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All American Junior Show

Grand Champion

Judge Louie Cozzitorto and consultant Jenny Thomas named HoCrawf Andreas Joplin, exhibited by Sophie Leach, on the halter, as Grand Champion of The All American Junior Jersey Show. Presenting the Bachelor Family Trophy and banner were Lynda, Cade, Chase and Caylee to Leach and “Joplin.” Also pictured are Brittany Core, junior activities chair and Ralph Frerichs with The Jersey Barnyard Showbox.

Reserve Grand Champion

Alleah Anderson holds her Reserve Grand Champion—Meadowridge Triple Crown Fae. Presenting her the Reserve Grand Champion banner was National Jersey Queen Natalie Berry. Tom Seals presents the Legendairy Farm Trophy. Offering congratulations to the winners were AJCA President Jonathan Merriam and General Chair of the All American events, Michael Hurst.

Kansas Junior Takes Home Champion Honors

The green shavings in Freedom Hall act as a catalyst for cherished memories and blessed thoughts for Jersey enthusiasts worldwide during the first weekend of November, especially the Jersey youth. This year was no different, as the world outside of the Kentucky Expo Center ceased to exist to the 163 Jersey juniors vying for the top honors at the national show. The crowd waited patiently ringside and online watching the livestream as Judge Louie Cozzitorto, Jackson, Tenn., asked his consultant, Jenny Thomas of North Lewisburg, Ohio, to walk out and shake the hands of his champions. Thomas congratulated Sophie Leach, Linwood, Kan., and Ho-Crawf Andreas Joplin as the National Grand Champion of The All American Junior Show. Thomas then turned to Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, Wis., and congratulated her and Meadowridge Triple Crown Fae as the Reserve National Grand Champion.

The pair of three-year-olds, one junior and the other senior, took home the most coveted prizes of the 69th All American Junior Jersey Show on November 6, 2021. In addition to being named Champion, “Joplin” went on to be named Supreme Cow of the junior show.

This is the second consecutive year for the Leach family to take top honors at the national junior show. Last year Sophie’s older sister, Erin, took top honors with homebred LC Success Abilene.

“Joplin” has a unique story for the Leach family. In May 2019, the family farm was hit by an EF4 tornado destroying

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Alleah Anderson and “Fae” captured the Senior Champion title with Reserve going to WF Valentino Lokie, exhibited by Reagan Jackson. Presenting the Caff-E-Hill Farms Trophy for Senior Champion was Natalie Berry and Judge Louie Cozzitorto. Jacqueline Mudd and Becky Ferry presented the Dreamroad Jerseys Trophy to Jackson for her reserve champion. Consultant Thomas and AJCA Director Frerichs extended congratulations to the youth as well.

Judge Louie Cozzitorto, far right, selected “Joplin”, as Intermediate Champion for Sophie Leach. Consultant Jenny Thomas presented the Yosemite Jersey Dairy Trophy to Leach and Tennessee Jersey Queen Rachel Jarnigan presented the banner. Receiving Reserve Intermediate Champion honors was Grace Sauder with her junior three-year-old cow, Arethusa Colton Cadbury-ETS. New York Jersey Queen Kathryn Bosley presented the Albright Jerseys LLC trophy.

Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious-ET, owned by Cole Kruse was named Junior Champion. Presenting the Sycamore Hill Farm & Gardens Trophy is Carolyn Arrowsmith and Kylie Konyn presents the junior champion banner. DKG Justice Suzanne and Blake Greiwe, Sidney, Ohio were named Reserve Junior Champion by judge Cozzitorto and consultant Thomas. Donna Griewe presents the trophy to her grandson in memory of her father Kenneth Knoop. Hartley Silva presents the reserve banner. Also pictured are AJCA President Merriam; NAJ President John Kokoski and General Chair Michael Hurst.

Wisconsin Jersey juniors took home the state herd trophy of the 2021 All American Junior Jersey Show. They were represented by Kaitynn Riebe and Emma Paulson.

All American Junior Show

(continued from page 71) the barn and causing the loss of a few of the family’s most loved Registered Jerseys. A group of breeders, spearheaded by Dusty and Nicole Schirm, Ashville, Ohio, put together an online benefit auction to help cover some of the damages. One of the lots was the syndication of “Joplin” to raise money. After the sale, the Schirm’s donated “Joplin” to sisters, Sophie, Erin and Taylor.

“Joplin” was successful as a heifer in the showring as she was named All American Junior Calf in 2018, Reserve Junior All American Junior Yearling in 2019, and then was third junior two-year-old at the 2020 All American Junior Show.

“This cow has got style, balance and strength, and has a really good udder,” said Cozzitorto of his National Champion.

“Joplin” and Leach received a $500 cash award from NAILE. The AJCA matched the NAILE award, making the total cash award $1,000. They also received a $500 certificate from TransOva, Sioux City, Iowa. The Jersey Barnyard, LaGrange, Texas, donated a four foot aluminum showbox.

Anderson and “Fae” received the Legendairy Farms Trophy for Reserve Grand Champion. Capturing the Honorable Mention Grand Champion title was WF Valentino Lokie, shown by Reagan Jackson, Clear Brook, Va.

Cozzitorto was tasked with placing the 247 Registered Jerseys shown in the junior show. He previously judged the Illinois, Maryland, and Michigan state shows and served as an associate judge for the 2018 National Jersey Jug Futurity. He has also judged numerous county, district, and regional shows and judged internationally in Australia. Cozzitorto worked as a type traits appraiser for the American Jersey Cattle Association for several years.

Jenny Thomas, consultant, and her husband Nathan, their three children, Colton, Kendall, and Camryn, and Nathan’s family own and operate Triple-T Holsteins, a 100-cow dairy consisting of Holsteins and Jerseys. Thomas has judged at many local, state, and regional shows for Holsteins, Jerseys, and several other breeds. Thomas was a professional cattle photographer for 10 years before becoming part-time. She now works at Select Sires Inc., as a communications specialist.

The All American Junior Jersey Show is the largest single-breed dairy cattle show for youth held in the world. The youth begin their morning at 8:00 a.m. with showmanship and then move into the heifer show and continue in the early afternoon with the cows. Following the conclusion of the show, the Supreme Champion class was held at 5:00 p.m. After that, the youth

Stoney Point Colton Edele received a $500 cash award sponsored by Piedmont Jersey Farm as the Overall Premier Performance Cow of The All American Junior Jersey Show. Presenting the cash award to exhibitor Lauren Starr is AJCA President Jonathan Merriam and Kylie Konyn. Mary Holtz presents the banner and AJCA Executive Secretary Neal Smith offers his congratulations. Kathryn Bosley presented the trophy to Starr.

WF Valentino Lokie was named Reserve Premier Performance Cow, for her breeder and owner Reagan Jackson. The cash award of $250 was sponsored by Endres Jazzy Jerseys, represented by Sydney Endres, first left. Also assisting with the presentation is Minnesota Jersey Queen Summer Schepper. Hartley Silva presented the Endres Jazzy Jerseys Trophy.

Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer

Cole Kruse and Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious-ET took home Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer honors of the junior dairy shows in Louisville, Ky. Kruse is pictured with representatives of the Kentucky Dairy Development Council and North American International Livestock Exposition—Bobby Bell, David Beck, Marshall Coyle, Warren Beeler, and Joe Goggin.

Supreme Champion Cow

Sophie Leach and Ho-Crawf Andreas Joplin, took home Supreme Champion Cow honors of the junior dairy shows in Louisville, Ky. Leach is pictured with representatives of the Kentucky Dairy Development Council and North American International Livestock Exposition— Bobby Bell, David Beck, Marshall Coyle, Warren Beeler, and Joe Goggin.

hurried to the Pot O’Gold Sale in the West Hall at 6:30 p.m. to make investments in their future through the consignments.

Sunday morning juniors were invited to attend the All American Youth Awards Ceremony at the Hilton Garden Inn. During the ceremony, more than 60 Jersey youth were recognized for their achievements and received cash awards totaling more than $63,000.

Junior All American and Reserve

Junior All Americans Recognized

During the championship classes, a total of 28 Registered Jerseys were recognized by the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) with the designation of Junior All American or Reserve Junior All American as the large ringside audience watched, along with an untold number of people across the world viewing the ceremonies on streaming live video provided by the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE).

Each first-place individual was presented a custom-designed navy and cream neck ribbon declaring their Junior All American status for their class. Second

Summer Schepper and Alan Chittenden presented the Dutch Hollow Trophy for best bred and owned of the show to WF Valentino Lokie bred and owned by Reagan Jackson of Virginia.

Joelle Zeigler accepts the Sunbow Farms Trophy for the highest yield deviation protein cow—Oakhaven Colton Jenny—from Veronica Steer of Sunbow Jerseys and National Jersey Queen Natalie Berry.

place individuals received a custom-made maroon and cream neck ribbon stating their Reserve Junior All American honors.

Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Champions

In choosing the Junior Champion heifers Cozzitorto said, “The toughest class was probably the senior [fall] calf class, and the one that won stood out and was a pretty handy winner. She is going to our Junior Champion today.”

“And to follow her for reserve we are going to go with our second-place senior calf. They are cut from the same mold,” continued Cozzitorto in his reasons.

Receiving the Sycamore Hill Farm and Gardens Trophy and the title of Junior Champion was Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious-ET, exhibited by Cole Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa. This was his second consecutive year winning the Junior Champion title. He did so in 2020 with a full sister to “Fergalicious.”

She finished over the second-place fall heifer calf DKG Justice Suzanne, shown by Blake Greiwe, Sidney, Ohio. She was named Reserve Junior Champion and received a trophy in memory of Greiwe’s great-grandfather, Kenneth Knoop.

“She’s balanced in her frame, strong in her front end, long from nose to tail, tight up in that front end and has a really good udder,” Cozzitorto said about his choice for Intermediate Champion, Ho-Crawf Andreas Joplin, shown by Leach.

The recipient of the Yosemite Jersey Dairy Trophy for Intermediate Champion was “Joplin.” Arethusa Colton CadburyETS took home the Albright Jerseys LLC trophy. She was shown by Grace Sauder, Tremont, Ill.

“Taking nothing away from the second place cow, you love the udder and the dairyness,” Cozzitorto stated for his reasons behind his placement of the champion and reserve champion.

Cozzitorto selected his winning senior three-year-old as his Senior Champion, stating his reasons: “For me today this three-year old is more correct all the way through. She is just a really balanced cow.”

His winning five-year-old cow—WF Valentino Lokie—was named Reserve

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Caylee Bachelor received the Garland Bastin Scholarship from David Beck, President and CEO of the Kentucky Exposition Center and Marshall Coyle fair board director and member of the livestock show committee.

(continued from page 73) Senior Champion for Reagan Jackson.

Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, Wis., and Meadowridge Triple Crown Fae received the Caff-E-Hill Farms Trophy for Senior Champion, while “Lokie” and Jackson, received the Dreamroad Jerseys Trophy for Reserve Senior Champion.

Supreme Champions

The Jersey breed continued its dominance of the youth shows as “Joplin” took home the Supreme Cow championship over the six other breeds of dairy cattle exhibited. She was selected by the junior show judges of each breed and received a $500 cash award from the Kentucky Farm Bureau.

Kruse and “Fergalicious” were named Reserve Supreme Champion of the heifer show and also received a $500 cash award from the Kentucky Farm Bureau.

Other Awards

Earning the highest point total to win the Premier Performance Cow award was Lauren Starr, Tulare, Calif., with Stoney Point Colton Edele. They received a $500 cash award sponsored by Piedmont Jersey Farm, Lincolnton, N.C.

Taking home reserve honors was WF Valentino Lokie for exhibitor Reagan Jackson. She received a $250 cash award sponsored by Endres Jazzy Jerseys, the David Endres Family, Lodi, Wis. Helping to round out the cash awards, Select Sires Inc., Plain City, Ohio, presented $50 cash awards to the remaining participants.

Chase Rozler, Canton, N.Y., was named Premier Junior Breeder and Sophie Leach was named Premier Junior Exhibitor. They received awards sponsored by Brittany Core, Salvisa, Ky., and Elmhurst Jerseys, Waynesville, Ohio, respectively.

Joelle Ziegler, Galloway, Ohio, and Oakhaven Colton Jenny received the Sunbow Jerseys Trophy, sponsored by the Charles Steer Family, Cottage Grove, Tenn., for being the top producing cow based upon yield deviation for pounds of protein.

Genex Cooperative Inc., Shawano, Wis., presented each class winner with a 16 oz. dual tumbler for hot or cold drinks. Dutch Hollow Farm, Schodack Landing, N.Y., presented a backpack for the Best Bred and Owned award in each class. Barlass Jerseys, Janesville, Wis., gave an award for the best uddered cow in each class. Class awards for Yield Deviation Protein were sponsored by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, Va.

The Heifers

This year marked the return of the heifers showing first in the All American Jersey Show. The change was made due to Supreme Champion being selected immediately following the conclusion of the Jersey show.

DKG Gentry Heidi topped the class of 37 spring calves. She was also named best bred and owned for her owner Lane Greiwe, Sidney, Ohio.

“The top pair is pretty close, but in the end the calf in first tracks a little bit nicer on her rear legs,” stated Cozzitorto in his first set of reasons for the day.

It was her feet and legs that carried her over the “stylish” calf in second. BolleAcres Fireman Passion, owned by Lane Bollenbacher, Argos, Ind., took home the Reserve Junior All American honors.

Finishing third was JX Roc-N-Roll Anthem {5} for Evan Westerfield, Towanda, Pa.

Kylie Konyn received the Gordon Farms Trophy for winning senior showmanship. Presenting her award were Kaitlyn, Michael and Matthew Gordon along with Queen Natalie Berry. Tom McCauley served as judge.

Summer Hammann received the Becky Boltmann Memorial Trophy with her win in the intermediate showmanship class. Sarah Rocha judged the division and Mary Holtz presented Hammann with the trophy.

Camryn Crothers was selected as junior showmanship winner by Judge Grant Cope. Chuck Luchsinger along with his grandchildren, Katelyn and Michael Gordon presented the Fred Luchsinger Memorial Trophy with Rachel Jarnigan.

Spring heifer calf (37 shown) Sponsored by Pennsylvania Jersey Cattle Association 1. DKG Gentry Heidi, Lane Greiwe, Sidney, Ohio, best bred and owned; 2. Bolle-Acres Fireman Passion, Lane Bollenbacher, Argos, Ind.; 3. JX Roc-N-Roll Anthem {5}, Evan Westerfield, Towanda, Pa.; 4. KCJF/Lady Luck Joel Dreamchaser-ET, Jackson Powers, Salvisa, Ky.; 5. Yortons Magician Daniella, Daniel Yorton, Linkwood, Md.

In the winter calf class, 23 calves competed for Junior All American honors.

Being awarded the Junior All American Winter Calf honors was Dashs Delusion for Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford, Wis.

“It was pretty close at the top, but the first one—it’s the feet and legs that gets her on top today,” said Cozzitorto. “She tracks a little bit straighter when viewed from the rear and a little bit straighter from the profile.”

Following in second was DKG Gentry Secret, shown by Garrett Hageman, Sidney, Ohio. “Secret” also was named best bred and owned. Caylee Bachelor, Angola, Ind., finished in third with Bachelors Gentry Sully.

Winter heifer calf (23 shown) Sponsored by Kelly Epperly, Anna, Ohio 1. Dashs Delusion, Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford, Wis.; 2. DKG Gentry Secret, Garrett Hageman, Sidney, Ohio, best bred and owned; 3. Bachelors Gentry Sully, Caylee Bachelor, Angola, Ind.; 4. Meadowridge Magicman Poppy, Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, Wis.; 5. Ratliff Lo Lalala Dancer-ET, Addie Raber, Gridley, Ill.

Beginning her winning streak for the day was Junior All American Fall Calf Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious-ET, shown by Cole Kruse. This is the second consecutive year he has won this award, both years going on to win the Junior Champion title.

Following in second was the Reserve Junior Champion: DKG Justice Suzanne for owner Blake Greiwe. “Suzanne” also won best bred and owned in the class.

“You love the long stretchy neck she has, the width through her front end, the width in her chest, the width throughout her loin to her rump,” stated Judge Cozzitorto about his Junior Reserve All American Fall Calf.

Jessica Nolt, Millmont, Pa., finished third with Engineer Vienerslider of Ccup.

There were 39 fall calves exhibited in the class.

Fall heifer calf (39 shown) Sponsored by Tennessee Junior Jersey Cattle Club 1. Schulte Bros Colton Fergalicious-ET, Cole Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa, jr. champ, res. supreme heifer; 2. DKG Justice Suzanne, Blake Greiwe, Sidney, Ohio, best bred and owned, res. jr. champ; 3. Engineer Vienerslider of Ccup, Jessica Nolt, Millmont, Pa.; 4. Kailas Great Rock-N-Roll, Addison Fischer, Cecil, Wis.; 5. Rivendale Joel Keep Her Secret-ET, Gavin Bewley, Susquehanna, Pa.

“In this summer yearling class, there’s not a clear-cut winner at first.—the top four or five are pretty nice heifers,” said Cozzitorto of the 30-entries in the summer yearling class. “Once we got them sorted out, we think the heifer that wins, wins pretty easy.”

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Capturing the Junior All American laurels was Mead-Manor Fizz Popsicle, owned by Megan Moede of Algoma, Wis. She was also named best bred and owned in the class.

She was followed in second by RBRFRM Fizz I-Fancy, exhibited by Jacob Raber, Gridley, Ill.

Finishing in third was Big Guns Andreas Velma-ET, shown by Lillian Finke, London, Ohio.

Summer yearling heifer (30 shown) Sponsored by Joey and Kaila Tauchen, Twentynine Palms, Calif. 1. Mead-Manor Fizz Popsicle (S: J-Kay Tequila Fizz, D: Mead-Manor Colton Paprika), Megan Moede, Algoma, Wis., best bred and owned; 2. RBR-FRM Fizz I-Fancy, Jacob Raber, Gridley, Ill.; 3. Big Guns Andreas Velma-ET, Lillian Finke, London, Ohio; 4. Four-Hills Andreas Baby Girl-ET, Sarah Hill, Bristol, Vt.; 5. Gordons VIP Cora, Abigail Gordon, Syracuse, Ind.

Blaine Warburton, New Albany, Pa., captured the Junior All American title in the spring yearling class with Bolle-Acres Gentry Fashion.

Cozzitorto elaborated on the close competition between second and third, stating: “Second over third, we flipped them around a time or two. But it’s the feet and legs when you view the second heifer from behind. She tracks a lot straighter on her feet and legs and has a little more desirable set to her leg than the heifer in third.”

Taking home Reserve Junior All American honors was Meadowridge Vitality Star, shown by Alleah Anderson.

Finishing third in the class was Ravineside Venetian Gypsy, shown by Lauren Reed, Columbia Crossroads, Pa.

Spring yearling heifer (13 shown) Sponsored by Tillamook County Creamery Association, Ore. 1. Bolle-Acres Gentry Fashion (S: Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, D: Bolle-Acres Colton Fashion), Blaine Warburton, New Albany, Pa.; 2. Meadowridge Vitality Star, Alleah Anderson; 3. Ravineside Venetian Gypsy, Lauren Reed, Columbia Crossoads, Pa.; 4. Cooper Farm Andreas Limitless, Eden Cooper, Nichols, N.Y.; 5. Marhaven Colton Olive, Gwen Schindel, Springfield, Ohio

Best bred and owned—Gordons Applejack Dream Girl, Abigail Gordon, Syracuse, Ind.—10th in class

Shelby Rader, Linesville, Pa., and her heifer HC-Rader Gentry Saba were named Junior All American Winter Yearling. “Saba” also took home best bred and owned in the class.

Finishing second was Roc-N-Roll Shameless-ET, shown by Robert Nagel, Towanda, Pa.

Coming in third was Arethusa Achilles Vega, exhibited by Skyler Schaap, Lovington, N.M.

Winter yearling heifer (14 shown) Sponsored by Ohio Junior Jersey Breeders Association 1. HC-Rader Gentry Saba (S: Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, D: HC-Rader Roman Snowcone), Shelby Rader, Linesville, Pa., best bred and owned; 2. RocN-Roll Shameless-ET, Robert Nagel, Towanda, Pa.; 3. Arethusa Achilles Vega, Skyler Schaap, Lovington, N.M.;

HLF Andreas Sunrise

Senior two-year-old, YD Protein Award Rachel Jarnigan • Rachel Anderson, Ohio

SVHeaths Tequila Chloe-ET Senior three-year-old, YD Protein Award Kylie Konyn, Calif. • Kamryn Kasbergen, Calif.

4. Meadowridge Andreas Huckleberry, Kaitylnn Riebe, Cumberland, Wis.; 5. Tierneys Gentry Latte, Patrick Bosley, Malone, N.Y.

The Cows

Capturing the All American Milking Yearling honors was Unique Victorious Lovely, shown by Mason Pires, Modesto, Calif. “Lovely” was also named best udder of the 12 entries and received the secondplace premier performance award.

“Starting off in the milking yearling class, the first-place heifer, [the winner is] just a well-balanced heifer” described Cozzitorto. “You like the style and balance she has, the length from end-to-end, the nice square rump she has.”

The Reserve Junior All American Milking Yearling title was awarded to a cow showing “cleanliness and feminity,” Underground Lollipop Laralei-ET, shown by Camryn Crothers, Pitcher, N.Y. “LaraleiET” also received the premier performance award for the class.

“Laralei-ET” edged out third-place winner Colton Cameo, shown by Aubree Topp, Anna, Ohio.

Milking yearling (12 shown) Sponsored by Black Label Genetics, Dalhart, Texas 1. Unique Victorious Lovely (S: River Valley Victorious-ET, D: Unique Gunman Kiss), Mason Pires, Modesto, Calif., best udder, 2nd premier performance; 2. Underground Lollipop Laralei-ET, Camryn Crothers, Pitcher, N.Y., 1st premier performance; 3. Colton Cameo, Aubree Topp, Anna, Ohio; 4. Rivendale Fireman Belle-ET, Avery Starr, Tulare, Calif.; 5. Lawtons Gentry Flash, Ryan Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y., best bred and owned.

Chase Rozler and Cowbell Casino Dorsay took home Junior All American honors in the junior two-year-old class. “Dorsay” was also best udder, best bred and owned and second-place premier

Fire-Lake VIP Apple Fritter-ET Junior three-year-old, YD Protein Award Maria Joy Poock • Finley Rosa, Calif.

Aspen Grove Lotus Fancy Four-year-old, YD Protein Award Rachel Jarnigan • Alison Graves, Tenn.

Spatz Premier Felecia Aged Cow, YD Protein Award Mary Holtz • Avery Starr, Calif.

performance amongst the 18 entries.

“You like the height and width of the rear udder, you like the snugness of her fore udder and the teat placement on this cow,” explained Cozzitorto about the winner. “She’s got enough width and strength in that front end, and she stays a bit tighter behind the shoulder and into the crops.” Maple Lawn Ladd Lazone was awarded Reserve All American honors for exhibitor Lane Schweigert, Tremont, Ill. “Lazone” also won premier performance of the class.

Placing third was Woodmohr V GloriousET shown by Robert Nagel.

Junior 2-yr.-old cow (18 shown) Sponsored by North Carolina Jersey Breeders Association 1. Cowbell Casino Dorsay (S: Elliotts Regency CasinoET, D: Cowbell Reward Rio de Janeiro), Chase Rozler, Canton, N.Y., best udder, best bred and owned, 2nd premier performance; 2. Maple Lawn Ladd Lazone, Lane Schweigert, Tremont, Ill., 1st premier performance; 3. Woodmohr V Glorious-ET, Robert Nagel; 4. Kleins Fizzs Fozz, Bryce Klein, Milton, Ind.; 5. Rivendale Colton Dahlia-ET, Daniel Yorton

Topping the class of 15 in senior twoyear-olds was Cowbell Shoes Cleopatra, shown by Chase Rozler.

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“You really admire this cow’s udder and her feet and legs,” stated Cozzitorto. “Cleopatra” also was awarded best udder, best bred and owned, and second-place premier performance.

McGuires Hired Gun Kimberly, shown by Dixie Hensley, Daleville, Ind., was named Reserve Junior All American Senior Two-Year-Old by Judge Cozzitorto.

“The cow in second is an ultra-dairy cow, you really like the well-balanced cow” said Cozzitorto. “But you’d like to bring her front teats under her just a little bit.”

She was followed in class by Rivendale VIP Cadi-ET exhibited by Hadley Burrus, Lazbuddie, Texas.

Senior 2-yr.-old cow (15 shown) Sponsored by Billman and Boreman Families, West Salem, Ohio 1. Cowbell Shoes Cleopatra (S: Cowbell Blue Suede Shoes, D: Cowbell Impression Cairo-ET), Chase Rozler, best udder, best bred and owned, 2nd premier performance; 2. McGuires Hired Gun Kimberly, Dixie Hensley, Daleville, Ind., 1st premier performance; 3. Rivendale VIP Cadi-ET, Hadley Burrus, lazbuddie, Texas; 4. MD Brookside Fireman Cheers-ET, Elise Carpenter, Russell Springs, Ky.; 5. Cowbell Chrome Roxbury-ET, Graham Rozler, Canton, N.Y. Protein yield deviation winner—HLF Andreas Sunrise, Rachel Anderson—11th in class

Eventual Intermediate Champion, Grand Champion, and Supreme Champion of the junior dairy shows—Ho-Crawf Andreas Joplin—began her winning streak in the junior three-year-old class.

“The cow in first is just so balanced up in the front end from her neck to shoulder, shoulder to body wall, the width of chest, the straightness of her front legs and you love the rib and the frame of this cow,” described Cozzitorto. “And her udder, she’s got a nice high, wide rear udder, lots of width, deep seam, and moves on good feet and legs.”

She was followed by eventual Reserve Intermediate Champion Arethusa Colton Cadbury-ETS, exhibited by Grace Sauder.

Placing third and winning best bred and owned was DKG Exclamation Patty, shown by Blake Greiwe.

Junior 3-yr.-old cow (14 shown) Sponsored by Indiana Jersey Cattle Club 1. Ho-Crawf Andreas Joplin (S: Sunset Canyon Andreas, D: Ho-Crawf Joel Jolene), Sophie Leach, Linwood, Kan., 1st premier performance, int. champ, gr. champ, jr. supreme champ. cow; 2. Arethusa Colton Cadbury-ETS, Grace Sauder, Tremont, Ill., best udder, 2nd premier performance, res. int. champ; 3. DKG Exclamation Patty, Blake Greiwe, best bred and owned; 4. Reich-Dale Gunman Secure-ET, Hayden Reichard, Chambersburg, Pa.; 5. BJ Texas Madrid, Sarah Hill

Protein yield deviation winner—Fire-Lake VIP Apple Fritter, Joshua Sanders–11th in class

Eventual Senior Champion and Reserve Grand National Champion, Meadowridge Triple Crown Fae, first captured the Junior All American title in the senior three-yearold class. She also won best udder and premier performance in the class.

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“A nice balanced cow, dairy and angular cow with a tremendous udder and you’ve got the nice teat placement on her. And she moves around on a good set of feet and legs,” described Cozzitorto.

It was her feet and legs that took her over the Reserve Junior All American, SVHeaths Tequila Chloe-ET, shown by Kamryn Kasbergen, Tulare, Calif.

Following in third was Svheaths VIP Rio, exhibited by Isabella Pires, Hughson, Calif.

Senior 3-yr.-old cow (7 shown) Sponsored by Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeders Association 1. Meadowridge Triple Crown Fae (S: Nabholz Duckett Triple Crown, D: Meadowridge Mason Faith), Alleah Anderson, best udder, 2nd premier performance, sr. champ, res. grand national champ.; 2. SVHheaths Tequila Chloe-ET, Kamryn Kasbergen, 1st premier performance; 3. SVHeaths VIP Rio, Isabella Pires; 4. Reich-Dale Tequila Show OffET, Shaylin Reichard, best bred and owned, protein yield deviation winner; 5. Big Guns Andreas Victory-ET, Lillian Finke

“The cow that wins the class, she’s just a little more angular throughout, she’s a little more feminine about the head and neck, a little bit sharper over her shoulder, a little more slope from hooks to pins, a little bit deeper in the fore rib,” stated Cozzitorto while giving his reasoning for awarding the Junior All American Four-Year-Old title. “She’s a little more level on the udder floor and her teats sit squarely underneath her.”

Taking home the laurels was Stoney Point Colton Edele, shown by Lauren Starr. “Edele” was later awarded the Premier Performance Cow award after winning best udder and premier performance of the four-year-old class.

Winning the Junior Reserve All American title was Meadowridge Vitality Strawberry, exhibited by Alleah Anderson.

Finishing third and winning best bred and owned was Cowbell Dragon Reckless, shown by Graham Rozler.

4-yr.-old cow (10 shown) Sponsored by Ohio Jersey Breeders Association 1. Stoney Point Colton Edele (S: Chili Action Colton-ET, D: Stoney Point Hired Gun Eva), Lauren Starr, Tulare, Calif., best udder, 1st premier performance, premier performance cow winner; 2. Meadowridge Vitality Strawberry, Alleah Anderson; 3. Cowbell Dragon Reckless, Graham Rozler, best bred and owned, 2nd premier performance; 4. Cowbell Andreas Memphis-ET, Chase Rozler; 5. Miss Monique, Jasenko Gavranovic, New Ulm, Minn.

Protein yield deviation winner—Aspen Grove Lotus Fancy, Allison Graves, Talbott, Tenn.—10th in class

WF Valentino Lokie began her day by winning the five-year-old class for exhibitor Reagan Jackson before going on to capture the Reserve Senior Champion and Honorable Mention Grand National titles.

“The cow that wins the class, she wins it pretty handily,” explained Cozzitorto. “You just love the style and the height of rear udder on this cow.”

Taking home reserve honors was PageCrest Satin Juju {5} for Sophie Leach.

Coming in third was KC Reviresco Babbles for Elise Carpenter.

5-yr.-old cow (8 shown) Sponsored by Tillamook County Creamery Association, Ore. 1. WF Valentino Lokie (S: All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET, D: WF Verb Lipstick), Reagan Jackson, Clear Brook, Va., best bred and owned, best udder, 1st premier performance, res. sr. champ, hon. men. grand champ; 2. Page-Crest Satin Juju {5}, Sophie Leach, 2nd premier performance; KC Reviresco Babbles, Elise Carpenter; 4. Milk-N-More Socrates Nikita, Addison Fischer; 5. TJ/RV Getaway Vera 1587-ET, Allison Frances, Ansonia, Ohio Protein yield deviation winner—Oakhaven Colton Jenny, Joelle Ziegler—8th in class

In a very close placing in the aged cow class, it was Green Diamond Comerica Valarie-ET, being selected as the All American Aged Cow. She is owned and exhibited by David Rider, Tillamook, Ore.

Finishing close behind her in second was Jemi Velocity Moonshine, shown by Evan Westerfield.

She was followed by Hillacres Vitality Jasmine, exhibited by Caroline Arrowsmith of Peach Bottom, Pa.

Aged cow (7 shown) Sponsored by Tillamook County Creamery Association, Ore. 1. Green Diamond Comerica Valarie-ET (S: Bridon Remake Comerica-ET, D: Arethusa Action Varsity-ET), David Rider, 1st premier performance; 2. Jemi Velocity Moonshine, Evan Westerfield, best udder; 3. Hillacres Vitality Jasmine, Caroline Arrowsmith, 2nd premier performance; 4. Hillacres Velocity Ivy, Nicole Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, Pa.; 5. Norse Star Scout 4857 {6}, Lilly Johnson, River Falls, Wis. Protein yield deviation winner—Spatz Premier Felecia, Avery Starr—7th in class

(continued to page 82)

Western Field Territories Realigned for USJersey

Neal Smith, Executive Secretary of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc., announced changes in the western area territories.

Effective January 1, 2022, Seth Israelsen and Rylee McCown have acquired additional states to their designated areas formerly covered by Flint Richards.

Rylee will add Oregon and Washington to her current states of Arizona and California, while Seth will include western Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Montana and Wyoming to his existing territory of California, Idaho and Nevada. The Israelsen two will provide full-time on-farm service to these herds marketing products and services of the USJersey organizations.

Israelsen joined the USJersey staff in 2015. He has a Masters of Business Administration from Utah State University and earned a B.S. in marketing with a Latin American studies and Spanish minor at the same institution.

McCown has worked with the organization since December 2020, upon her graduMcCown ation from Chico State with a Masters in Agriculture Education. She earned her B.S. in animal science from the same school.

Mills Jersey Farm LLC

The Newell Mills Family

4675 Sheckler Rd., Fallon, NV 89406 cmills1324@gmail.com • 775/217-5470

Gifts Made to Support Youth Funds

Gifts in support of the Jersey youth development funds have been received through December 21, 2021.

Donations to the Maurice E. Core Youth Fund were made by Wayne and Constance Sliker, St. Paris, Ohio and Novita Nutrition, Brookings, S.D.

Contributions were made to Jersey Youth Academy UBS Financial Services, New York, N.Y., Martin and Karen Donavan, Scarborough, Maine, Novita Nutrition, Brookings, S.D., Marcoot Farms, Greenville, Ill., and David and Agnes Norman, Liberty, Pa.

Donations to the general AJCA Youth Fund were made by TransOva Genetics, Sioux Center, Iowa, and Sexing Technologies, Navosta, Texas.

Contributions to educational and research funds managed by the American Jersey Cattle Association are exempt from Federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information on contributing to these or other permanent funds, contact the Communications Department at 614/322-4451.

(continued from page 80) State herd (13 shown) 1. Wisconsin; 2. New York; 3. Pennsylvania; 4. Ohio; 5. California


Sixty-eight youth competed to earn the top showman honors in their division. Judges for the event were: Grant Cope, Salem, Ohio, junior showmanship; Sarah Rocha, Tillamook, Ore., intermediate showmanship; and Tom McCauley, Lowell, Mich., senior showmanship.

Winning the three divisions this year were: Kylie Konyn, Escondido, Calif., senior showmanship; Summer Hammann, Barron, Wis., intermediate division; and Camryn Crothers, junior division.

A framed print of “The Jersey” was presented to the individual showmanship winner for each division. Also presented was the Gordon Farms Trophy to the senior showmanship winner; the Becky Boltmann Memorial Trophy to the intermediate showmanship winner; and the Fred Luchsinger Memorial Trophy to the winner of the junior showmanship contest. The American Jersey Cattle Association and PBS Animal Health sponsored the second through fifth place awards in each class.

Senior showmanship (17 shown) 1. Kylie Konyn; 2. Emory Bewley, Susquehanna; 3. Garrett Intermediate showmanship (29 shown) 1. Summer Hammann; 2. Sophie Leach; 3. Reagan Johnson; 4. Clancey Krahn, Albany, Ore.; 5. Cade Bachelor, Angola, Ind.

Junior showmanship (22 shown) 1. Camryn Crothers; 2. Jason Pareo, Veguita, N.M.; 3. Carly Nowell, Woodsboro, Md.; 4. Sophie Franklin, Waddy, Ky.; 5. Makayla Monk, Artesia, N.M.

Digital Jersey Journal Advertising Rates

Effective January 1, 2022 Breeder Rates

Page Size Contract Non-Contract

Full page $600 $675 2/3 page 450 515 1/2 page 335 390 1/3 page 235 280 1/4 page 185 280 1/6 page 130 150 Business Card 45 60

Commercial/Industry Rates

Page Size Contract Non-Contract

Full page $640 $735 2/3 page 490 560 1/2 page 365 425 1/3 page 260 300 1/4 page 205 220 1/6 page 145 165 Business Card 55 75

New England Jerseys Sponsor of the Northeast Jersey Classic and Breeder’s Sale President: AJCA-NAJ Area Representative: Secretary:

Moira Poitras, Mass. Brenda Snow 802/728-3920 Toni Ann Jacque, Mass.

Lucky Hill Farm

Henry and Jenn McReynolds

845 McReynolds Road, Danville, VT 05828

Email luckyhilljerseys@yahoo.com

Phone 802/748-0085 or 802/748-9172

Springdale Jerseys Inc. Silver Maple Farms Inc. The McKeen Family • Home of SMJ Jerseys The Whitcomb Family • sdfarm@fairpoint.net 414 Hussey Rd., Albion, ME 04910 205 Birches Rd., Waldo, Maine 04915 Barn: 207/437-5181 • Home 207/437-2554 207/342-5446 Phone/Fax E-mail: dennis.mckeen@gmail.com 207/342-5135 Walter • 207/722-3247 Nancy A REAP herd and member of New England Jersey Sires, Inc.


Sheldon Sawyer, Sr. and Sheldon “Tom” Sawyer, Jr. Owners

420 Wentworth Rd., Walpole, NH 03608-9715 Phone and Fax: 603/756-4049 Email: toms18438@yahoo.com

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