Affordable Ways to Make Your Kitchen Look Bigger and Brighter
Spacious Kitchen o
In reality, not everyone has a spacious kitchen.
If you’re dreaming of a bigger kitchen, there are budget-friendly ways you can make that happen.
That is, if you’d be willing to experiment.
If you’re ready, here are few tips you might want to consider.
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Paint Walls White o
One solution is to trick the brain to thinking that the space is wider. White does a good job at this.
With dark-colored walls and cabinets, the boundaries of your kitchen space are well defined and so it makes the room feel smaller.
White, for some reason, makes walls seem to recede. If you haven’t tried an all-white paint for your home yet, this could even be all the more interesting.
Rethink Color Palette o
If you’re not ready to go for an all-white, then you can still do something about the color palette in your kitchen.
Repaint so that contrast is low or that there is little difference between the color of your kitchen cabinets and countertops.
This way, your eye will be scanning the place for an area where it can rest, and this motion will create the illusion that the room is bigger than it actually is.
Skip the dark tones to avoid the eye from taking sudden shifts.
Let The Light In o
Natural light instantly makes spaces look bigger.
You can also dress the window with a short curtain and an opaque shade so that the light can still enter while maintaining privacy.
If you can maximize the use of natural light in the kitchen workspace, then you also are able to save electricity.
Replace Cabinet Doors With Glass o
A kitchen can still looked cramped even if it’s organized. You can make yours feel more airy and wider by reworking on your cabinet doors.
Glass makes walls look farther as your eye glides past through the door cabinets.
Make sure though that everything inside the cabinets is arranged and that the colors are well-coordinated.
Get Rid of Barriers o
If your kitchen is separated from an adjoining room with a wall, you can also consider removing a part of it to enhance the sense of space.
This will also allow more light in your kitchen.
Finally, Keep It Orderly o
Clutter does not only make a kitchen feel swamped, it also eats up your workspace.
Keep your kitchen organized and make sure to clean your countertops and backsplash regularly to prevent dirt and grime from building up.
Improve Your Kitchen o
Improving your kitchen does not have to be costly.
By remodeling your kitchen, you also ignite your love for cooking.
Your kitchen will appear larger and brighter so try these tips we’ve shared above and tell us about your remodeling discovery along the way.
Check These Out! o
Check Out These Affordable Ways to Make Your Kitchen Look Bigger and Brighter.
Brought to you by one of the best companies when it comes to kitchen installation.
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