OVERVIEW OF PORTFOLIO REVIEW PROCESS NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM All MA candidates submit two copies of a portfolio synthesizing their graduate work that has been prepared according to specified guidelines. Students who petition for graduation prior to May 2010 must submit two hard copies of their portfolios; students petitioning to graduate in May 2010 and beyond, must submit one electronic version and one hard copy version of the portfolio. Each portfolio is read by two reviewers – a nonprofit faculty member and an external reviewer. The latter generally is someone who is a member of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research. The reason external reviewers are employed is to ensure that the applied project sections of the portfolio are assessed by individuals who are knowledgeable about the practice of nonprofit leadership and management and can therefore attest to the relative quality of the work. Additionally, as third party participants, these individuals are able to objectively review the work products as, in the vast majority of circumstances; they have no relationship with the students whose work they are reviewing. The reviewers examine each portfolio utilizing specialized rubrics developed for this purpose. One rubric pertains to the leadership essay; the other pertains to the applied project sections of the portfolio. For those who are external reviewers, the option to rate the leadership essay is voluntary. This is the case because the essay requires students to comment upon theories s/he has learned in the program and the reviewers may or may not be familiar with these theories. A summary sheet of the main theories/models referred to in the program is available to assist all reviewers who are engaged in the review process for this section. In addition, there is a check-off list provided to each reviewer to ensure that the student has completed all of the required sections as well as a blank “comment” sheet where reviewers write their thoughts on the work that has been produced. Each section of the portfolio is rated on a 2-4 point scale. Both reviewers’ scores are compared to ensure consistency. If there is discrepancy between the scores awarded by the review team, the director of the Nonprofit Leadership and Management Program acts as arbiter. The director will also review a student’s essay if it is rated 2 by any single portfolio reader. If any section receives a score of 2 or less, it is returned to the student for revisions. Students who pass the portfolio process receive a letter containing their total numeric score as well as the comment sheet(s) submitted by their reviewers. Select portfolio projects that are considered outstanding are subsequently sought for inclusion in an online best practice library accessible to students and to practitioners worldwide. This process consists of obtaining permission from all parties involved in creating the product as well as from the client organization for which the product was intended.