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Stepping into 2023 with Newark Ramblers
It is always difficult to plan a Winter Walks programme. Some walks, especially those close to the River Trent, are impassable if there has been a lot of rain, so urban or country park walks are a good choice at this time of year.
We began 2023 with a New Year’s Day walk from Coronation Street, Balderton. Walking from the park along London Road we joined the track (a former railway line) and walked towards Northgate Station. From there we headead to the river, crossed the bridge and walked west as far as the Mill Bridge. Continuing west we soon arrived at Sconce Park stopping to look at the Nottingham Cob Tree that we planted in December to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
A short walk along pavements brought us to the cemetery and then back onto the track before continuing round Balderton Lake where we enjoyed watching the ducks and swans. It’s only a short walk back from there to Coronation Street, a total distance of about 5.5 miles.
Also in January we enjoyed another urban walk, this time in West Bridgford. Who knew how much green space there is in West Bridgford! In Southwell we followed the Bramley Apple Trail.
All of these walks were chosen as they are suitable winter walks. However, we are very much looking forward to getting back into the countryside as Spring approaches, watching the leaves appear on the trees and the spring flowers bloom in all their beauty. Our walk at Branston will be one such walk when we are hoping to see snowdrops and aconites.
Further details about our walks are on our website, www.newarkramblers.org.uk or you can phone our Secretary on 07816080874. Our friendly group looks forward to welcoming you on a walk very soon.