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Summer Session 2009 JUNE 1, 2009 - AUGUST 21, 2009 Important Deadlines First Day Web Registration Only

3 WK Pre March 16

6 WK Mid March 16

3 Wk Post March 16

6 Wk I March 16

6 Wk II March 16

12 WK March 16

Last Day Web Registration Only

March 27

March 27

March 27

March 27

March 27

March 27

First Day Walk-in Registration First Day of Class (Last day to register without a late fee) Last Day to Register or Add Classes

March 31

March 31

March 31

March 31

March 31

March 31

June 1

June 22

August 3

June 1

July 13

June 1

June 2

June 26

August 4

June 5

July 17

June 5

Last Day to Drop without "W"

June 2

June 26

August 4

June 5

July 17

June 5

Last Day to Change to P/F, Grade

June 10

July 10

August 12

June 19

July 31

July 10

June 12

July 17

August 14

June 26

August 7

July 24


July 4*


July 4*


July 4*

June 19

July 31

August 21

July 10

August 21

August 21

Last Day to Drop with Grade of "W" July 4th Holiday Session Ends

Web Registration starts March 16, 2009 Register for Summer 2009 Courses Online 

Log on to the MySanDiego Portal and go to the “One Stop Services” tab, then click on “Register for Classes” in the “My Registration” box.


All holds must be cleared before you can reserve your class.

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COUN 503 Section 01 CRN: 73 15‐JUN‐09 ‐ 08‐JUL‐09


COUN 504 Section 01 CRN: 74 TR

13‐JUL‐09 ‐ 21‐AUG‐09

COUN 505 Section 01 CRN: 77 TWR 03‐AUG‐09 ‐ 21‐AUG‐09 & WebCT: TBA COUN 508 Section 01 CRN: 75 13‐JUL‐09 ‐ 21‐AUG‐09 For CMHC Students


COUN 510 Section 01 CRN: 76


13‐JUL‐09 ‐ 21‐AUG‐09

COUN 510 Section 02 CRN: 609


13‐JUL‐09 ‐ 21‐AUG‐09

Professional Orientation & Ethic

Dawn Romano

3 Units 4:00 pm ‐ 7:15 pm MRH TBA Pre‐Practicum: Couns Techniques

Susan M Zgliczynski

Susan M Zgliczynski

3 Units 4:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm MRH 201 Career Devmt Across Lifespan

Ian Martin

3 Units 4:00 pm ‐ 7:15 pm MRH 145 Career Devmt Across Lifespan

3 Units 9:00 am ‐ 12:15 pm MRH 135 Research Methods in Counseling

Dawn Romano

3 Units 12:30 pm ‐ 3:45 pm MRH 141 Human Development

Ian Martin

3 Units 12:30 pm ‐ 3:45 pm MRH TBA



COUN 515 Section 01 CRN: 62


Traditional Course‐ Non Travel

01‐JUN‐09 ‐ 10‐JUL‐09

COUN 515 Section 02 CRN: 428 TBA

01‐JUN‐09 ‐ 31‐AUG‐09

SOLES Global Study Abroad Course

COUN 525 Section 01 CRN: 63

01‐JUN‐09 ‐ 10‐JUL‐09


COUN 547 Section 01 CRN: 515

Multicultural Counseling

Susan M Zgliczynski

3 Units Time: TBA Location: TBA Group Dynamics

Lonnie L Rowell

3 Units 4:00 pm ‐ 7:15 pm MRH 145 Risk Assessment and Trauma Intervention for CMHC

Ronn Johnson

3 Units Time: 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Location: MRH 127 (MTWR) & MRH 131 (S)

COUN 579 Section 01 CRN: 429


01‐JUN‐09 ‐ 31‐AUG‐09

SOLES Global Study Abroad Course

3 Units 4:00 pm ‐ 7:15 pm MRH 201

01‐JUN‐09 – 11‐JUN‐09 13‐JUN‐09 & 20‐JUN‐09

Heather Dierolf


Multicultural Counseling

Global Cultural Competence

Susan M Zgliczynski

3 Units Time: TBA Location: TBA



Priority Online Registration Dates Online registration has closed to all summer registrations, and you may not add or drop summer classes online. All changes to your summer registration schedule must be completed in person at the One Stop Student Center in the Hahn University Center.

*All holds must be cleared before you can reserve your class.

Please Note Tuition payment for courses reserved during online registration is due Friday, April 24. Students who have not paid their account in full on or before April 24, 2009 will be subject to the assessment of a $150.00 late fee.

Your class registration will not be canceled due to non payment.

Walk‐in Registration

Walk‐in registration begins Tuesday, March 31, at 9 a.m. in the One Stop Student Center. Bring with you: 

Add/Drop Form signed by your advisor

Payment for tuition in full in the form of a check made payable to USD, online payment confirmation, or complete the financial aid process as described in the Payment Options section included below.

Mailed registration and tuition must be post‐marked no later than Friday, May 8, 2009 and must be mailed to:

University of San Diego One Stop Student Center Hahn University Center, Room 126 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110‐2492

Please Note Students have until the first day of the class to complete registration. After the first day of the class, a $150 late fee will be assessed. For courses that start at or after 4 p.m., registration without a late fee is available until the next day at 5 p.m.


Commencement Policies for August Graduates

August graduates wishing to participate in the May 2009 ceremonies must have registered and paid for all their remaining units in the One Stop Student Center by May 1, 2009.

August graduates who want to participate in the May ceremony must take all their remaining courses in USD’s Summer Sessions. Upon proof of payment of all outstanding debt and registration, the One Stop Student Center will give you a Graduation Clearance form to take to the Registrar or Graduate Records Office as proof that you have registered and paid for your units and fees.

All potential summer graduates must agree to complete all degree requirements in which you have pre‐registered in USD’s Summer Sessions in order to qualify to participate in the spring graduation ceremony. If you withdraw from your summer course(s) after having participated in the graduation ceremony, your student account will be charged a forfeit fee equal to 100% of the tuition charges for the summer course(s) for which you are enrolled.

There are no exceptions to these policies.

Graduate Students Commencement participation and program listing at the annual May ceremony is limited to graduates who have met the graduation petition deadline and completed all work for their degree prior to commencement, with the following exception:

Graduate students scheduled to receive their degree in August who have 9 units or fewer of remaining work may participate if their work falls in the category of: coursework, practicum, fieldwork, student teaching or internship. Petitions for August 2009 graduate students were due on Friday, December 12, 2008.

August graduates whose remaining program requirements include any of the following will not be allowed to participate in the preceding May Commencement: foreign language or comprehensive exam, final project or integration paper, master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Course Withdrawals

Official Withdrawal If you decide not to take a course that you reserved, you must drop the course in person at the One Stop Student Center. If you fail to attend the class you signed up for, and you do not come to the One Stop Student Center to officially withdraw, you will be assigned a grade of “F” and charged for the class.

If you do not officially withdraw, you will be responsible for your registration charges.



Payment Options Payment of Tuition and Fees for Summer 2009 Tuition payment for courses reserved during online registration is due Friday, April 24. Students who have not paid their account in full on or before April 24, 2009 will be subject to the assessment of a $150.00 late fee. If you do not officially withdraw, you will be responsible for your registration charges. Please see Official Withdrawal regarding dropping and obtaining tuition refunds.

* No credit cards accepted. Payment Options By registering for classes you agree to pay all applicable tuition and registration fees. If you do not officially withdraw, you will be responsible for your registration charges. For complete and current information on payment options which best meet your needs, see the following: • Check: Made payable to USD, paid at the One Stop Student Center. • E‐Pay: Only checks from regular checking accounts at U.S. domestic banks (including most credit unions) may be used for electronic check payments. For more information, call (619) 260‐2700, go to or follow the link through your MySanDiego account. Bring your confirmation number to the One Stop Student Center when you register. • Financial Aid: Complete the Summer Supplemental Financial Aid Application (available through the My Financial Aid channel on the One Stop Services tab of the MySanDiego portal), to receive and accept the financial aid offered to you for summer. In addition, you must apply and be approved by the lender for any loans being used to cover the cost of tuition for summer. You can receive and accept your offer and obtain details on applying for loans through the Financial Aid Requirements channel on the One Stop Services tab of the MySanDiego portal. You must complete a deferment for your financial aid through the My Student Account Status channel on the One Stop Services tab of the MySanDiego portal and pay any remaining balance not covered by financial aid at the time of registration. For more information, contact the One Stop Student Center. • Student Financial Services can be reached at or (619) 260‐2700. • Veterans and eligible dependents interested in applying for benefits should contact the veteran’s administrator in the Office of the Registrar at (619) 260‐4600, ext. 2032 Financial Aid Deadlines  February 2, 2009 o Financial aid applications for summer 2009 available.  March 17, 2009 o Priority deadline for receipt of financial aid applications for summer 2009.  March 31, 2009 o First day summer 2009 financial aid can be awarded for students who met the priority deadline.

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