango (Hunter College, CUNY), “Force Protection and Noncombatant Immunity” Michael Skerker (U.S. Naval Academy), “Detainees and Interrogation during IW” Location: Warren Auditorium, First Floor
Jus ante Bellum: Preparing for IW Chair: Stephen Coleman, Australian Defense Force Academy Harry van der Linden (Butler Univ) , “Just Military Preparedness and IW”
Culture and Ethics in IW Chair: Maj. Larry Dabeck (US Army CGSC‐Ft Leavenworth) Breena Coates (CSUSB) and Col. Jeffrey Caton, “Kautilya’s Philosophy on SMART Power for Competitive Advantage” Holly Senatore, "Bushido: The Valor of Deceit"
LtCol David M Barnes, US Army (Univ of Colorado), “May Private Location: Reading Room, 2nd Security Companies be Floor, overlooking the Sala Integrated into Counterinsurgency Operations?” Location: Executive Classroom, Room 102
1230‐1400 (12:30 ‐ 2 pm) Lunch 1400‐1545 (2‐3:45 pm) Concurrent Sessions Legal Challenges of IW Chair: BGEN Richard O'Meara (U.S. Army, retired), Rutgers University Col. Tom McShane (US Army CGSC‐GA), “Legal Challenges in IW”
The Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
IW and Social Science
Chair: Prof. Patricia J. Cook, Naval Postgraduate School
Maj. Matt Hallgarth (USAF, retired; Tarleton State Univ), “The Moral Implications of R2P”
“Anthropologists and Psychologists as Force Multipliers in GWOT”
Steven Trijsburg (Univ of J. Steven Shi (Univ of GA), USMC Amsterdam), “Prospects for Law of War Training Program Future Effectiveness of R2P” and IW” Location: Executive Classroom, Location: Warren Auditorium, Room 102 First Floor
Carolyn Fluehr‐Lobban (Rhode Island College), and Jean Marie Arrigio (Project on Ethics and Art) Location: Reading Room, 2nd Floor, Overlooking the Sala
1545‐1600 (3:45‐4 pm) Break 1600‐1745 (4‐5:45 pm) Concluding ISME Sessions
IW, Ethics & Leadership Chair: LCDR Maurice A. Buford, Marine Corps University Quantico Peter Bradley (Royal Military College/Kingston), “Military Culture(s) and Ethical Decision Making” James Weber and Virginia Gerde (Duquesne University), “Organizational Influences on Individual Ethical Decision Making”
Ethics & Professional Military Education (PME)
IW, Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Roderick T. Long (Auburn Univ), George Clifford, Naval “Asymmetric Warfare, Asymetric Postgraduate School, “A Law Obligations?” Enforcement Model of IW” CAPT Tom Grassey (USNR, retired), “Professional Military Ethics: the Bad News”
Maj. Harry H. Jones (US Army; Univ of Virginia) “Torture, Terrorists and Natural Rights”
Location: Executive Classroom, Room 102
Location: Reading Room, 2nd Floor, Overlooking the Sala
Stefan Seiler, et alia (Swiss Military Academy), “An Interactional Dual‐Process Model of Moral Decision‐Making” Location: Warren Auditorium, First Floor 1800 (6 pm)
Night in Old Town San Diego (no‐host)
Friday 29 January 0800‐1100 (8‐11 am)
Stockdale seminar on Ethics Instruction (Martin L. Cook), Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Executive Classroom, Room 102
If you have any questions feel free to email isme@sandiego.edu.