The Fallacies of the Niche Market of Celebrity Protection by Avery Mitchell “The Celebrity Protector”
“The Fallacies of the Niche Market of Celebrity Protection by Avery Mitchell “The Celebrity Protector”
Each day last week I chose to share one of the "Five Falsehoods of The Niche Market of Celebrity Protection" based on MY experiences of over thirteen years working with major celebrities all around the world coming from a corporate/religious protection background. Once again these are MY experiences with Six Major (Platinum) selling music artists as MY personal example, working with one artist eleven years, the other one five years as (head of security/road manager), two others of four years and the other two were on call/as needed. I am posting edited comments from the Specialists because for the sake of space and pages ALL the comments would be too long; the particular specialists can post their full comments if they wish. **Comments from the Specialists** Eric Konohia “Must be major info coming because that's the first time you've posted a snapshot of your experience on FB” Einar Myklebust “I have learned a lot from your posts. The fact that you are still sharing is very appreciated”
"First Falsehood of The Niche Market of Celebrity Protection" 1. The Fallacy of the Celebrity Advance "If you arrive at a venue an hour before your celebrity principal is to perform or arrive at the same time with your celebrity principal that is not an Advance that is a "snapshot" #truthhurts#
"If the first time you put eyes on a venue is an hour before your celebrity principal is scheduled to perform or at the same time your celebrity principal is scheduled to perform. You are lying to them and yourself saying that you are doing an advance. This is a “peak” #truthhurts #
**Comments from the Specialists** Mark James “If the advance is one of the core inputs or variables which go into the overall protection strategy, anytime you short change it or don't execute one, you are potentially limiting the effectiveness of your risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans in the event of an emergency, AOP or any other adverse situations or facilitation of basic operations. I think that is one of the key takeaways Avery wants us to have” "The Second Falsehood of The Niche Market of Celebrity Protection" 2. The Fallacy of the Paparazzi "The niche market of celebrity protection has been lead to treat paparazzi on the same level as assassins" #toomuchhollywood# #truthsetsyoufree# #wrongfocus#
"The niche market of celebrity protection invests more time in training and planning for paparazzi than planning for the REAL risk and threats #protectionplanplease# #whereisthefocus# #truthserum# **Comments from the Specialists** Mark James “Sad but true brother, there are some people so focused on trying to build their own brand that they lose focus on the role as the protector. News flash no one hires you because of the photos. Most people in this business obtain employment based on referrals or the principal and their staff observing your work not your photos” Michael Brown “Great points! I love this information you have started to share. Please keep it going very informative”
The Third Falsehood In The Niche Market Of Celebrity Protection. 3. The Fallacy Of Motorcade Operations/Driver Protocols The niche market of celebrity protection has been led to believe that meeting with the driver and exchanging proper contact information and expectations before you and your principal enter the car is not necessary #wheresmycar# #wheremykeys# #truestories# #vacantfrontrightseat# #celebrityhypnosis#
The niche market of celebrity protection thinks it's okay to have this initial meeting with the driver while you are in the front right seat and principal in rear right seat. #whosteersthedriver# #yourjokingright# #truthhurts# #whyareyouguyswhispering# #celebrityhypnosis# **Comments from the Specialists** Steven Turner "Avery the Fallacy is so on point"! I cannot count the times when I was working a protection detail seeing other agents embarrassed when their principle said "I am ready to go" and the protection specialist didn't know where the principle's vehicle was, because of "no communication"
The Fourth Falsehood In The Niche Market Of Celebrity Protection.
4. The Fallacy of Compensation and Employment
The niche market of celebrity protection has been led to believe that financial compensation does not occur until they have worked a certain amount of "unpaid" details gaining experience. #canIsellyouabridge# #earntherighttoearn# #playtopay# #really#
The niche market of celebrity protection has been led to believe that photos attract new clients/principal. #protectororpaparazzi# #socialmediabodyguards# #notthewayithappens# #really# **Comments from the Specialists** Raffaele Di Giorgio “I have heard horror stories of agencies that are active on the NABA board, of soliciting up-and-coming specialist to see if they can borrow a friend's SUV and do the work for free. Yet advertise on the NABA board as a competent and leading agency in the protection field. If specialist of any skill set, expects to get paid. they should endeavor to make sure that they can "perform as advertised", and have the skill sets necessary to do the job competently as several have mentioned.
The Fifth Falsehood in the Niche Market of Celebrity Protection 5. The Fallacy of the Celebrity Protection Specialist “Expert” “The Four (4) Fallacies of the celebrity protection niche market have been fostered, encouraged and endorsed by the so-called experts of the industry” #falseprophets# #perpetuatethelies# #worstpractice# #blindfaith# #truthistruth# **Comments from the Specialists** Eric Konohia 4 The king said to me, “What is it you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven, 5 and I answered the king, “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it.” Nehemiah Chapter 2
“Perfect Complete and thorough chapters on all of the fallacies and more in an upcoming ebook”