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7 Campus News


By: Encounter Staff


Alumni Artwork Displayed at USF Art Gallery Exhibition

The University of St. Francis (USF) Art Gallery in downtown Joliet opens its doors to the community, so that they come and see The Alumni Exhibition.

The USF Art Gallery will be open to the public every Tuesday through Thursday from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. The Last day of the exhibition will be on Thursday, September 29.

The artwork is not just from recent Alumni, as the exhibition holds artworks from alumni ranging from 1973 to 2021.

Visit the USF Art Gallery at 25 E. Van Buren Street in Joliet or go to www.stfrancis.edu/artgallery/ for more information

Photo: www.stfrancis.edu

USF New Student Assistance Program

The University of St. Francis (USF) has a new Mental Health Services change this year.

USF partnered with Advocate Aurora’s University Student Assistance Program (Advocate Aurora USAP).

Advocate Aurora USAP is available to USF students who may need help with personal, relationship, or family issues. Professional counselors can assist with academic motivation, stress, anxiety, worry and much more. You can also get assistance with financial consultations, legal consultations, childcare and elder care information and referrals.

They provide confidential and free assistance, to request counseling call 800-236-3231 or by submitting an online counseling request form.

The Princeton Review Ranks USF in 158 Best College By Region List

The University of St. Francis (USF) is ranked one of the 158 best colleges in the Midwest Section according to The Princeton Review’s 2023 Best Colleges: Region by Region website. This marks the fifteenth consecutive year USF has been named on this national listing.

The Princeton Review is arranged to five regional categories (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West and International) and recognizes 655 colleges and universities that the organization considers both academically outstanding and a valuable collegiate option. According to Rob Franek, The Princeton Review’s Editor-in-Chief, the University of St. Francis was chosen primarily for its academics. The company considered data from the survey from its administrators at several hundred colleges in each region, information from staff visits to schools over the years and the opinions of college counselors and advisors.

Regarding the ranking, USF President, Arvid C. Johnson, stated, “USF is dedicated to preparing women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership and continues to work together build a Franciscan future in our second century as an institution of higher education. National recognition such as this – a fifteenth consecutive year of recognition by The Princeton Review – demonstrates the University of St. Francis’ longstanding and ongoing commitment to student success in terms of retention to graduation rates to in-field job placement.”

To learn more about The Princeton Review or to view the listing, please visit www.princetonreview.com/ bestMWcolleges.

Photo: www.stfrancis.edu

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