Mass MassCruisers CruisersAuto AutoClub Club Cruisin' at at thethe speed of of funfun Cruisin’ speed
JULY 2018
JULY 2018
MAY 24 Cruise Winner
JUNE 7 Cruise Winner
Story, p. 5
Story, p. 4
Do n't mi ss th es e up comi ng me mb er even ts !
In side th is iss ue :
Successful Engine Build Off
JULY 7 BBQ Cruise at Bourne Scenic Campground
Looks like we've got another annual event!
Info, p. 11 or call Bob Wood
JULY 17 Member Meeting Member Cruise to Star Drive In Rain or Shine, info to come via email soon
JULY 18 Fox Hill Village Car Show in Westwood (Ed Gendreau, member) BBQ, too. See website for more info.
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On ou r we bs ite :
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Built Valve Cover Racing at August 23 cruise night in Foxboro
Celebrating 2727 Years of Cruisin' Celebrating Years of Cruisin’ Volume Volume27 27Issue Issue6 6
July 2018 2018 July
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MONTHLY CRUISIN Monthly Cruising
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Contact us by snail mail: P.O. Box 217, Wrentham, MA 02093 Or by email:
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Our clubhouse is located at 124 Main Street, Norfolk, behind Dunkin Donuts and across the street from the Police Station. Visitors, guests and those interested in joining the Mass Cruisers Auto Club are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings DIRECTORY
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PRESIDENTIAL EMISSIONS Page 3 CRUISE WINNER Page 4 1954 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe Low Rider CRUISE WINNER 1957 Chevy 210 ENGINE BUILD OFF
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Club Officers President – Ed Beatty Vice President – Diane Thornton Secretary – Patrick Touhey Asst. Secretary – OPEN Treasurer – Wayne Lestan Asst. Treasurer – Kevin Rushlow At Large Board Member: Steve Huntington
Special Assignments Webmaster – Steve Vining Managing Editor – John Buchanan Newsletter Editor – John Guravage Facebook – Patrick Touhey New Member Liaison – Don Cole SSgts. at Arms – Rick Lawlor & John Sturniolo Charity Coord. – Frank Bryant Food Pantry — Ralph Chadsey
By-Laws – OPEN MAAC Rep — John Buchanan Cruise Nights – Steve Huntington Sponsors – John Buchanan & Fred Tierney Club Events – Rich Armando Photographs — Steve Vining, John Buchanan, Steve Mirabile
Monthly Cruising Mass.
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President Ed Beatty Vice-President Diane Thornton Welcome Nick Mullen At the June 12 business meeting 15 year old Nick Mullen was voted in as a Junior Member in the quickest agenda item in recent memory! Everyone was universally in favor of voting Nick into our club. This young man is enthusiastic and works hard to help us at our cruise nights and participates in club events, even though he doesn't yet have a driver’s license! Nick’s personal sense for cars showed a high caliber eye for a 15 year old! Nick was given the opportunity to choose the Cruiser of the Night at the June 7 cruise and he chose the 1954 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe Low Rider. This beauty caught his attention because of the work and craftsmanship. A discerning taste, for sure! Members at the Business Meeting also worked through setting parameters for how future Junior Memberships will be handled and participate in club events. It is positive actions like this where our club can help attract young, future auto enthusiasts. The future of our hobby needs to find ways like this, providing Junior Member recognition to enthusiastic young people like Nick. Order Will be Returned at Business Meetings For the past few years we attempted to make our business meetings more transparent and participative by inviting all club members in good standing to attend the monthly business meetings, so called Board Meetings. Recent actions by some members has made conducting the club business difficult for us, your elected officers. It would be great if we could just sit around the table and in an open and constructive way address the problems and opportunities we face as a car club each month. However, because there are some members, not on the agenda, and who openly express opinions out of order which lead to sidetracking or disorder, we will be enforcing Roberts Rules of Order when conducting future club business. (Club By-Laws: Article VII, Section 1) The Club needs to revert to the traditional format Business Meeting with just the Board conducting business; this means the officers and assistants, Chair of the Cruise Night (Chair of the Show), plus 2 Board Members at large. (Club By-Laws: Article VII, Section 3) If non-board club members want to attend business meetings, they should do so as interested members or spectators, and should only be allowed to participate when invited to by the Board; or when they have been added to the agenda by requesting a time slot in advance, ahead of it being distributed. John Buchanan commented to me, “As an officer conducting a business meeting today after these recent exchanges, I would not recognize or yield the floor to any non-board member who has not been asked by the board for comment or who has not requested to be on the agenda or who is interrupting the flow of the agenda. I would also explain at the beginning of the meeting that members in attendance will be welcomed, but can not participate unless asked by the Board or if they have an agenda item they are responsible for.” John Buchanan told me that it has been 20 years since he read Roberts Rules of Order, a copy of which is on the club house table, and he doubts many of our problem members have ever read it. If a member wants to become a regular attendee at our business meetings they can download a printable pdf file at: https://www. It’s only 6 pages (3 if printed double sided) and we will post it on the club website and point our members to read it and we will have handouts available for use at the Board Meetings. It’s a start to bringing order to the Board Meetings. More typical newsy news A fabulous Cruise on June 21 with lots going on, expecially the exciting Engine Build Off and the June Member's Meeting cruise to Marlborough are outlined on the following pages. More to come next month on the Cruise winner from the June 21 cruise in Foxboro! July’s Tuesday Monthly Meeting Cruise is to the Star Drive-In! Stay tuned for details via Wild Apricot!
Monthly Cruising Mass.
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1954 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe Low Rider By John Buchanan
even Guerrero found and bought his 1954 Chrysler
Windsor Deluxe Low Rider, an original driver, 5 years ago in Mansfield and began turning it into his personalized idea of a California-styled low rider. Seven is originally from Southern CA so he had a friend at Anaheim Plating do all the hand engraving on the trim, bumperettes and door handles that are stand out features. The custom, lace pattern painted roof is another eye-catching feature that uses Show Stopping Flake Chrome paint contrasted against the black paint finish. The car’s hydraulics use the traditional front, back and side to side lift for its lowrider stance when parked or in motion. Seven retained the car’s original 265 HP flat head 6 cyl. as well as its 6V positive ground battery, twospeed automatic and power steering. He did the interior work himself incorporating a Mexican blanket motif with the leather seat interior. When asked, why a ‘50’s era Chrysler? He said it was a car that he could personalize within the budget constraints and available time when raising a family. Of course, this selection for the Vintage Motorsports sponsored cruise award plaque was made by 15-year-old Nick Mullen, who was not an official Mass Cruiser family member at the time, but he attends all our cruises and helps us with the 50-50 collection, food pantry collections, directing traffic and running errands for the club members. He loves all the cars that come to the cruise. When asked why he picked this low rider from the 2,000 show cars that came Thursday, he said he loved the artistry and craftsmanship of the lace flake painted roof and hand chased (etched) metal artwork on the bumpers and trim.
Monthly Cruising Mass.
June 7 CRUISE WINNER 1957 Chevy 210 By John Buchanan
ichael Mahan bought his 1957 Chevy 210 at
14 years of age with a plan to restore it and drive it in High School when he got his driver’s license. Well he bought another car instead and put the ’57 in storage until 2004 when he undertook a 14-year build transforming it into a beautiful Pro Street drag car. Although it has been dyno tested many times and he is confident it will do under 10 seconds in a quarter mile, it is too nice to drag race, so he has a 1955 Chevy being built for the track.
Mike’s Chevy has a custom tubular race chassis underneath its perfect 210 body that is painted in original 1957 Chevrolet Dusk Pearl & Imperial White. The powerplant is a 383 stroker with F1 ProCharger Supercharger putting out documented 691 HP at those Hoosiers street rear slicks mounted on 33 x 17½ wheels with 11½ inch twin disc brakes for stopping power. The Richmond Gear Race Prep 5 speed tranny is mated to a 4:11 Dana rear which makes it manageable for the street, but he does run it with 116 octane race fuel and the 3-4 mpg falls way short of the 2018 EPA goal of for 35 mpg, so short trips over the road are the norm and in a trailer for those longer drives. The competition for the Vintage Motorsports sponsored cruiser of the night award had a lot of great cars to choose from, but as in Mike’s case, the story behind the evolution of cars that attend our cruise nights can become equally important as the cars themselves when it comes to making that selection.
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Monthly Cruising Mass.
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Small Engine Build Off By Richie Armando
The second Mass Cruisers Small Engine Build Off was held at the June 21st cruise night with
perfect weather and a large turnout. Three teams from Blue Hills Regional School and three teams from Norfolk Aggie participated in this event. Both schools arrived well before the 5:00 p.m. start time with tool boxes in tow. After the playing of our national anthem the competition was on. As each team progressed through the tear down part of the build off, they were being watched by Bob Hines, Mark Lite and Steve Mirabile. Their job was to observe as judges how each team conducted themselves and to answer any questions the teams may have. Watching the 6 teams work, it was interesting to see some of the different approaches they took. Some rushed through their tasks at hand while others worked at a slower more methodical pace with the ultimate goal being the first team to have their engines running ahead of the 7pm stop time. Once the teams completed their tear down they were given the ok to start assembling their engines. This is where two of the Blue Hills teams ran into some problems. One team managed to bust the top of the piston while the other broke Norfolk several rings during reassembly. The team that Agricultural finished assembling their engine first ran into a School problem of keeping it running. While they back tracked their work to find the problem another Three teams from each school vied for bragging rights! team finished assembling their engine only to run into a similar problem that the previous team had. At this point in time it was a two team race to the finish as the remaining two teams where both a fair distance behind their competitors. Back and forth they went as you could hear each team trying to be the first to get their engines to run only to be denied. Finally a team from Norfolk Aggie had success in getting their engines to run long enough for the judging team to acknowledge them as the winners. The winning team, consisting of Benjamin Colangelo and Kalie Cummings, walked away with bragging rights until the next build off — along with a trophy, cash prize, and a well-stocked bucket containing some quality product to detail their cars. To cap this event off Sunoco / NERF will also be providing VIP passes to each of the 12 high school engine build off competitors (and a parent) for the 56th Sunoco World Series of Speedway Racing scheduled to be held October 12-14th at Thompson Race Track in CT. Included with the track passes is VIP access to both the Sunoco VIP tent and the Race Pits. In addition, the winning ‘engine build off’ team will get to ‘drop’ the ‘Start / Finish Flag’ for one of the races. Big thanks goes out to Bob Hines, Mark Lite, and Steve Mirabile for sharing the judging duties! Many thanks also go to Mesh New England publisher Russ Rocknak and Tech Editor Mark Hurwitz for supplying the cash prize and complimentary copies of the latest magazine. Thanks also to Sunoco/ NERF who supplied the gasoline for the engines, 5 gallons of race fuel for our 50/50 drawing, and all of the VIP passes to the races. Tom Latour of Albert Kemperle Auto Body Supplies of New England for donating those pails of auto detailing products for the winners. While the build off was going on two people from RPM NEWS WEEKLY were walking around taking still and video shots covering the competition. I can’t
Monthly Cruising
Monthly Cruisin
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Presidential Emissions
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President Ed Beatty
I want to thank Fred Tierney for putting together another great 27th Annual Club buffet at the Olde Colony Café followed by the entertaining Everly Brothers Experience performance at the Norwood Theater by the Zmed brothers and their five piece band led by co-creator drummer Burleigh Drummond. Although the Café’s upstairs function rooms are not conducive to making speeches and announcements it does allow for members to freely move around from table to table and schmoose with everyone. It appears our cruise entrance back-up problems of the past have been resolved by Ralph Chadsey’s Food Pantry Collection team by implementing new club member Steve Mirabile’s suggested two lane collection setup. Although 20 parking spaces had to sacrificed at the entrance row area, relieving congestion at peak period entry times is a welcomed relief that cruise car owners and our own parking team members alike. We were hoping to kick off the summer monthly member meetings with cruises to other area Tuesday night cruises. Unfortunately, the Tuesday May 15 cruise to the Ice Cream Machine in Cumberland, R.I., not a regular cruise night location, was rained out. However, for the June 19 meeting date, we will be cruising to the new Push Rods cruise in Marlborough at the Bolton Street Tavern on Rte. 85, exit 25A I-495. It will require everyone to cruise on their own and meet there due to the cruise 5 PM – 8 PM start-finish times. Steve Mirabile, who already sampled the cruise, said the food at the Tavern is great and the lot where the cruise cars park overlooks the Fort Meadow Reservoir. Of course, the rain out alternative for the May 15 cruise rainout was to meet & greet at the Bass Pro Shops Conservation Room where we would either have a guest speaker or member project bull session. At the May 15 rainout we worked with Steve Vining fill in the posted website calendar with all our upcoming planned events, so use the calendar to plan your own participation calendar. Everyone wants to do more cruise events like the excellent New England Air Museum cruise that John There was a lot going on at the Small Engine Build Off! wait to see the final video that be putting Nunez organized for us, sothey get will in touch with together Rich Armando to select an appropriate date that isn’t in Page 6: Two the quick snapshots of two team (out of the six) hard for our use to further promote event. you to Rich conflict with another event.this Rich canThank also provide guidance on what needs to be done to organize an at work during competiton. Below is Bob Hines thanking the Taber, Photographer/Writer and Peter Ciani, Photographer/ event if you haven’t done it before. competitors and sponsors before the awards were given. Writer of RPM. The other big change to note is moving the previously planned School build competiPage 7, Trade clockwise, awards toengine both schools for participation; Intion closing, privileged have21 anBass original 1965 GT40 from we ourwere June 7 to thetoJune Pro Shops cruise. This was dueSunoco to the June 7 date conflicttrophies to the winners; race fuel winner; fabulous 1965 on under tent.scheduled Thanks to Ben for bringing GT40 to look at and admire; and Mesh New England magazine eddisplay with one of the the Mesh school’s graduation exercises. this fine automobile to put on display for all to enjoy.
Bass Pro Shops Cruise Nights
sponsor saying a few words;
Thursday Bi-Weekly Cruise Dates JUNE July 75&&219 JULY 5 & 19 August 6, 23, & 30 AUGUST 2*,16* & 30 September 13&&27* 27 SEPTEMBER 13* OCTOBER 11 & & 25 October 11 25
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Monthly Cruising Mass.
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Push Rods Car ClubBy John Buchanan at the Bolton Tavern
This was John Ciszek’s first cruise down to our By Diane Thornton Bass Pro Shops cruise from his Chelmsford home with his 1960 El Camino that he finished restoring in 2016. Restoration was started 15 years earlier. John became its owner at age 21 when he found the El Camino posted for sale on eBay where it had been hiding in an Idaho potato silo for many years. After a tune-up and brakes, he drove it for three years before beginning the long restoration in his small garage.
John did all the work himself except for the awesome PPG Copperhead metallic clearcoat paint and interior. The engine is a GM crate 350 with Edelbrock PerAn objectivecam, for ourintake membership this rockers. He former & roller year was to get out and "cruise" more recently replaced the TH350 tranny with often. On Tuesday, June 19 our Members a T56Cruise 6 speed salvaged Meeting was slated to meet infrom a wrecked Marlborough the Bolton Tavern at the that the reCamaro at and was concerned Push Rods Car Club Cruise Night (hosts cent swap might prevent him from coming to Foxboro, but he made it and was rewardthere on every Tuesday evening). The ed with the Vintage Motorsports cruiser of the night award. quiet, pretty location along a nice pond was not the usual parking lot cruise night venue and proved a perfect member cruise. Shown above (left) are Ed Beatty, Jack Lane, Larry Nyborn, Fred Tierney, Steve Mirabile (coordinator), John Ricker, Steve Huntington (in back), Kevin Rushlow, Dave and Diane Thornton, and Hugh and Karen Leahy. There was plenty of good food and fun at the Bolton Street Tavern. Hugh and Steve M. won gift certificates and t-shirts from the Push Rods club! July's Members Meeting Cruise on the 17th is going to be at the Star Drive In! Watch for details on our rear for website and a in perfect your email!stance, a really
The comfort level in the cabin was not compromised either as it has Vintage A/C, power windows, remote door poppers, LED interior lighting along with a 3rd brake light and Dynamat insulated interior to deaden road noise as well as softening those sweet V8 euphonious sounds emanating from the Hooker ceramic coated headers & Flowmaster mufflers. It has 2 inch dropped spindles and springs up front with 17” Torque thrust wheels and 18” wheels in the sweet looking ride for any El Camino fan.
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JULY 2018
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Member meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093 Mass.