The Wonder
Wanted to Do!
the Best
Years: One of
Thoughts and opinions of the USF Encounter staff is not reflective of those of the University of St. Francis.
You’ve Always By: Lauren Wozniak Layout Designer
By: Richie Mroz Layout Designer
I recently dyed my hair purple. It is amazing! This was the first time I have ever done something crazy to my hair. The closest I have ever gotten to “crazy” was getting a balayage, which I did this past Fall. I was so nervous to dye my hair a completely different color but then I thought to myself if not now, when? Hair dye is temporary, anyways. I knew I would regret it if I did not dye my hair a fun color while I was still in college. It took some courage but I did it and it was so worth it!
The Wonder Years is a TV show that stands the test of time and is a piece of entertainment that I will always love. The Wonder Years, which was released in the 1980s, follows the life of a kid named Kevin Arnold as he grows up in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is important to note that this is a period of time that is similar to the one we are living in now.
Now I want to encourage you. If there is something you have always wanted to try but have not due to fear, just bite the bullet. Dye or cut your hair the way you have always wanted to or grow your hair out. Get that piercing and wear that clothing style you do not know if you can pull off. You will never know how you will feel about it until you try. This advice does not just apply to personal style. You can apply this to all aspects of life. Talk to your crush or to that person in your class who you think you could be friends with. Try a crazy new food, go somewhere you have always wanted to go, or pull an all nighter eating junk food and finish binging that show. Life is too short to be held back by what ifs. I understand that it can be really scary to go outside of your comfort zone but taking that leap can lead you to places you never thought you would go. It is completely worth it!
The show is narrated by an adult Kevin who recalls stories from his childhood and teenage years. Kevin lives a suburban middle-class life with his parents Jack and Norma and his older brother and sister Wayne and Karen. Each episode tells a story of Kevin’s past by focusing on his family and his adventures with his best friend, Paul and his childhood crush, Winnie. The show demonstrates what it was like living in a time of social change amid the Vietnam War and the trials and struggles of growing up. “The Hardware Store” is an episode that focuses on Kevin getting his first job at a local hardware store. Another great episode, “Hero,” explains what happens when Kevin’s grades suffer as he spends all of his time idolizing his high school’s star-studded basketball team. What I love most about the show is how relatable it is and that each episode provides viewers with a lesson to be learned. It makes me reflect on my own life and the times that have passed and the times that are yet to come. This is one of my favorite shows and I encourage you to give it a try. You will not be disappointed!