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Student Publications
DURING THE 2021 ACADEMIC YEAR, many Judy Genshaft Honors College students published their research findings in professional journals. A substantial number of the publications resulted from faculty-mentored on-campus research, as well as research conducted during REUs (see story on page 56) and internships. Some of these articles have been included in additional media outlets as well. For example, Emily Carr’s research was highlighted in National Geographic Magazine and the New York Times!
Here are some examples of Honors student publications from this year:
Kelli Lynch ‘22: BS Physics, Minor Mathematics
Lynch, K.A., Meng, T., Ponomareva l. (2021). Pyroelectricity and Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics Away from Equilibrium: The Computational Route. (Under review at Advanced Theory and Simulations)
Lynch, K.A., Ponomareva, I. (2020). Negative Capacitance Regime in Ferroelectrics Demystified from Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics. Phys. Rev. B 102, 134101
Kingsland, M., Lynch, K.A., Lisenkov, S. He, X. Ponomareva, I. (2020). Comparative Study of Minnesota Functionals Performance on Ferroelectrics BaTiO3 and PbTiO3. Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 073802
Emily Carr ‘22: BS Marine Biology
Carr, E.M., Summers, A. P., and Cohen, K.E., The moment of tooth: rate, fate and pattern of Pacific lingcod dentition revealed by pulse-chase (2021). Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 288
Carr, E. M. and Motta, P. J., Tooth length and occlusion in four species of piscivorous fishes: getting a grip on prey. (2020), Environmental Biology of Fishes,103, 903
Jack Edwards ‘21: BS Physics
Edwards Jack., Basanta David., and Marusyk Andriy, (2021) Selection-driven tumor evolution with public goods leads to patterns of clonal expansion consistent with neutral growth, iScience, 24, 101901
Adriana Ladera ‘22: BS Computer Science, Minor in Physics
Zhou, M.J., Wang, B., Ladera, A., Bogula, L., Liu, H.X., Chen, L.Q., and Nan, C.W. (2021). Phase diagrams, superdomains, and super domain walls in (Kx , Na1-xNb)O3 epitaxial thin films. Acta Materialia, 215, 117038 (https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117038)
Wang, B., Bogula, L., Ladera, A., Wang, J.J., Schmidbauer, M., Schwarzkopf, J., and Chen, L.Q. (2021). Phase stability and three-dimensional structures of polydomains in orthorhombic ferroelectric thin films under anisotropic misfit strains. (In review.)
Lisenkov, S., Ladera, A., and Ponomareva, I. (2020). Ba(Ti1-x, Zrx)O3 relaxors: Dynamic ferroelectrics in the gigahertz frequency range. Phys. Rev. B, 102, 224109 (https:// doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.224109)
Schmidbauer, M., Bogula, L., Wang, B., Hanke, M., von Helden, L., Ladera, A., Wang, J.J., Chen, L.Q., and Schwarzkopf, J. (2020). Temperature Dependence of Three-Dimensional Domain Wall Arrangement in Ferroelectric K0.9Na0.1NbO3 Epitaxial Thin Films. J. Appl. Phys, 128 (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0029167)
Alexander Mercier ‘22: BS Microbiology, BA Mathematics, Minor in Russian Language and Culture
Mercier, Alexander., Scarpino, Samuel V., Moore Cristopher Effective Resistance for Pandemics: Network Sparsification for SIR Models, (2021). https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02449 (In review at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
Kramer Andrew M., Mercier Alexander, Maher Sean., Kumi-Ansu Yaw., Bowden Sarah., Drake John M, (2021). Spatial spread of white-nose syndrome in North America, 2006-2018 (https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.28.428526)
Tiffany Peless ‘18: BS Psychology, USF St. Petersburg campus
Gabbidon, K., Chenneville, T., Peless, T., & Sheared-Evans, S. (2020). Self-disclosure of HIV status among youth living with HIV: A global systematic review. AIDS and Behavior, 24(1), 114-141
Peless, T., Chenneville, T., & Gabbidon, K. (2021). Challenges to the conceptualization and measurement of resilience in HIV research. AIDS care, 1-9
Samuel Rechek ‘23: BA Political Science, BA Philosophy, minors in history and economics
Neely, S., Rechek, S., Moule, R. Jr., and Burruss, G. (2020) “Fight or flight: Politically motivated selective avoidance among social media users.” Under review in American Politics Research
Kobe Robichaux ‘22: BS Microbiology
Otero L, Chase M, Horne M, Robichaux K, et al. Genome Sequences of Akoni, Ashton, and Truong, (2021) Novel Podoviridae bacteriophages isolated from Microbacterium foliorum. Microbiol. Resour. Announc. PMID: 34264121
Sokolich J, Buggs J, LaVere M, Robichaux K et al., (2020) HCC Liver Transplantation Wait List Dropout Rates Before and After the Mandated 6-Month Wait Time, American Surgeon, (https://doi:10.1177/0003134820942165)