2 minute read

Interstate Renumbering Project Underway

Cruisin’ at the speed of fun Interstate Highway Exit Renumbering Project

By John Buchanan


We've seen the Interstate highway exit number changes in states outside of New England on our way to national meets and really appreciated knowing how far the next state line is or was from the exit you’ve just passed. So, it really shouldn't be that hard for most of the long distance road warriors among us to adjust from the old system. Log onto the state’s website New MassDOT Exit Numbering (newmassexits.com) to learn more.

Cruisin’ at the speed of fun COVID-19 2020 Par ting Shot

By John Buchanan

Thanks to MESH New England Technical Editor Mark Hurwitz who sent me the following photo that was being displayed in the lobby of the Harley Davidson Museum reopening during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is a reminder to visitors that wearing masks are not only required today, they were also a necessary defense during the 1918—1919 flu epidemic. "In 1918 – 1919, the flu epidemic infected about 500 million people worldwide. Nearly 1/3 of the world’s population. The U.S. alone endured 675,000 deaths, approximately 7% of its total 1918 population. In an effort to protect citizens, many communities around the country implemented preventative measures, including wearing masks. Here, Harley-Davidson dealers can be seen taking this precaution during those challenging times as they attend a 1919 regional dealer conference in San Francisco."

This is what the original Plymouth Rock looked like in 1620 before tourists started chipping souvenir pieces off of it.

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