2 minute read

15 D.I.Y Halloween Costumes

Do It

By: Saba Aamir Layout Designer YOURSELF


Did you get busy with college and now have Halloween creeping up? Well, here are some last-minute Halloween costumes ideas you can make with things you may already own!

Pumpkin Costume

Here’s what you’ll need:

An orange shirt or dress Black and Green construction paper Fabric Glue Scissors

To make the costume, start off with cutting pumpkin eyes and a mouth from the black construction paper. Then, with the green construction paper, cut out the stem for the pumpkin. Take an orange shirt or dress and using fabric glue, attach the eyes and mouth in the middle. Glue the stem around the collar of the shirt or dress and there you have it—a quick-and-easy pumpkin costume!

Ghost Costume

If you want simple, then this one is for you. Here’s what you’ll need:

A long white cloth Scissors

Just take a white cloth and cut it, if you need to, to fit your height. Once you are satisfied with the length, cut two holes where your eyes will be, and you are done! Wear your costume and go out to spook your neighbors!



Arthur Costume

Do you want to walk down the street on Halloween day in your Arthur costume? Here’s what you’ll need:

Yellow sweater Collared dress shirt Blue Jeans Headband Brown and light pink construction paper Glue

Here’s how to start. Get a brown construction paper and cut out ears in the same shape as Arthur’s. Now, do the same with pink construction paper but make it smaller so the pieces can be the inner ear. Then, take a headband and glue the ears to the headband. Next, put on some blue jeans and a white collared dress shirt with a yellow sweater on top. Put on your headband ears, and now you are ready to bring out your inner Arthur! Don’t worry, you won’t win the ugliest costume contest at school.

Mummy Costume

What? You want a simpler costume? I got you! Here’s what you’ll need:

White shirt and pants Toilet paper roll Fabric Glue

Put on a white shirt and pants. Grab a toilet paper roll and get rolling! You might need a friend to help you wrap yourself in the toilet paper roll. You can use a fabric glue to make sure everything stays put (and start praying that it doesn’t rain on Halloween).

Whatever you pick from these ideas, I hope the result comes out good. Have a Happy Halloween!

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