February 2016 Mass Cruisers Auto Club Newsletter

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MONTHLY CRUISIN’ with the Mass Cruisers Auto Club

We’re on the Web www.masscruisers.com And Facebook


Volume 26 Issue 2

Celebrating 25 years of Cruisin’


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Contact us by snail mail: P.O. Box 217, Wrentham, MA 02093 Or by email: HO350@comcast.net

We’re on the Web! www.masscruisers.com

Our clubhouse is located at 124 Main Street, Norfolk, behind the Dunkin Donuts shop and across the street from the police station. For more information please call: 781 551-0520. Visitors, guests and those interested in joining the

Mass Cruisers Auto Club are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month in Norfolk. Directory


Presidential Emissions


25th Anniversary Meeting by John Buchnan


Club Officers President– John Buchanan Vice President—Diane Thornton

25th Anniversary Meeting (continued)


Secretary—Patrick Touhey

Think Spring 2016


Treasurer—Wayne Lestan

Auto Shows & Events Page


Meet new members Steve and Maureen Fernald


Wrench‟n & Coffee at Robert‟s Automotive


Facebook Admin. – Patrick Touhey

Look Ma, No Gasoline by John Buchanan -----------------Yeah, Baby. State Rep. Steve Howitt loves British iron.


New Member Liaison—Don Cole


Sgts. at Arms—Rick Lawlor & John Sturniolo


Advertising Rates Business card space…….$25.00/yr

To advertise in the Monthly Cruiser, please send a business card and a check for $25.00 to

Mass Cruisers Newsletter P.O. Box 217, Wrentham, MA. 02093

Webmaster—Steve Vining Newsletter Editor—Paul Saulnier

Charity Coordination – Frank Bryant By-Laws – Roy Rossman MAAC Representative— John Buchanan

Special Events Cruise Night—Steve Huntington Car Show—Rich Armando Club Events Calendar – (open)

Monthly Cruisin

Presidental Emissions

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o ick off our 25th Anniversary year as the Mass Cruisers Auto Club our Tuesday January 19, 2016 regular monthly meeting was held in the Conservation Room of the Bass Pro Shops that also included a Blue Fin Lounge catered buffet. This traditional first monthly meeting of a new calendar year, which includes presenting the new officers for the coming year, was previously part of the annual Anniversary banquet held on either the 3rd Saturday of January, however, this being a 25 year milestone for our club, the decision was made to hold a special 25th anniversary celebration later in March when the weather was more cooperative. Details and pictures on pages 4 and 5.


So, onward to 2016 for another year of CRUIZN, car shows and socializing with our fellow Mass Cruisers. And this from Diane Thornton: The Lars Anderson monthly "Gazette" that provides information on the "Dancing with Cars" series that they are hosting once a month until April. On Friday, February 12th, I am hoping to see our group attend this evening of dancing. The flyer has the details to go online and sign up in advance. If you bring clothes to donate, then the entrance price is reduced by $10. Details are on the Larz Anderson website.

Answer somewhere in the newsletter

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25th Anniversary Year Meeting By John Buchannan


e had a great turnout of some 60 members and spouses, with yours truly, as President, extending thanks for all the members that have worked hard planning and supporting all the events 2015 cars shows and cruise nights that enjoyed great participation by all. Rather than have everyone stand up and identify themselves listing the cars and hometowns, I called on each of our members to thank them personally for their specific contributions to the success of our club as well add some personalized tidbits.

Bass Pro Shops Events Coordinator Bob Berkowitz and Operation Manager Jeff Moschella flanked by John Buchanan & Steve Huntington.

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25th Anniversary Year Meeting (continued)

First off, I recognized original 25 year member Don Cole who, in the club‟s earlier years, was Treasurer and now provides new club members with their first contact by processing their membership application and providing them with an information packet and a prized optic yellow Mass Cruisers club tee shirt to wear at our cruise and car show events. We did have two brand new members join the club at the meeting, Steve & Maureen Fernald from Hopkinton, whom I hope weren‟t too overwhelmed by their first contact with their fellow clubmembers. I had fun doing this and I hope everyone enjoyed some of the banter that it generated. Vice President Diane Thornton went over the details for the scheduled Saturday March 26 25th Anniversary celebration in Newport, which will require everyone that has already signed up to be sure they have specifically indicated attendance at the Audrain Auto Museum 2:30 pm tour, the 6:00 pm seating at Sardella‟s restaurant (cocktail hour 5 pm) and whether you will be taking the limousine/van service provided from the Norfolk Clubhouse at 1:30 pm. We need an exact headcount for each of these three club paid venues. Diane noted that Thames Street afternoon shopping may be more of interest to our club ladies rather than the auto museum. The restaurant is a one block walk from the museum and Thames street is a 3 block walk. Overnighters at the Atlantic Hotel, 1 mile away, requires a drive or carpooling. Call Diane for any questions. Car Show Chairman Rich Armando passed out the club logo monogramed 2014 jackets and 2015 jerseys to members that worked these car shows. This follows the tradition of providing a unique club logo-wear as a thank you to members that work at making our annual car show a success each year. We were a year behind with the 2014 jackets due to a delay in having the new Mass Cruisers logo design completed, but members had the option of choosing either the old or new logos. If anyone is interested in having other club logo embroidered jackets, shirts, jerseys or caps , TriValley Sports on Rte. 109 in Medway www.tri-valleysports.com has both the old and new club logos artwork on file and a complete line of apparel to shoes from.

Patriot Place Marketing Director Diana Griffin with John Buchanan & Steve Huntington.

2014 Cruiser of the year Zeke Sawayer presenting 2015 Cruiser of the Year award to Patrick Touhey

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Think Spring 2016

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Auto Shows & Events Page

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Monthly Cruisin

Meet New Members Steve & Maureen Fernald Hopkinton, Mass. Steve Bought this 1979 Chevy Silverdo pickup brand new as his “general purpose” vehicle. Maureen had her own driver, there were no kids to transport to soccer so the truck was also a toy. Not that it didn‟t earn its keep as a hauler when Steve worked on his home. It was also used on fishing and camping trips and eventually was retired to light duty as the reality of two kids manifested itself. As for the future of this one-owner stepside? “Decided to restore it last fall because it was looking like a

Above. Steve‟s Silverado was a good looking driv-

now or never situation. My choices were, give it up, uses it er. He plans on restoring it, basically stock, to last as a lawn ornament or restore it. I will keep it stock. It has performed well with minimal maintenance and I believe it will him another 37 years. Below, the fun begins. continue to do so for several more years.” Back in the early 70‟s he was part of the Van craze. Had a 1974 Dodge van and pretty much traveled the country in it with Maureen. They took a 3 month cross country tour before starting a family. “I have always enjoyed stopping by car shows and being a member of the Cruisers seems to be one way of making it more enjoyable. “ The rest of the club would agree with

you, Steve. Welcome.

Monthly Cruisin



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Robert’s Automotive

he first Saturday Wrenchin‟ n‟ Coffee session of 2016 at Robert‟s Automotive in Attleboro got off to another great start on the 9th. It was mostly projects getting the daily drivers prepped for winter driving or tracking down problems although Don Cole brought in the nose from his Volvo 544 project to apply some body filler and sand it down, saving smelling up his house.

Mike Rabbitt was tracking down a leak in the new power steering pump in his Honda Odyssey, while John Guarvage was replacing all the summer tires on his Honda Odyssey with winter treads. Rich Armando was troubleshooting a problem with the remote start on his GMC Sierra and Mark Crichton replaced front disc pads on his GMC pickup. Dave Reveille showed up with his Nissan Maxima rotated tires, front to back, and check the disc brakes for pad wear. After the morning wrenchin‟ session was over, the drawing for the Robert‟s Automotive door prizes was held with Rick Lawlor winning a set of ratchet box end wrenches and Bob‟s godson John Hebert, who brought his pickup truck in to replace a front ball joint, won a pair of Mechanix work gloves. The next Wrenchin‟ n‟ Coffee session is Saturday February 13, 8 am til noon.

(Mark Crichton removing wheel lug nuts form his GMC‟s front wheel.)

(John Guarvage removing one of his tires from his Honda Odyssey wheel with John Hebert assisting.)

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Look Ma, No Gasoline by John Buchanan


hile driving into Boston on Route 1 in Dedham I spotted the new Tesla Store, Service Center and Supercharger station just past the Legacy Place entrance road. Because there have been several Tesla‟s showing up regularly at our cruises last year and were getting a lot of attention from cruise attendees, I thought I‟d stop at the store the next time I was in the Dedham area. So last week I stopped and went into the showroom where they had the „skateboard‟ S Model D85 dual wheel drive platform displayed on the floor. A young product specialist named Bill came over and began describing all the features of this remarkable computer controlled all electric drive vehicle that Elon Musk has shaken up the internal combustion engine world with. After answering all my questions, he asked if I‟d like to take a test drive in one? You betcha‟, I said! All I can say is WOW! Although I drove the Lexus 450H (hybrid) when it first came out on the Pocono road course at up to 120 mph on the straight, I believe I just experienced what can only be described as the next generation of road driving excitement. The Tesla store offers two test drive routes, the local roads or the highway drive route. Definitely take the highway drive route because you will then be able experience what it is like to drive in a vehicle that is virtually self-driving under Route 128 traffic conditions using their latest evolution AutoPilot autosteer mode. The self-driving lane and automatic lane change capabilities are a bit startling at first and I was fighting the urge to take back control, but this car is loaded with forward radar, cameras and 360 degree sonar sensors, when activated, are working 100% of the time without the distractions or emotions one experiences when that yahoo cuts in front of you. I did not get the opportunity to try the Auto Park mode but, I was fortunate to be the first car in line at the Elm St. traffic signals on Route 1 on the return drive back, and to hit the gas, oops I mean hit the amps, on GREEN, amazing! Quiet 0-60 mph acceleration in under 5 seconds in the S Model 85 I was driving. The performance S & X crossover Models can do 0-60 in as little as 3.2 seconds and Motor Trend reported doing 0-60 in 2.6 sec and 10.9 sec. in the ¼ mile at 122.7 mph in the appropriately named 2015 Model P90D Ludicrous. What was most startling was learning the car was ON and ready to go the moment you open the car door with the key-fob in your pocket, no unlocking the door or key in the ignition, there is no ignition, and you have to look at the displays to realize everything is ready and waiting for you to direct it to go. Also, If you are of the down shifting generation, like me, who enjoys the feeling of deceleration to slow down before hitting the brakes, you‟ll love the regenerative drag when you let off the accelerator. Oh yes, there is no shifting of gears up or down, just continuous uniform acceleration and deceleration. The sedan‟s small rear window was a concern at first, but turning on the rear view camera full time gave me a 180 degree view on a large High Definition display with excellent depth of field to the point where the rear view mirrors seemed almost unnecessary. Well, that‟s enough of my experience, Tesla is interested in getting everyone they can behind the wheel of one of these remarkable automobiles to experience the difference. No hard sell, just educate. You‟ll be hooked and wondering when they will have similar offerings in the popular under $40K new price range instead of $80K new or $50K used models that are available now. The Model 3, starting price $35K, is promised to be unveiled this March with production deliveries expected in 2017. Test drive one and you‟ll be convinced like me that this could very well be the future for all of us in a very short time. No emissions and no hard-sell salesmen.

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Monthly Cruisin

“Yeah, Baby”. Mass Representative Steve Howitt is a Fan of Classic Brits (SEMA Action Network (SAN) newsletter) Massachusetts State Representative Steven S. Howitt is full-fledged car enthusiast. “I have had many vehicles over time,” he says. “My first car was a bright yellow ‟70 Plymouth 340 ‟Cuda. Over the years, I have also owned an Orange ‟74 BMW 2002, a ‟70 Porsche 914 and a ‟69 911T as well as a ‟62 Morgan, a ‟62 MGA Deluxe and 2 MGTFs, a ‟54 and ‟55. Presently, I own two Triumph TR6s, a ‟74 and ‟76, as well as an ‟80 Triumph TR8 convertible with 6100 original miles.” In fact, a number of his cars have been used in films. The ‟74 TR6 and ‟80 TR8 were used recently in the movie production of Black Mass, while other cars were used in background roles in 27 Dresses (Silver Mercedes 2000 CLK430 Cabriolet) and Company Men (Silver Mercedes 2005 SL500). His weekend car is a black ‟11 Porsche 911S coupe. Representative Howitt is a dedicated public servant, advocate for accountability, business owner and third-generation resident of Seekonk, Massachusetts, with more than 30 years of public service to the community and to the Commonwealth. A member of the SAN-supported State Automotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus, he began serving in the Massachusetts State Legislature in 2011 and currently serves on the Joint Transportation Committee as ranking member. In the legislature, he uses his knowledge of automobiles to help educate his non-auto enthusiast colleagues on the pros and cons of numerous bills affecting the hobby. For several legislative sessions, certain members of the legislature have attempted to ban the “use and sale of any exhaust pipe that increases the sound emission of any vehicle...” These efforts, opposed successfully by the SAN, have not supplied law enforcement a clear standard to enforce for motor vehicles, allowing them to make subjective judgments on whether a modified exhaust system is in violation. Representative Howitt has been a leading advocate in helping kill these bills. “I am also in favor of year of manufacturer antique license plates for vintage vehicles,” Howitt adds. “I would also like to see some option, whether it is a windshield sticker or a front plate decal, that could be used instead of a front license plate. Nothing looks worse than to have holes drilled into the front bumper of some of the newer classics, such as a Corvette or a Porsche.” The most recent bill in Massachusetts to provide for the issuance of a single registration plate died when the legislature adjourned in 2015. “I have always been involved in public service,” Howitt concludes. “My father instilled in me the desire to not watch from the sidelines, but be involved in one‟s community as he was.” Left: Rep. Jay Barrows (L) with Rep. Steve Howitt. Right: Rep Howitt‟s 1980 Triumph TR 8 With only 6100 miles.

Monthly Cruisin

February 2016

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Member meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Norfolk MA clubhouse.

Obey all signs

P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093

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