3 minute read
Support and Success from ONS

WHEN LAUREN CHAMBERS, Associate Director of the Office of National Scholars (ONS) first reached out to me about the Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program, I had just finished up the fall semester of my third and final year at USF. I was researching post-grad opportunities in law and politics, and Ms. Chambers serendipitously reached out to me about the Fellows Program.
The Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program is a non-partisan program where Fellows receive advanced on-the-job training as well as an invaluable front-line view of the inner workings of government during a nine-month internship in Tallahassee, FL. In addition to placement in a government department, Fellows meet with top state leaders for weekly lectures and even travel to Space Florida, Camp Blanding, and Washington D.C., for policy development workshops.
The fellowship matched my interests, so I applied in January 2022. I worked with Ms. Chambers to ensure my application was organized and reflected my passions and interests. Despite the very short timeframe for application, Ms. Chambers stayed in constant communication and made me feel calm through the process, giving me hope that the goal was achievable.
In February, I received emails from the director of the program that I was selected for the regional interview. Then, in March, I was invited to the final interview in Tallahassee - my first time being interviewed by a large panel! As soon as I shared the news with Ms. Chambers, she set up mock interviews with her
and Dr. Basu, the ONS Director. She also connected me with the 2021-2022 Fellow from USF, who provided vital advice and experience that only a Fellow could convey. During the mock interviews, Ms. Chambers and Dr. Basu asked challenging questions that forced me to understand myself and my policy position. I sincerely appreciate their insight and experience because the skills they nurtured set me up for success. Finally, at the end of March, I learned that I was selected to be a Florida Gubernatorial Fellow Class XVIII!
I am currently placed in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), as the agency’s first Florida Gubernatorial Fellow, within the Office of the Chief of Staff, which includes Communications, Legislative Affairs, and Policy and Planning. I work on projects from strategic planning to media communication to budgeting and legislation. I am also tasked with establishing a member wellness program dedicated to retaining law enforcement officers in the state of Florida. The hard work of refining my positions and learning to articulate my ideas for the interviews have had a direct impact on my daily work in this role.
The Office of National Scholars helps students envision their future goals, engage in the sometimes tough work of personal reflection, and sets us up for success. Their mentorship and support have been key to my own growth and have inspired me to continue looking for ways to serve more people through my interests in law and politics!