Induction Master’s Partnership Program
Program Overview
Program Objectives
The Induction Master’s Partnership Program (IMPP) originated as a
• Establish, through honesty and deep
unique collaboration between the San Diego Unified School District
engagement, a sustainable partnership
and the Department of Learning and Teaching of the University of
of equality focused on new teacher
San Diego’s School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES).
induction between the University of
Today, the program offers newly hired teachers working throughout the
San Diego and other San Diego County
county the opportunity to earn a Master of Education in Curriculum
school districts.
and Teaching as they work to meet induction requirements for the Professional Clear Credential. Classes are co-constructed and co-taught by university and school
• Increase student learning in lowperforming schools. • Increase the efficacy and retention of
district instructors.
newly hired teachers working in low-
The goal of the Induction Master’s Partnership Program is to provide
performing schools.
first- and second-year teachers with courses that are designed
• Conduct and disseminate research
around teacher effectiveness focusing on planning, delivering and
on the experiences and needs of new
implementing instruction based on the California Standards for the
teachers in low-performing schools,
Teaching Profession, as well as student needs.
program efficacy and the organizational
Students who participate in the program do so at a reduced rate due to the generous support of SOLES.
constraints and possibilities of the partnership.
Program Curriculum
Admission Requirements
Members of the SOLES faculty, along with their school district teaching partners, enrich IMPP course offerings with the values, concepts and themes that will help students become ethical, civic-minded and committed leaders in their chosen fields. The following is a list of the program curricula:
The Induction Master’s Partnership Program is unique in that the processing of all paperwork and registration are handled by the IMPP coordinator. For this reason, all inquiries should be directed to the program coordinator and applications should be mailed to the address given below.
Course of Study (30 units)
The Induction Master’s Partnership Program is a two-year program with courses beginning during the spring semester of the school calendar year. Spring Semester EDUC 520
Induction I
EDUC 524/525 Advanced Literacy Instruction
3 units 3 units
(Multiple Subject/Single Subject)
Summer Session EDUC 501
Family and Community Partnerships
3 units
EDUC 521
Induction II
3 units
EDUC 535
Curriculum Design
3 units
Fall Semester
EDUC 528/539 Content Area Subjects (Single Subject) or
3 units
Mathematics (Multiple Subject)
Spring Semester EDUC 522
Induction III
3 units
EDUC 512
Measurement and Evaluation
3 units
EDUC 507
Action Research I
1 unit
Summer Session EDUC 508
Action Research II
1 unit
EDUC 509
Action Research III
1 unit
EDUC 579
Teacher Leaders in Urban Schools
3 units
Fall Semester
30 units
• Two applications are required for the Induction Master’s Partnership Program, both of which are available at learning_and_teaching/graduate_ programs/impp/courses.php. • Three letters of recommendation are required, one of which must be from the applicant’s site administrator. • No examination is required for entrance into this program. Completed forms should be mailed to: IMPP Coordinator School of Leadership and Education Sciences University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110
School of Leadership and Education Sciences
Mother Rosalie Hill Hall 5998 AlcalĂĄ Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Contact Information For more information about the Induction Master’s Partnership Program: Nona Conner IMPP Coordinator Phone: (619) 260-7713 E-mail:
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