Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program Last Updated: October 21, 2008
Portfolio Assessment Sheet Name of Student:_____________________________ Name of Evaluator:____________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Please verify that all components are in the document:
Table of Contents Position Paper on Leadership Practice Project Chart 3 Practice Projects with companion reflection piece and documentation
Product 1: Name of Product and Client:_____________________
Numeric Score:
Product 2: Name of Product and Client:______________________
Numeric Score:
Product 3: Name of Product and Client:_______________________
Numeric Score:
Leadership Essay:
Numeric Score:
Total Score:
Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program Portfolio Assessment Rubric: Evaluation of Leadership Essay Exceptional “A”:4pts
Acceptable “B”:3pts
Amateurish “C”:2 pts
The student identifies at least two academic theories or models and demonstrates an understanding of the theories and their relationship to leadership.
The student identifies at least two theories or models but the discussion of the theories/models is vague and it is not obvious how the theory/models relate to leadership.
The student either does not identify two theories or models or does not demonstrate s/he understands the identified theories or their relevance for leadership.
The student provides concrete, practice-based examples of how he or she has used at least two theories/models in practice.
The student attempts to provide practice-based examples of how s/he has used theories/models in practice, but the descriptions are vague and do not clearly demonstrate an ability to apply theory to practice.
The student either does not provide two examples or his/her attempts to apply theories/models or the examples are inappropriate.
The product is locally organized, clearly written, and, with only a few exceptions, grammatically correct.
The product exhibits one of the following: a) An organizational structure that is put forth but is not obvious, possibly because of the absence of things such as advance organization paragraphs, transition and summary sentences or headings; b) the meaning of sentences and paragraphs is sometimes difficult to determine because of such things as in appropriate word choice, an excessive reliance on passive voice, or cumbersome construction; c) there are frequent grammatical errors.
The product exhibits a) either two or more of the problems listed to the left or b) more pronounced difficulties with respect to organization, clarity and/or grammatical correctness.
Practice Evidence
The student clearly demonstrates how s/he is applying his/her leadership code/ideas in professional situations.
There is some evidence that the student is applying his/her leadership code/ideas in professional situations.
There is little or weak evidence that the student is applying his/her leadership ideas in practice.
Content: Component a: Knowledge about Theory/Models
Content: Component b: Ability to Apply Theory/Models
Nonprofit Leadership & Management Program Portfolio Assessment Rubric: Evaluation of Practice Project Component (Please note: The practice rubric contains six evaluation components which are described on two pages. This is page one of two. Please assess each of the included applied projects.)
Exceptional “A”:4pts
Acceptable “B”:3pts
Amateurish “C”:2pts
The product is comprehensive and could be used in its current form as a tool by a nonprofit organization.
The product is mostly complete but needs additional information and refinement before it should be used.
The product is incomplete and would have limited utility at best.
The product is locally organized, clearly written, and, with only a few exceptions, grammatically correct. The document looks professional.
The product exhibits one of the following: a) An organizational structure that is put forth but is not obvious, possibly because of the absence of things such as advance organization paragraphs, transition and summary sentences or headings; b) the meaning of sentences and paragraphs is sometimes difficult to determine because of such things as inappropriate word choice, an excessive reliance on passive voice, or cumbersome construction; c) there are frequent grammatical errors.
The product exhibits a) either two or more of the problems listed to the left or b) more pronounced difficulties with respect to organization, clarity and/or grammatical correctness. It appears unprofessional.
The client organization states the product is or will be used and is a significant improvement over what was previously available.
The client organization states the product is or will be used. It is not clear whether it is an improvement over what was previously in place.
The client organization is not certain whether the product will be used due to questions about the quality of the product.
Best Practice Research
Three or more examples/models of best practices and several additional reference sources were cited in the development of this tool.
Two or more examples/models of best practices and at least one additional reference source were cited in the development of this tool.
One best practice example/model and one reference source was cited in the description of the development of this tool.
a) Knowledge
Best Practice Research: b) Application
Reflection component of the project.
The best practice models and tools referenced were clearly linked to the final product.
The reflection piece discusses in detail what the student learned in the course and how that was applied to the project. The student is able to analyze the dynamics of his/her working group as well as those of the client relationship. The analysis is sophisticated, includes statements about personal and professional growth and cites specific examples.
The link between the best practice models and tools referenced were loosely linked to the final product.
There is an attempt to discuss how the students’ team and client dynamics evolved but the discussion lacks specificity and has few examples of personal and professional growth. There are some references to the course material; however, the links between that material and this product/process are not clear.
There is little evidence of a correlation between the best practice model or reference source in the development of this product.
There is not enough specificity about the course material and its applicability to the product produced, nor about the group and client dynamics. The essay needs to be rewritten.
Please do not write your name on this document but do share your comments on the materials that you have read. This comment sheet will be given to the student along with the combined rating score for both reviews.