2 minute read
A Day in the Life of a Rambler
Peering out through the curtains, light streams in. It's going to be a bright, fresh day, perfect for walking around six miles in lovely countryside. The villages we pass by, I never really see them if I am in a car, it's so interesting to get a different perspective.
I pack my backpack with coffee, a sandwich, a snack, bottle of water, blister plasters (Just in case, though I've not needed them yet.), rain jacket and obligatory seat pad (I have moved on from a carrier bag). I leave home and off to car share with other walkers. Arriving at the starting point about 30 minutes before we set off I greet other Ramblers who are such friendly folks. Sunlight streams through the trees which bodes well for a very pleasant walk. Our esteemed walk leader briefs us on the plan of action. We are given details of the terrain, whether there are stiles and approximate time of coffee and lunch stops. Then we are off on our walk. Chatting to each other as we pass through hedges, over bridges and stiles. During the walk I get to chat to almost all those on the walk. I enjoy photography so stop to take photos along the way recording the walk as we go. Occasionally there is a pause to allow slightly slower walkers to catch up. I often walk with the back marker, who varies with each walk, though we have one lovely gent who often takes the back mark position. He has belonged to the Ramblers for a long time and knows most of the walks. He is popular to include in car share as he knows all the start places and we never get lost. Walking along the public footpaths through the countryside, seasonal flowers sway in the gentle breeze. In spring, daffodils and anemones sparkle in the early sunlight, dew glistening. Slender silver birch trees also catch the light, bright green buds almost bursting, Primulas and hellebores colour the undergrowth. Passing through fields we see sheep, cows and sometimes horses. On one of the walks we were royally entertained by a fly-past from the Red Arrows. So many birds to observe on our walks, hawks, finches, dunnocks and many more. There are a myriad of songbirds that delight the walkers. I love to hear the skylarks as we pass through golden fields.I have seen squirrels cheekily stealing food from a picnic table. Breaks for coffee or lunch are when we perch on stones or logs. The seat pad comes in useful when it's damp. Rounding off a very enjoyable walk we often call in at a local cafe or hostelry for a much appreciated drink and chat with our companions.