with the Mass Cruisers Auto Club
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“CRUISIN’ AT THE SPEED OF FUN” Volume 23 Issue 10
October 2013
Page 2 Cruising Monthly Contact us by snail mail: P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093
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We’re on the Web!
Or by email:
Phone: 781 551-0520 for more information Our clubhouse is located at 124 Main St. behind the Dunkin Donut and across from the Police Station in the center of Norfolk MA
Classifieds and H.B. 3149
Visitors, guests and those interested in joining the Mass Cruisers Auto Club are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month in Norfolk.
Club Officers President– Fred Tierney
September 19, 2013 Cruise Winner
My First Mini Encounter
Monthly Calendar
Old Orchard Beach Weekend 7
Vice President—Larry Nyborn Secretary—Bob Hines Treasurer—Wayne Lestan
September 22nd fort Tabor/ Rodman Show
Webmaster—Steve Vining
My First Mini Encounter (continued)
New Member Liason—Dole Cole
Car Shows & Events 10 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Nebraska Bone Yards
Sgt. at Arms—Rick Lawlor Special Contributor—John Buchanan
Editor—Paul Saulnier Advertising Rates Business card space…….$25.00 per year
To advertise in the Monthly Cruiser, please send a business
Special Events Cruise Night—Steve Huntington Car Show—Rich Armando
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Monthly Cruising
For sale 1964 Triumph TR 4. Frame off restoration of a rust free southern car 10 years ago. Rebuilt engine. New interior. Red over black. New top never on the car. Wire wheels. Asking $23,900.00. Email for details and pix. 1955 Desoto Fireflite 2 door hard top, 330 hemi with 4 barrel carter carb, looking for a good home for restoration. Bought new by the father of the current owner. It hasn’t been driven since 1975+/. It has about 140,000 miles on it. Best offer. Email for details and pix. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows (H.B. 3149):
1 SECTION 7U of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official 2 Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence:- “The use and sale of any exhaust 3 pipe that increases the sound emission of any vehicle including motorcycles shall be prohibited. 4 All motorcycle exhaust pipes must conform to 82dBA maximum noise level measured directly to 5 the rear exhaust outlet at a distance of 12 inches. The angle of measurement shall not exceed 30 6 degrees. Sound measurements taken beyond 12 inches that exceed the requirements are not 7 acceptable. Violation of said decibel level, or illegal retrofitting, will result in a license 8 suspension for six (6) months and/or a fine not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).” The Massachusetts Association of Auto Clubs (M.A.A.C.) strongly opposes H.B. 3149 which is before the Joint Transportation Committee, an amendment which would further regulate motorcycle sound levels. Despite the fact that M.A.A.C. represents the interests of some 280 Massachusetts car clubs that count more than 40,000 members in their ranks and, although this proposed amendment is directed to tightening the noise regulation for motorcycles, this legislation still remains a poorly crafted attempt to curb the scofflaws which abuse existing laws Right. Mass Cruiser John Buchanan and William Ellis, President of M.A.A.C. presenting the opposition statement to H.B. 3479 Exhaust Noise Bill at the Joint Transportation Committee public hearing at the State House on September 24.
Monthly Cruising
September 19, 2013 Cruise Winner
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Becky Hamman, Customer Service Manager for the new Hookset, N.H. Bass Pro Shops store picked Jack Romani’s 1932 Ford Street Rod Pickup Truck for the Accurate Automotive & Performance of Hyde Park Boston sponsored cruise night winner plaque. Jack, from Raynham, MA, rebuilt the Chevy engine into a 489 blown 800 HP monster and also did the interior work while his buddy Steve Petit did all the body work and paint on the truck which was barn stored for many years. It’s been on the road for the past three years and both Jack and Steve are regulars at our cruise nights as well as most of the area cruise and car events.
September 19, 2013 Cruise About this video "Perfect fall weather brought the cars and spectators out in large numbers. The Accurate Automotive & Performance of Hyde Park Boston sponsored cruise plaque selection, Jack Romani's (Raynham, MA) 1932 Ford street rod pickup truck, was selected by Becky Hamman, the new Hookset, N.H. Bass Pro Shops Customer Service Manager. The next cruise on October 3 is dash plaque night for the first 1,000 cruise vehicles"
For pictures of some of the other cars that showed up on September 19th, check out the work of member Steve Vining on our website: And another video:
Monthly Cruising
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My First Mini Encounter
by Paul Saulnier
My son Phil called one night to report that he was the high bidder on a 1973 Austin Mini Cooper. Wonderful. I ask “Where is it?” “New Zealand.” He answers “Are you crazy?” “What? I just have to arrange shipping and then pick it up in Boston. No problem.” Three months pass and finally the Mini is assigned to a ship with an unpronounceable name that will take it on a cruise that will almost circle the globe before it arrives in Boston – in another three months. “Hello, Dad? The Mini was shipped to Port Elizabeth, New Jersey. Dad? Hello?” Having lived in New Jersey for several years, I knew of the hell hole that is Port Elizabeth. Located off the New Jersey Turnpike near the Meadowlands, it’s a sea of exit and entrance ramps, narrow access roads, and speeding tractor trailers as far as the eye can see. “Phil, have it shipped up to Boston.” “But that’ll cost another $800.00.” “You’re too big to spank. But I will get even.” Sharing the narrow roads to the port with huge semis is not something a novice trailer puller like me dreams of doing. If I ever have to back up, I’m done for. Finally we find the right gate. There it is, right on the other side of the gate. It’s cute. Not so fast.
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Monthly Cruising
October 2013 Su
Tue We
Thu Fri
5 *
6 *
8 *
17** 18
22 * 23
November 2013 Su
3 *
Tue We 5
2 *
12 * 13
19 * 20
5th &6th, Second Annual US Route 6 Provincetown Cruise Weekend. Rally point departure times on Harbor Hotel Cruise HQ.
8th, Business Meeting @ Clubhouse
22nd, Memebers Meeting @ Clubhouse
** Bass Pro Cruise Nights hosted by the Mass Cruisers. Our Halloween Special. Come dresses for the occasion
Thu Fri 7
2nd & 3rd, Thompson, CT. Don Hoenig’s 42nd Annual Swap Meet and Flea Market, Thompson Speedway (Exit 99 off I-395). 7 AM to 5 PM.
3rd, Briston, CT. 24th Annual CT Street Rods Meet. Lake Compunce parking lot. 186 Enterprise Drive.
9th & 10th, Lee, NH. Lee’s two-day swap meet and flea market. Lee Speedway. 380 California Hwy (rt 125). 7-4PM
12th, Business Meeting @ Clubhouse
19th, Memebers Meeting @ Clubhouse
Contact Mary or Bob Lepore for available months to schedule hosting the monthly winter dinner socials at your favorite restaurant with coffee and pot luck desserts at your home.
Monthly Cruising
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Old Orchard Beach Weekend
by Neringa
Rain, rain go away, don't come back another day-- and it didn't! But it did pour when the Cruiser Car Convoy headed up to Old Orchard Beach.
Some of us didn't make the usual parade Friday night, but all were rewarded by a huge rainbow at the end of our first day. On Saturday when the weather was a 10 and fabulous we had another parade. And of course it would be a perfect trip without a visit to the candy store. OOB's 20th anniversary was a huge turnout and three of our cruisers packed a prize, Frank Bryant, Alan Freedman & Larry Nyborn.
Lots of walking, talking, eating and dancing with cruisin friends, another successful trip to Maine, Thanks, Linda and Lou-- great hosts!
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September 22nd Fort Tabor/Rodman Show
Too many people to thank, however, Joe Barclay made this one a reality! This guy never quit, starting last year, he was passing out flyers at Bass Pro. Everywhere I went this year, Joe was there, pushing todays event. When my brother Jim and I pulled in, it was raining. I told him we go. [ 9am] Then the skies changed and the weather gods were kind to us all day. It seemed like a miracle, and we had approx 200 cars participate. Best trophies of the year and there were many happy recipients. A few groups of veterans went out to do the judging and it was refreshing to see some new comers win... Our 97 year old Eddy was signing autographed pictures of him with his Franklin. That alone raised $40 for the museum... We tried to park all club cars together and being a 1st year event, it was as good as a 1st time can be.[ God bless you Paul Martins, for keeping your cool out there, you had a thankless job!!] Johnny and I have done a few of these and we usually know when an event will grow, this one will be one of those. Hard to believe you are in New Bedford when the Fort is such a gem that many of us didn't know was there... Joe Langlois, museum pres, gave out the President Award to the car he liked the most. Bob Robillard's Riviera was the recipient of that award today. A tireless and faithful car club member who goes to almost everything we do, Bob was a very deserving trophy winner today. congrats. What's next....P-Town Oct. 5th + 6th will be our last multi-club get together; it will be a blockbuster event. [ approx 20 car clubs united] .don't miss this one..out for now and thanks to all the faithful for making todays event a great success!..out, Bob.. This was the first time that fellow Mass Cruiser member Jack Lane and I have been to the Fort Tabor/Rodman site and what a perfect location to hold a car show. We both had a great time. Joe and Paul should be proud to have been able to secure this beautiful waterfront site with historical significance dating back to the civil war. Access was very easy for us first timers and the historical military collection that the museum has put together is outstanding. Once the word gets around, this event should start appearing on everyone’s must attend schedule. Congratulations to all that made it happen. John Buchanan.
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My First Mini Encounter
So I borrow a truck and a trailer, and drag Phil and a friend along with all the paperwork. Since the port closes at 4:00 PM, we leave Holliston at the crack of dawn. We have to stop at the importer’s office first for more paperwork. The lady with whom Phil has been dealing, and who promised to have all the paperwork ready for us, called in sick today. After an hour of searching, the papers are found, stamped, and we are out of there. One more stop down the street to get the papers stamped by somebody else. OK. Its only 3:30. Get the papers stamped and back to the gate at 3:50. “Too late. Come back tomorrow. Union rules.” “But sir, we’ve come all this way and…” “OUT.” To make a long story longer, I had to drive all the way home again as my friend had to be back. Off at the crack of dawn the next morning. Arrive at noon. The gate is closing! Its lunch time. Union rules. 1:00 pm and we are finally past the Pearly Gates. Wait around for an official port guy to check our papers. Everyone ignores us. So we decide to load up. Naturally the battery is dead and the tires are half full (more like half empty). Push the damn thing onto the trailer with some help from a few drivers. Strap her down tight. Suddenly an official port guy wants to know what we think we’re doing. “Let’s see your papers.” “Why is that car on the trailer? Your papers aren’t stamped!” “But sir, they were stamped by that…” “Go over to that office and wait for me inside” After about 15 minutes, the official port guy bounds through the door and announces: “Do you believe these guys? They put a car on their trailer without getting their papers stamped!” All conversations stop. Other official port types poke their heads out their offices up and down the hall to see the perpetrators. After a good tongue lashing, we are advised to get out their collective sites before they decide to make our lives miserable, as is their right under union rules. Well time as passed since the Mini encounter and I’ve learned to love the little thing. I even have 3 of my own. But I had them delivered right to my door. I may be crazy, but I’m not stupid.
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Nebraska Bone Yards
If you are wonder what kind of bone yards I see along U.S. Route 6 out west, here’s one small one in Nebraska west of Omaha that I couldn’t miss as the cars and trucks in the front yard would stop anyone of us in our tracks. I couldn’t eyeball what was behind the screened fence and nobody was around to let me take a peek. Many of the farms have at least one old abandoned Chevy truck sitting out back of a barn with other abandoned farm tractors and equipment. You could fill a fleet of car trailers with these abandoned trucks.
by John Buchanan
October 2013
Member meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Norfolk MA clubhouse.
P.O. Box 217 Wrentham, MA 02093