Monthly Crusin
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Mass Cruisers Auto Club Cruisin’ at the speed of fun
February 2019 Steve Vining, 2018 Cruiser of the Year
Steve Vining Webmaster and Photographer
28th Anniversary Meeting
Auto Parts Swap & Sell
INSIDE: President’s Tailpipe VP: Riding Shotgun Upcoming Car Events
Celebrating 28 Years of Cruisin’ Volume 28 Issue 2
We’re on the Web And
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Contact us by snail mail: P.O. Box 217, Wrentham, MA 02093 Or by email:
We’re on the Web!
Our clubhouse is located at 124 Main Street, Norfolk, behind Dunkin Donuts and across the street from the Police Station. Visitors, guests and those interested in joining the Mass Cruisers Auto Club are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month. DIRECTORY
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Club Officers President: Mark Crichton Vice President: Larry Nyborn
Secretary: Lesley Corda-Majeski Asst. Secretary: John Guravage Treasurer: Kevin Rushlow Asst. Treasurer: Rich Armando At Large Board Member: Steve Huntington
Special Assignments Webmaster: Steve Vining
Managing Editor: John Buchanan Newsletter Editor: John Guravage Facebook: Patrick Touhey New Members: Zeke Sawayer Sgts. at Arms: Rick Lawlor John Sturniolo Charity Coord.: Frank Bryant Food Pantry: Bob Wood By-Laws: Wayne Lestan MAAC Rep: John Buchanan Cruise Nights: Steve Huntington Sponsors: John Buchanan Fred Tierney Club Events: Rich Armando Photographs: Steve Vining, John Buchanan
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President's Tailpipe By Mark Crichton
Good afternoon fellow Cruisers. Hope all is well in New England. Weather here is Florida is up and down, but there is no snow in the future. There are a number of car shows in the area that I have not ventured out to at this time, but will take in a few when weather permits. Thanks for choosing me as your club President along with the new members of the team. I want to thank Larry Nyborn for stepping up to be Vice President and helping me out when I’m not there. Also thanks to Lesley Corda-Majeski who has taken over as Secretary. It’s great to see the enthusiasm she has. As for Kevin Rushlow, congratulations taking over the position of Treasurer, a position that a lot of people scrutinize. I know you will do a great job. I hope to bring this club into a new positive thinking, helping and secure organization. It’s tough being a team without the help. I also want to thank each and every member who dedicates their personal time behind the scenes to get the club to run as smooth as it does. As for now I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind wanting the club to be a better and more enjoyable organization. As an example, once I get back in town I plan on contacting different businesses to help out with some of my ideas. I talked with Rich Armando this morning and he mentioned possibly putting on a car rodeo at the Wrentham Fairgrounds. Sounds like “FUN”. Hopefully we can get some of the members to approve and help out where needed. Something that we need to follow up on more and more. Speaking of that – I would like more members to come up with new fresh ideas. Please submit them to me, not only as a suggestion, but with a well-planned solution. My mind is racing, but my pen can’t keep up. Hope all is well. Keep me informed if you need anything “within reason”.
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28th Anniversary Meeting By John Buchanan
The Mass Cruisers celebrated their 28th Annual Anniversary year at the January 15 monthly meeting held in the Bass Pro Shops Conservation Room. There was a Blue Fin Lounge catered buffet table set up with an array of excellent appetizers, sandwiches and soft drinks from 6 to 7 pm ahead of the official annual meeting which introduces the new club officers for 2019 as well as announcing the various committees that will be handling all the club’s business and events for the coming year. The official annual meeting at 7 pm was opened by newly minted Vice President Larry Nyborn, who came back from his Jupiter Florida winter digs for this meeting. Larry must have loss the coin toss with our newly elected club President Mark Crichton who’s ensconced in his motor home on the Gulf Coast side of Florida over in Fort Meyers.
Steve Vining 2018 Cruiser of the Year
Mass Cruiser of the Year
Larry opened the meeting by turning it over to Bob Wood, the 2017 Cruiser of the Year award recipient who then announced his 2018 selection, club webmaster and photographer Steve Vining. The Cruiser of the Year award was started in 2004 when the family of late clubmember Jimmy Veglia would present a memorial trophy award at our annual car show to the best homebuilt cruiser at the show and also provided a $100 stipend award that would be awarded to a “Mass Cruiser of the Year” selection. This continued for the next 10 years when the club then continued the tradition of providing both a recognition plaque award in addition to the stipend. Continued on page 5
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28th Anniversary Meeting By John Buchanan
Continued from page 4 Newley elected Secretary Lesley Corda-Majeski then went over the various committees and upcoming events which included setting the annual Anniversary celebration date for Saturday May 11 from 4 to 7 pm at the Old Colonial CafÊ in Norwood http:// followed by The Van Dell’s Music Show at the Norwood Theater at 7:30 PM Fred Tierney needs an accurate head count for everyone planning to attend either the dinner, the theater, or both. Outgoing club Vice President Diane Thornton then presented 25 year recognition awards to past club President John Buchanan and outgoing club President Ed Beatty who could not make the meeting. In addition to presenting the honorees awesome hand-made Massachusetts Map wine stands with Mass Cruisers etched logo wine
John Buchanan
25th Year Recognition
glasses, each received four day passes to the upcoming Barrett Jackson Auction in June at the Mohegan Sun. Cruise director Steve Huntington reviewed plans for the 2019 Bass Pro Shops cruise season which include an upgrade by Mike Rabbitt and Zeke Sawayer for the valve cover race track to add a fault red light to the starting system that will sense jumping ahead of Christmas Tree green start light. Bob Wood will be taking over responsibility of the Food Pantry collections at the cruise from Ralph Chadsey who is going on inactive status. John Buchanan provided 2019 club event year calendar sheets that will be updated periodically as new events are identified. Last but not least, our newest club members, Sean Sullivan and Ed Gendreau were in attendance.
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Auto Parts Swap & Sell By John Buchanan
It’s the weekend, January 19 & 20, when the Start Finish Productions Annual Auto parts Swap & Sell sets up at the Big E in West Springfield and Sunday is when the Patriot’s Chief’s AFC Championship Game is on. So I can sneak in a Saturday morning jaunt through the aisles of the Better Living Center to get in a winter surge of hunting down some car stuff, take some pictures for the newsletter and see if there are any interesting cars for sale in the indoor car corral. As always there are tables filled with tools, hardware and every grit of sandpaper known to mankind that seems to outnumber the salvaged or unwanted auto parts that you hope to pick through. On the car corral end of the spectrum there were a couple of interesting candidates for sale, a 1936 Chevrolet Sedan and 1950 Cadillac. Continued on page 7
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Auto Parts Swap & Sell By John Buchanan
Continued from page 6 All I was able to find that I wanted to bring home was an April 1961 35 cent Hot Rod magazine with the EXCLUSIVE banner “CHEVY’S NEW 409 CU. IN. V8” for the popular Swap Meet price of $3 for old car mags. The 6 page spread on the 409 by the late tech editor Ray Brock was a great keepsake to go with my ’61 Impala collection, but even more fun was leafing through the magazine’s time capsule ads like the Hot Rod Mart where Ray Brock had his white ’56 TBird with a ’57 Olds V8 punched out to 460 cu. in. and less than 15,000 miles on the odometer for sale for $2,000. Concurrently. The other contrast in the 1961 Hot Rod magazine, other than the full page rear cover ad for Camel cigarettes were Go Cart manufacturer ads including a hot rod Go Cart article and at today’s swap meet a large Karting club display and indoor racing Karts. In addition to the Swap Meet the Springfield Motorcycle Show was going on in the nearby Young Building so you can attend both if you want more to see and do.
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Riding Shotgun By Larry Nyborn
So far in the brief time that I have sat in for our president, I sometimes feel like I need a shotgun to handle some of the push back I've received regarding some of the proposals I've made, but I do want to encourage the continued exchange of ideas. Mark and I will have a full schedule of upcoming events throughout the year. Also, I want the membership to shoot back with their suggestions.....when Mark comes back with his suggestion box, he hopes the members will fill it.
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February 2019
Member meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093