3 minute read

Shoot Your Shot

By: Frank Piegari Staff Writer

It’s February, you know what that means. It’s time for your social media feeds to be flooded with images of couples giving each other cute gifts or going out to fancy dinners all in the name of love.


This is a very divisive time of the year for most people simply because there are a fair amount of people who spend Valentine’s Day alone. This could be due to a multitude of different reasons but maybe it’s just because you haven’t taken your shot yet with that special someone. I can see you shaking in your shoes right now. I know, it’s a big step. But take it from someone who has suffered enough failed shots, it could form a list that would make Santa’s own gift list jealous due to the sheer size of it. Shooting your shot can be quite a nerve racking process but the first major thing you must consider is: is this person into you?

Simple enough, yes, but this is without a doubt the most important factor to consider before you confess your deepest, darkest feelings to that special someone. Be sure to pay attention to how conversations flow with this person. Are they invested and actively showing more of their personality or are they being passive and dismissive in a way to just get through an awkward conversation. After all, this could be the main difference between you having someone to spend Valentine's Day with or you being the main topic of that evening's group chat discussion. For this next piece of advice, I’m looking to the guys specifically. Admittedly we are sensitive and confused creatures at times. Often thinking, that the higher the production value of your gesture, the less likely that special someone is to say no.

Remember, you aren’t directing a Marvel movie. Sure, if the person is into grand gestures then by all means throw them a massive parade that the town will talk about for years to follow. But in the likely event that this is not their thing, why not just take a simple approach. Gifting someone with flowers might seem cheesy and out of style but it sure beats organizing an entire concert's worth of show, only to be turned down because you look too silly. And then you’re just left standing there looking kind of sad while your friends record you because everyone thought this would be your big moment.

“No bro, I’m not okay.” you whisper silently.

“I’m not okay.”

Next up, we have a tactic that is pretty specific to this day and age but shooting your shot via text is a big issue. There are some cases where doing this can absolutely work out, however, let's look at this from a mathematical perspective. When shooting your shot, you more often than not have a fifty fifty shot that the person will share the same feelings as you, but again this can vary between situations. Deciding to text a person your feelings can lower that further to have only a quarter of a chance.

Okay, yes, texting does make things a lot easier and convenient. On top of that it is a great way to get all of your thoughts out there in a more organized way without awkwardly saying “um” and “like” twenty three times. But there is an undeniable confidence that comes with shooting your shot in person and above everything else confidence is key when it comes to this. Make no mistake about it, being vulnerable and open with someone is no easy task. And there are hundreds of different approaches you can take when doing this. Take it from me. I’ve done texts, in person and embarrassingly enough even a poem (but go easy on me, eighth grade was a strange time).

In the end, the best thing to do is to let things play out and organically fall into place. Be confident and be prepared for any sort of answer and make sure to take all of this as one big learning experience. You could be trying to shoot your shot on one person but maybe it's just not your time yet. I mean look at someone like Rob Schneider. He’s been married three times and he looks like a skunk. So clearly there is at least someone out there for everyone, just make sure when you find that person you shoot your shot with no regrets.

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