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SDSU-USD Doctoral Program in Education Qualifying Exam 2 Criteria for Evaluation of Manuscripts, Articles, and Cover Letter I. Manuscript Submission. Qualifying Exam 2 (QE2) may be submitted as a manuscript, as a photocopy of an article published in a refereed journal, or as a photocopy of pre-publication galleys from the publisher. The manuscript is one for which the student is sole author. The manuscript or article must be accompanied by editorial guidelines of the target publication not a URL. The student must receive permission to use a journal not on the lists provided by the concentration advisors. The intent of this examination is that it needs to be research oriented or an analysis of existing literature, but not a literature review alone. An analysis will rest upon a clearly-articulated premise on the basis of which the writer constructs a theory that comes from an analysis of the literature; i.e., the writer uses the accumulated knowledge in a field to construct a paradigm or model that informs subsequent research in the field. Note: publishable manuscript, published or in process article will be referred to as manuscript throughout the remainder of this document. All manuscripts, regardless of their publication status, will be examined by the criteria set forth by the doctoral program, not by the journal. The following ten (10) items are criteria used for evaluating QE2 and will be applied as appropriate to the manuscript submitted. 1. Statement of Problem. The statement should reflect a problem, issue, or topic relevant to the student’s area of concentration – and of high interest to scholars and/or practitioners in the field. 2. Scholarly Synthesis. Develops a coherent background section that synthesizes pertinent literature in the field – operationalizing key constructs, identifying underlying theories and/or models, and describing previous empirical or nonempirical research efforts. 3. Rigor of Methods. Employs methods of examination/investigation that are appropriate to the problem/issue and as rigorous as possible within the constraints of available and reasonable investigative resources. Explains the relevance and origins of methods or provides references to it. Acknowledges the limitations of the methods. (Note: The methods can range from applied research to those used for a theoretical argument.) 4. Evidence. Demonstrates an ability to collect and organize original evidence, or already established theoretical and research evidence that is relevant to the problem/issue.

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5. Analysis. Uses appropriate methods to analyze original and/or already established data and to summarize, describe, and interpret the evidence. Considers multiple or alternative interpretations of the evidence. 6. Presentation. Presents the evidence and analysis (and, where appropriate, other content such as theories and models) in ways that ensure reader comprehension. Uses appropriate presentation forms to supplement the narrative, such as charts, tables, figures, formulae, and/or statistics. Ensures that presentations conform to APA guidelines unless target publication requires otherwise. 7. Argumentation. Restates the assumptions and purposes of the study without excessive repetition, unnecessary rhetoric and/or exaggeration. Recasts the problem/issue using logical reasoning to draw inferences/conclusions from (a) prior work conducted by other and (b) original evidence and analysis. Distinguishes between both evidence and opinions, and observations and inferences. Prudently assigns an appropriate degree of certainty to inferences and conclusions, and restrains from giving unwarranted speculation. 8. Written Communication Demonstrates a strong ability to craft prose within the conventions of English usage and punctuation. Organizes narrative around clear themes and logical progressions. Avoids unnecessary use of the passive voice, while avoiding intrusive references to the first person. 9. Appropriateness of Content and Style for the Targeted Publication Submits targeted journal's guidelines for manuscripts. Complies with the most recent publication manual of the American Psychological Association in regard to content, organization, style, and format, unless the editorial guidelines of the target publication explicitly require otherwise. 10. Manuscript Length The number of words, figures, diagrams, etc. contained in the manuscript should reflect the editorial guidelines in the selected journal.

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Ratings: Manuscript 0. Fail: recommend withdrawal from program. Submission provides significant evidence that the student is not suited for participation in the doctoral program. 1. Prepare new submission, recommend counseling and advisement. Submission provides insufficient evidence that the student is currently prepared to conduct research, scholarship, and/or writing at the dissertation level. Student should confer with advisor on additional coursework or other preparation. 2. Resubmit with major revisions. Submission suggests that student may not be able to conduct research, scholarship, and/or writing at the dissertation level. Student should review checked items and comments, and discuss approaches for revision with the concentration advisor. Advancement to candidacy is contingent on making the changes suggested by the reviewers and then resubmitting in a timely manner. 3. Resubmit with minor revisions. Student should review and address concerns represented by checked items and comments and resubmit within two weeks of receipt of the manuscript review. Advancement to candidacy is contingent on making the changes suggested by the reviewers and then resubmitting in a timely manner. 4. Pass with no revisions required.

II. Cover Letter In support of the purpose of QE2, develop an accompanying cover letter to the journal that is approximately one paragraph in length. This cover letter serves as a way for you to demonstrate your ability to articulate the suitability of the journal for your manuscript and to capture the essence of the manuscript. Readers of QE2 will act as an editorial board that reads cover letters and constructs an immediate general impression that often influences how manuscripts are refereed. Ratings: Cover Letter 1. Criteria are not met for the cover letter. A resubmission with revisions is required. The cover letter does not provide evidence that the student is able to articulate the suitability of the journal for her/his manuscript and/or does not capture the essence of the manuscript. 2. Criteria are met for the cover letter.

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