How to Make a Wordpress Website for the World to See Learning how to make a Wordpress website is an easy and inexpensive way to get yourself on the Internet so that you can start your own online business, a personal blog, or an information site for things that you are passionate about. The truth is that it really doesn’t matter what you want to do with your website once you have it created. Wordpress is the perfect option whether you want to use it for ecommerce, personal content, or to start a worldwide business. While many people think that it is necessary to invest thousands of dollars in order to create a professional looking website, it really comes down to taking advantage of free platforms like Wordpress which can be built upon to create a custom website that meets your specific needs. First Steps The first thing to be done is to invest in a web hosting service. You can find hosting plans for as low as three dollars a month but for around ten dollars, you can expect to get a lot of bang for your buck- even the ability to host as many domains as you want. You are also going to want to make sure that you purchase a domain name which usually costs about ten dollars a year. Once you have your domain and hosting plan set up you can go about creating your Wordpress website a couple of different ways. If you have a web hosting plan that offers the Fantastico program you can simply download the Wordpress plug-in and easily get started with your site. You can also download the Wordpress files at the official website and then implement it in to your hosting plan. Designing the Site Whether you want to learn how to create a Wordpress blog page or a business website, you can find lots of free website templates right in the admin section of your Wordpress site. You can find great templates like “Fresh” that can accommodate a large variety of different site designs and concepts. You can also have a custom template designed for you unless you know how to do it yourself; if you want a look and feel that you know can’t be found anywhere else on the web. Navigating Your Wordpress Site Once you have Wordpress installed on your domain it is very easy to learn how to make a Wordpress website that expresses everything that you want the world to know about you or your products and/or services. You simply need to log in to your admin panel and start exploring! The left side of the admin page offers you all of the necessary options to create a custom site that you can be proud of.
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