Rubric for Problem Formulation Report (PFR) Assignment –Problem Formulation Report (PFR): Students complete a 15-20 page report (appendices included) based on steps taken in preparation for conducting a collaborative action research project. This is a Team assignment. Members of the team are assigned a common grade based on the assignment rubric.
Score: 75 points. The scoring is based on the criteria shown below. Technical Requirements: See pages 4-5 of this rubric for the technical requirements.
PFR criteria
Does report contain an introduction that explains the nature of the report, and briefly summarizes the background to the project and the rationale for the USDschool district collaboration in action research?
Report has somewhat of an introduction but leaves questions for the reader regarding the purpose or organization of the report, the general context in which the project has been initiated, or the rationale for the collaboration
Report includes all of the relevant introductory elements: introduces the report; briefly summarized the background of the project; provides a brief rationale for the collaboration
Report includes a well written introduction that provides a framework for the report and a rationale for the project, specifies what the report includes and provides a clear transition to the next section of the report
4 points
1-2 points
3 points
4 points
Overall quality of the introduction –
Introduction is included but does not present the problem formulation in a way that makes clear how this work relates to a collaborative action research project
Introduction conveys a in a clear way both the particulars of the problem formulation process and the context in which the project is taking place
Introduction conveys a in a clear way both the particulars of the problem formulation process and the rationale and background for the project. The introduction is noteworthy for the quality of the writing
6 points
1-2 points
3-4 points
5-6 points
Does report contain a Background section that addresses the given prompts? – 3 points
The report contains a Background section, but the section does not address all the prompts provided
The report contains a Background section and all prompts are addressed
The report contains a Background section that addresses all the given prompts and is noteworthy for the quality of the writing
1 point
2 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
3 points
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Rubric for Problem Formulation Report (PFR) PFR criteria
Does the Background section of the report include a clear description of the background for this particular project? 3 points
Background is included but has inaccuracies regarding either the nature and history of the collaboration with USD, the local background of the school or district, or the background of the project’s development.
Accurate Background is included regarding the nature and history of the collaboration with USD, the local background of the school or district, and the background of the project’s development.
Accurate Background is included and is noteworthy for the accuracy, clarity and quality of the writing.
1 point
2 points
3 points
Does the Background section include a solid rationale that links the effort to strengthen local practice with larger issues in the practice of school counseling? –
Report mentions a rationale but the rationale is somewhat vague and seems to indicate that the team does not grasp the link between the effort to strengthen local practice and larger issues in the practice of school counseling.
Report contains a clear rationale that indicates that the team understands the link between the effort to strengthen local practice and larger issues in the practice of school counseling.
Report contains a clear rationale that indicates that the team understands the link between the effort to strengthen local practice and larger issues in the practice of school counseling. The rationale is noteworthy for clear and high quality writing
5 points
1-2 points
3-4 points
5 points
Does the background section reflect skillful use of sources in the literature of school counseling?
Although the section does include sources, the sources do not constitute a good fit with the project as described, are too biased or out-of-date, are not shown to be relevant to the larger issues that this project reflects, or are not cited properly using APA format.
The section includes sources that seem to be a good fit with the project as described. The references are from credible sources, are shown to be relevant to the larger issues that the project reflects, and are cited properly using APA format.
The section includes particularly strong sources that are an excellent fit with the project as described. The references are from reliable sources, are shown to be relevant to the larger issues that the project reflects, and are cited properly using APA format.
1 point
2 -3 points
4 points
The Report contains research questions that are unclear, inaccurate, or that do not seem to fit well with the project as described.
The Report contains clear research questions that match well with the project as described.
The Report contains clear research questions that match exceptionally well with the project as described.
1-5 points
6-8 points
9-10 points
4 points
Does the report contain clearly written research questions?
10 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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Rubric for Problem Formulation Report (PFR) PFR criteria
Does the report contain a section that describes the methodology used in the problem formulation?
A methodology section is included but weakly addresses the procedures used and the steps taken in formulating the problem, is vague and overly general, or does not link the graphic/diagrammatic representation of the problem being investigated with the methodology.
A methodology section is included that clearly addresses the procedures used and the steps taken in formulating the action research problem and links the graphic/diagrammatic representation of the problem being investigated with the methodology.
A methodology section is included that clearly addresses the procedures used and the steps taken in formulating the action research problem, links the graphic/diagrammatic representation of the problem being investigated with the methodology, and is exceptionally wellwritten.
10 points
1 -6 points
7-8 points
9-10 points
Does the report contain a graphic or diagrammatic representation of the problem being investigated in the action research project?
The report either does not include a graphic or diagrammatic representation, or includes a graphic or diagrammatic representation of the problem being investigated in the action research project that is not clear or does not seem to be clearly related to the problem of practice that has been introduced.
The report includes a graphic or diagrammatic representation that is clearly related to the problem of practice that has emerged as the focus of the project.
The report includes an exceptionally welldesigned graphic or diagrammatic representation that is clearly related to the problem of practice that has emerged as the focus of the project.
10 points
0-6 points
7 -8 points
What is the overall quality of the writing (i.e grammar, mechanics, voice, etc.)? –
Report contains numerous (5+) errors in writing mechanics and/or lacks an appropriate narrative voice (i.e. telling the story of the problem formulation process for this project).
Report contains few (34) errors in writing mechanics and has an appropriate narrative voice.
Report contains very few (1-2) errors in writing mechanics and has an exceptionally strong narrative voice.
1-6 points
7-8 points
9-10 points
10 points
Š 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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Rubric for Problem Formulation Report (PFR) PFR criteria
Have all technical requirements of the report been met?
The technical requirements of the report have been partially met, with one or more requirements not in full compliance.
The technical requirements of the assignment have been largely met.
The technical requirements of the assignment have been fully met.
5 points
1-2 points
3-4 points
5 points
Does the report include all the required appendices?
The report is missing one or more of the required appendices
The report contains the required appendices, with one or two appendices not completed adequately.
All required appendices are included and the appendices are well done.
5 points
0-2 points
3 points
4-5 points
Technical requirements for the Problem Formulation Report (PFR): 1. The Report should have a manuscript cover page based on APA style. 2. The Report should follow APA guidelines. 3. The Report should be 15-20 pages (including appendices) based on the following outline: a. Introduction – provides the overview and background for the project. How did this project take shape? The introduction provides local background and places the problem the team is investigating into a context of practice that is relevant to the local site or district. The introduction also describes the tentative research problem and the rationale for the project. – 3-4 pages b. Background – provides the link to theory and places the problem the team is investigating into a larger context of school counseling practice. The Background draws on a minimum of 6-8 peerreviewed sources. The sources used should be journal articles based on empirical research conducted within the past 5-8 years. References are to be cited using APA format (current edition). The background section demonstrates the team’s understanding that the problem being investigated fits into the larger domain of research in counseling and, in particular, research in school counseling. This section also demonstrates the team’s understanding of the relationship between action research and theory - 5-6 pages
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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Rubric for Problem Formulation Report (PFR) Research question(s) – clearly written research question or questions that reflect an understanding of formulating questions for research. The question may be tentative at this point, but do the best you can to clearly express the research area you are working in and the particular question(s) you will examine - 1 page d. Methodology in problem formulation – describes the procedures you anticipate following in examining the research question(s) – 3-4 pages e. Graphic/Diagrammatic representation – provides a graphic or diagrammatic representation of the conceptual framework that will guide your team’s inquiry and action. f. Appendices - PFR includes at least three appendices: (a) Agenda for the reflective interview; (b) List of questions used in the interview; (c) a description and summary of the reflective interview event. Label each appendix at the top of the page, centered (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.). Under the label, centered on the page, place the title of the Appendix (such as Reflective Interview Questions, etc.). Other appendices may be added based on the judgment of the team. 4. One Report is turned in for each team. 5. The authors listed on the manuscript cover page include all members of the action research team, listed either alphabetically or by strength of contribution to the written product (that is, the first author would the person who put the most effort into writing up the report, the second author would be the person who put in the second most effort, etc.). The choice of which system to authorship to use is up to the team. c.
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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