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1. The candidate will submit the doctoral dissertation to the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer twice: once prior to the defense and, for the final review, after committee signatures have been obtained. For full instructions, including a submittal checklist, review procedures and deadline information, see Chapter 6 of the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Manual. 2. The candidate will obtain final approval of the doctoral dissertation, including approval of its formal preparation in accordance with all instructions in the doctoral handbook for the candidate’s program and the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Manual from his or her Dissertation Committee and from the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer. Immediately after your defense, if approved, your Dissertation Committee will sign all nine copies of the signature page as well as complete and sign the JDP-5 form. 3. Also immediately after the defense, the candidate is responsible for obtaining the signatures of the SDSU and USD Program Directors on the JDP-5 form. Once all the above signatures have been obtained on the JDP-5 form, you will submit it to the SDSU Graduate Division with the dissertation as noted in #1 above. The following documents should be brought to SDSU. 1. one unbound dissertation to the SDSU Graduate Division Office. 2. the signed JDP-5 form 3. a copy of the title and signature page 4. proof of registration in 695 at USD if not registered at SDSU (obtained from USD Registrar or USD Doctoral Programs office). 5. Survey of Earned Doctorates form 4. When receiving final approval from the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer for any required formatting corrections, the Dissertation Reviewer will sign the Clearance Sheet (see #1 above) and the JPD-5 form. The candidate may then submit one unbound original each to the Graduate Records Office at USD and Montezuma Publishing at SDSU. At Montezuma Publishing, the candidate may begin the dissertation copying and binding process as described below and in Section 6.6 of the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Manual. Procedures for SDSU and Montezuma Publishing: 1. The candidate arranges through Montezuma Publishing for the reproduction and binding of a total of seven (7) copies (including the unbound original and in addition to any personal copies the candidate desires) in the JDP color Maroon (#192) with gold lettering. Binding charges are currently $28 for the first copy and $23 for all additional copies. Copying charges are 12

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cents a page for cotton paper and 8 cents for regular paper. Student is responsible for all costs prescribed by Montezuma Publishing. See the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Manual for additional requirements. 2. The student arranges for Montezuma Publishing to distribute bound dissertations to the SDSU JDP Office (BAM 246) and the SDSU Library. All other copies should be given to the student for distribution as described below in Item #5. 3. Once the student completes payment with Montezuma Publishing: • Montezuma Publishing will inform the SDSU Graduate Division (by returning the clearance sheet along with a copy of the order). • Additionally, the student will obtain a signature from Montezuma Publishing on the Dissertation Sign-Off Sheet as receiving the unbound original and accepting responsibility for distribution of one bound copy to the SDSU Library and the SDSU JDP office. USD Graduate Records Procedures: The candidate must present one unbound original dissertation to the USD Graduate Records Office along with: 1. A check to the Graduate Records Office for $38.79, payable to the University of San Diego, for the cost of binding the original at a later time. Graduate Records Office will arrange for it to be bound and submitted to the University Archives. 2. A copy of the title page, approval page and abstract 3. A certified check or money order payable to “Bell & Howell Information and Learning” (formerly UMI) for the cost of microfilming ($65.00) and if desired, of copyrighting ($55.00). (You may submit one certified check or money order for $120.00 to cover both costs.) They will not accept a personal check. 4. The Doctoral Dissertation Agreement Form found in the UMI handbook Publishing Your Dissertation. 5. The signed JDP-5 form indicating that the candidate has met the requirements for graduation at SDSU. USD Graduate Records signs this form, then the student turns the JDP-5 form into the USD Doctoral Programs Office. The USD Doctoral Programs Office will obtain the signature of the USD SoE Dean and forward directly to Rita Baumann at SDSU for final signature and processing. 6. Survey of Earned Doctorates form (a separate one must be submitted to BOTH institutions) 5. The candidate is to distribute the bound copies of the dissertation as indicated here, obtaining signatures for receipt of all copies on the Sign-Off Sheet for Distribution of Doctoral Dissertation a. One bound copy of the dissertation must be submitted to the USD Graduate Records office, which will be responsible for submitting it to the Copley Library for accessioning into the general collection.

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b. The candidate must deliver a bound copy of the dissertation to the Chair and each member of the Dissertation Committee. To verify distribution, the candidate must obtain signatures from the chair and committee members on the Dissertation Sign-Off Sheet after each member has received their copy. c. One bound copy must be submitted to the USD JDP office, and must obtain the Program Director’s signature on the Dissertation Sign-Off Sheet. d. One bound copy must be submitted to both the SDSU Library and the SDSU JDP office. These copies will be sent directly from Montezuma Publishing. e. When distribution of the dissertation copies is completed, the candidate must return the Dissertation Sign-Off Sheet to the USD Graduate Records Office. 6. The return of all of the above constitutes completion of the student’s responsibilities regarding the dissertation. The candidate will not receive his or her diploma until all of these items have been completed. The degree will be posted on the candidate’s transcripts once the unbound copy is delivered to USD, payment made with Montezuma Publishing, and all signatures obtained on the JDP-5 form.

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Checklist FOR SUBMISSION AND PROCESSING OF THE DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Instructions to Candidates SDSU-USD Joint Doctoral Program Submit dissertation to the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer (ED 102) PRIOR to your defense and per posted deadlines for format review. Defend your dissertation (and make any necessary revisions) Obtain signatures of your committee on the following: At least 9 copies of the approval pages (to be inserted in your final document) The JDP-5 form Obtain signatures from both USD and SDSU program directors on JDP-5 form. Visit USD Program Office (SE 257 A-Nikki Cibrian) to obtain: Dissertation Packet (UMI, surveys, sign off sheets, etc) Proof of registration in EDUC 695 for current semester/session. Submit the following to the SDSU Graduate Division Office (Student Services East [SSE] 1410) One unbound dissertation The signed JDP-5 form A copy of the title and signature page Proof of registration in 695 at USD if not registered at SDSU (obtained from USD Registrar or USD Doctoral Programs office). Survey of Earned Doctorates Obtain the Dissertation Clearance sheet Re-submit dissertation to the SDSU Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer (via the SDSU Graduate DivisionOffice) AFTER your defense and per posted deadlines for final format check. Obtain Dissertation and Thesis Reviewer signature on JDP-5 and the Clearance Sheet approving the format of the dissertation Take dissertation and clearance sheet to Montezuma Publishing and arrange for duplication and binding of your dissertation. (Retain 1 unbound original for USD) Obtain Montezuma Publishing signature on Sign-Off Sheet for Distribution of Doctoral Dissertation Submit the following to USD Graduate Records Office (Founders 106) One unbound original Dissertation Action Form (*If you are not turning in all documents with a bound copy of your dissertation, the Graduate Records office will sign off on what you have turned in and return the form to you until the bound copy of your dissertation is received). A check $38.79, payable to the University of San Diego A copy of the title page, approval page and abstract A certified check or money order payable to “Bell & Howell Information and Learning” (formerly UMI) for the cost of microfilming ($65.00) and if desired, of copyrighting ($55.00). You may submit one payment of $120.00 to cover both costs. The Doctoral Dissertation Agreement Form found in the UMI handbook Publishing Your Dissertation. The signed JDP-5 form. USD Graduate Records signs this form. Survey of Earned Doctorates form (a separate one must be submitted to BOTH institutions) Obtain signatures from USDGraduate Records on the following: JDP-5 form Sign-Off Sheet for Distribution of Doctoral Dissertation Submit JDP-5 form to USD Doctoral Programs Office. They will obtain the signature of the USD SOLES Dean and forward directly to Rita Baumann at SDSU for final signature and processing. Finally – distribute all your bound dissertations and submit the Sign-Off Sheet for Distribution of Doctoral Dissertation to Graduate Records for final processing.

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