November 2014 mass cruisers newsletter

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MONTHLY CRUISIN’ with the Mass Cruisers Auto Club

We’re on the Web And Facebook


Volume 24 Issue 11

Tommy Trott’s 1965 Chevy Impala SS took home the gold from our October 4, 2014 cruise night at Patriot Place in Foxborough. Page 5 has all the details of Tommy’s cool ride. Also in this issue: a gentle reminder to attend the November members meeting at the club house for your own protection and Pat Touhey refuses to let go of the pedal car to the winner of the Mass Cruiser’s annual drawing.

Historic Massachusetts U.S. Route 6 mascot “Wellfleet” greets cruisers at the West Barnstable R.R. Station Rally Point . Old School Model A hot rod belongs to New England Speed Society’s “Flathead Jack” Wegman. See John Buchanan coverage of the event for MONTHLY CRUISIN’ on pages 8 and 9.


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Contact us by snail mail: P.O. Box 217, Wrentham, MA 02093 Or by email:

We’re on the Web!

Our clubhouse is located at 124 Main Street, Norfolk, behind the Dunkin Donuts shop and across the street from the police station. For more information please call: 781 551-0520. Visitors, guests and those interested in joining the

Mass Cruisers Auto Club are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month in Norfolk. Directory


From the President’s Tail Pipe


Club Officers President– Fred Tierney

Don’t want to be President?


Vice President—Larry Nyborn

October 4th Cruise winner By John buchanan


Secretary—Bob Hines

Monthly Calendar


Treasurer—Wayne Lestan

Car Shows & Events


3rd Annual Route 6 Weekend by John Buchanan


3rd Annual Route 6 Weekend (cont.) by John Buchanan


Sgt. at Arms—Rick Lawlor

Politics and Stuff


MAAC Representative—John Buchanan

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Annual Benefit Drawing


Editor—Paul Saulnier


Advertising Rates Business card space…….$25.00/yr

To advertise in the Monthly Cruiser, please send a business card and a check for $25.00 to Mass Cruisers

Webmaster—Steve Vining New Member Liason—Dole Cole

Special Events Cruise Night—Steve Huntington Car Show—Rich Armando

Monthly Cruisin

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From the President’s Tailpipe. We have just completed another great cruise season. Mass cruisers continues to draw record crowds and provide enjoyment for our members, cruise participants, and spectators. Thank you to steve Huntington and all our members that participate to make our cruises such a great success. I think it is also important to make note of the charities that Mass Cruisers have helped during 2014. some of these are: American Cancer Relay for Life, Journey forward, Alzheimers foundation, Mass Hospital, ARC of Bristol County, Boy Scouts, Epiphany School, CFMS Fund, Norfolk Food Pantry, Wreaths across America, Boston food Bank, Leonore's food Pantry, Veterans Home Bristol R.I., Patriots Place giving Tree, and more. This is yet another reason we should be proud to be a part of this great club. We currently have openings for member hosted socials for the months of Feb., March, and April of 2015. Should you have interest or questions contact myself or Larry. Dues for 2015 are due by the November members meeting. This is the third Tues. of November. You can pay at the meeting or send payment by the meeting date to: MassCruisers, p.o. box 217, Wrentham, Ma. 02093. Dues for 2015 will remain at $80.00. Last but not least remember officer election nominations are now through the November member meeting and elections are at the December members meeting. That's it for now and again thank you to all our members for your participation in The Mass Cruisers .


******************************************************************************************************************** FOR RENT – 2 Garage Stalls for Car Storage in Attleboro. Stall#1: 10’ wide X 24’ deep; Door Opening 8’ W x 7’4” H Stall#2: 10’ wide X 16’ deep; Door Opening 8’ W x 7’ 4” H TEL (508) 222-6594

Monthly Cruisin

Don’t Want to be President? Better show up at the November Meeting

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utgoing President Fred Tierney will be opening nominations for 2015 club officers at the November

meeting to be voted on at the December 16, 2015 member meeting. Our club charter limits the office of President to two consecutive terms. We have a full roster of positions to fill for the upcoming 2015 calendar year. Both Fred as President, Larry Nyborn as Vice President have both served admirably for the past two years and we have experienced strong steady membership support during the two years they were leading our club. We also have two other important positions to fill and that is Secretary that has been filled by Bob Hines for the past two years and Sergeant at Arms, replacing Rick Lawlor. The Sergeant at Arms keeps tabs on the property the club owns in addition to the very important task of keeping the refrigerator well stocked and locked with our favorite beverages. According to club by-laws Article VI Section 1; Officers will be elected at the December general meeting each year by a majority vote of members in good standing, in attendance at that meeting. Under Section 3, the terms for the President and vice-president shall be limited to two consecutive terms in the same office. NOTE: All other officers do not have term limits. Under Article VIII Section 2 Each member shall have one vote provided that their dues are current. No voting by proxy shall be allowed. Past officers of the club include: Presidents: Fred Tierney Larry Nyborn Gary Woloski Dale Williams Larry Nyborn Roy Rossman Bob Cecca Larry Nyborn Tom Damon Bob Cecca Steve Huntington Lou Valentine Rocco Guargnagia

2013-2014 2012 2011 2009-2010 2007-2008 2005-2006 2003-2004 2001-2002 1999-2000 1998 1996-1997 1993-1995 1991-1993

Vice Pres.: Larry Nyborn Fred Tierney Bob Lepore Steve Huntington Roy Rossman Bruce Waite Bill Davis Ernie Lyons Rocky Silvestri Tom Damon Fred Nagle

2013-2014 2011-2012 2009-2010 2007-2008 2003-2004 2001-2003 1999-2000 1998 1996-1997 1993-1995 1991-1993

Treasurer: Wayne Lestan Jean Waite Don Cole George Payne

20122002-2012 1993-2001 1991-1992

Secretary: Bob Hines Rose Sawayer Patrick Touhey John Buchanan Bruce Berry Lee Gentile Larry Nyborn Judy Johnson Tom Damon Rocky & Marcia Lou Valentine

2013-2014 2011-2012 2009-2010 2004-2008 2002-2003 2001 1999-2000 1997 1996 1993-1995 1991-1993

News Editor: Paul Saulnier Patrick Touhey John Buchanan Pam Saunders Rocky & Marcia

20122010-2012 1996-2010 1995-1996 1993-1995

Webmaster Steve Vining 2001Sergeant at Arms: Rick Lawlor 2013-2014 Bruce Waite 2002-2012 Tom Damon 2001

Monthly Cruisin

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October 4, 2014 Cruise Winner Tommy Trott’s 1965 Impala SS by John Buchanan

Tommy Trott

from South Yarmouth is a regular attendee at our Bass Pro Shops cruise

nights, a 150 mile round trip. At our October 2 cruise he left the Cape driving his 1965 Impala SS with sun breaking through the clouds following two days of cold and rainy weather only to be greeting with a cold, cloudy and windy reception at Patriot Place’s hilltop location in Foxborough. Tommy’s intent was to display his ’65 with a big FOR SALE sign on the car’s windshield hoping for our usual 1,000 to 2,000 show cars and thousands of auto enthusiasts to attract a potential buyer. If he sells the Impala, he said he’ll use the money to track down and purchase the 1972 Chevelle that he let get away from him years ago. The black cherry Impala with its 396 cu. in. (6.5L) 425 HP V8 underwent a full restoration over 8 years ago by a friend of his then sat in a garage for 5 years with only 4 miles clocked on the odometer. Tommy bought it off his friend three years ago and it now has less than 10,000 miles on her. Bass Pro Shops Maintenance Associate Tom O’Neil saw the Impala parked in the back area of a sparsely populated Lot 16 and selected it for the Vinton Garage Door & Openers sponsored cruise award plaque. Our usual practice of displaying the cruise car of the night in front of D,J. Bruce Palmer and announce the winning selection had an unexpected bonus for Tommy with Bruce announcing the fact that the car was for sale. Hopefully Tommy had a few nibbles from the exposure at tonight’s cruise to make the ride home a warming experience.

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Monthly Cruisin

November 2014 Su


Tue We


November 2014


Sat 1

2 9








11 * 12




16 * 17

18 * 19












Mo 1


11th, Business Meeting @ Clubhouse

16th, Sunday Brunch 11AM @ Frank and Neringa Bryant’s. Detail to follow.

18th, Memebrs Meeting @ Clubhouse. Nominations and FREE PIZZA.

19th, show your ride at Blue Hills Regional Annual Open House; 5:30—8PM. Call Don

Find an event to show off your ride and write about it for next month’s issue of Monthly Cruisin. We’d like to do a Saturday morning Junk Yard Junket

December 2014 Su


Tue We 2


9 * 10

Th 4 11

Fri 5 12

And start the monthly socials GOT a DATE & LOCATION??

December 2014

Sat 6 *

6th, Foxboro, social @ Mark Crichton’s home.

9th, Business Meeting @ Clubhouse We’d like to do a Saturday morning Junk Yard Junket




















And start the monthly socials GOT a DATE & LOCATION??

Monthly Cruisin

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Monthly Cruisin

3rd Annual Route 6 Weekend by John Buchanan

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Annual Historic U.S. Route 6 Cruise Weekend of October 3 & 4 experienced a yin-yang weekend. Saturday’s murky start probably kept the number of cars participating in the cruise from Seekonk to Provincetown below expectations while the rains Saturday night kept the outside fire pit celebrants inside the ample Harbor Hotel function room dancing up a storm to D.J. Vic Barbosa’s great music mixes all night long. Rain, which is usually the nemesis of car cruises and shows finds a way to enhance our annual weekend of Provincetown relaxation and fun. Then, Sunday’s sunshine offered everyone a great leisurely cruise back home in time to watch the Patriots whup the Bengals on Sunday night football or, for those staying over Sunday night, additional opportunities to explore all that Provincetown has to offer.

Mass Cruisers John & Amy Nunez swinging up a storm at the Harbor Hotel

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3rd Annual Route 6 Weekend (continued) by John Buchanan All I can say is, with the complimentary parking for cruise cars on MacMillan’s wharf arranged with the Harbormaster for both days, and being able to enjoy all the amenities of the Harbor Hotel overlooking Provincetown Harbor where Cuz’s Car Club President and D.J. Bob Bramwell set up his camper as the cruise H.Q., everyone gave this cruise weekend a twothumbs way up and we can’t wait to book our rooms once again for the October 4 & 5 weekend of 2015 at the Harbor Hotel. Left, Downshifters President & D.J., “Johnnie Angel” Remedis, presents a plaque of appreciation to Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce V.P of Marketing Patti Lloyd who has hosted the Centerville Cape Cod Visitor Center Rally Point for our cruise.

Mass Cruisers group shot at the Wareham Factory Five Rally Point

Monthly Cruisin

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Politics and Stuff

Massachusetts Year of Manufacture Registration Plate Restoration Bill; Waiting for third reading

Bill H.3064 Notwithstanding any general or special law or regulation to the contrary, section 6 of chapter 90 of the general laws, as appearing in the 2010 official edition, shall be amended by inserting after the word “section” in line 40 the following: - “However, the restoration of year of manufacture registration plates, painted and restored to their original year of manufacture colors and design, will not be considered altering such registration plates when used on antique automobiles.”

We Urge You to Contact All Members of the Massachusetts Transportation Committee (Contact Info Below) and your local representative Immediately to Request Support for H.B. 3064

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Monthly Cruisin

Annual Benefit Drawing Our annual benefit drawing for the gas fired V8 engine grill, 2nd prize hot rod pedal car, and third place prize battery tender took place at the full house September 28 cruise night. The beauty of this summer long drawing is that you didn’t have to be present to win, and the grand prize winner wasn’t. He did show up at our October 28 with his way cool Ford Raptor SVT pickup truck to bring his prized grill back to his home in Buzzards Bay. The 2nd place winner of the hot rod pedal car was Paul Spender from nearby Sharon was on hand to bring his prize home to some lucky grandchild and the 3rd place battery tender was won by the other not so famous Larry David. This year’s raffle was a success so don’t be surprised if there is a repeat for 2015 given all of us another chance to win another way cool grill or pedal car.

Monthly Cruisin

November 2014

Last Page

Member meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Norfolk MA clubhouse.

Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.

P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093

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