2 minute read

Rate My Professors: Don't Leave It Up to Fate

By: Jessica Scroppo Layout Designer

Going through grade school and high school, your teachers were most likely assigned to you. Each class had a specific teacher, and there weren’t options to choose from. You heard terrible things about him? She gave out the worst tests and quizzes? You were out of luck.


That isn’t the case in college. Although you may feel you’re blindly selecting your schedule, there is a useful tool available online to help you choose wisely. Rate My Professors is a website where present and past students can leave uninhibited reviews on their teachers.

According to www.ratemyprofessors.com, “Users have added more than 19 million ratings, 1.7 million professors and over 7,500 schools to Rate My Professors.”

On the website, finding ratings is as easy as entering your school’s name: University of St. Francis. From there, several professors are listed on the website. You can even type in professors by name. A great way to narrow down your search is to view the course catalog and find specific classes you need and compare what professors are offered.

Each professor is given an overall rating out of 5. You probably want to stick with teachers with a rating of 3.5 or higher. There is also a “Would Take Again” percentage rating and “Level of Difficulty” out of 5. These rankings are also important factors to take into consideration. It’s a good idea to read through each review’s commentary to learn about experiences others have had in the classroom.

Getting a less than great teacher is not the end of the world. A useful tip from www.educationcorner.com states, “Often, the cure for a bad professor is simply switching classes. Find out from your registrar when the deadline for switching classes is, and if there are any other professors teaching the same class.” If you’re getting a bad vibe right off the bat, it’s best to drop a class to get a refund as soon as possible and add a different class that will apply to your degree.

Whether you’re just starting out on your academic journey, or picking classes for your final semester, referencing Rate My Professors can help you create the best possible schedule. Don’t leave it up to fate!

Don't Leave It Up to Fate

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