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Address of NAJ President

Jersey is Key to the Economic Dairy Future

Address of John Kokoski, NAJ President to the 63rd Annual Meeting of National All-Jersey Inc., June 26, 2021, Bettendorf, Iowa

Good morning and welcome to the annual meeting of National All-Jersey Inc. (NAJ). I am glad we are able to meet in person and discuss the business of our organization in front of each other, which after last year feels pretty good. It’s nice to see so many familiar faces in person, and not on a screen or masked! I look forward to a very productive meeting and hearing everyone’s input and expertise.

I think we can all agree, this past year has left us with some challenges, but some opportunities as well. One challenge that we’re facing is limits on production that coops have imposed and as a result there are fewer herds increasing their herd size and levels of production. Movement of Jersey cattle will depend on our ability to convince the dairy industry that we have the solution to stabilizing markets and restoring prices to higher levels.

Another challenge we have been dealt is increasing feed costs. In the northeast, hay has been very tight for over a year and corn and soybean prices have been in an upward climb for the last six months. We already know the Jersey advantages in terms of efficiencies and their ability to convert feed into milk production more efficiently than other breeds. When access to feed is limited

and costs rise, this trait becomes more and 20% lower carbon footprint when milk was more critical. used to make Cheddar cheese. Since then This brings me to the opportunities for the Jersey breed has increased its Energy Jersey breeders. We already know the ben- Corrected Milk production by 17%, while efits of Multiple Component Pricing (MCP) our primary competitor has increased in the Federal Order because milk checks their Energy Corrected Milk production have been reflecting that ever since MCP by 12%. Because of those changes, your was started. When a producer is limited on board and staff are pursuing having that production for whatever reason, increasing sustainability research updated to reflect components is the answer. current conditions. Another competitive advantage our As dairy farmers, we are constantly Jerseys give us is their A2 milk—a trait under attack by misinformed consumers who don’t understand the efforts of dairy farmers that are second nature to us, that make us conservationists and socially responsible land stewards. It will be our responsibility to educate and promote these increasingly important traits to consumers and politicians. It is up to us to market Jerseys as the cow of the future and that she will lead us to profitability under any market condition and be the sustainable choice for any size dairy operation. The National All-Jersey Inc. (NAJ), Board of Directors from front left: NAJ General Manager Erick Metzger; President John Kokoski; Vice President and chair of the Finance In closing, we need Jersey breeders, regardCommittee James Huffard; and Executive Secretary Neal Smith. In back: Jonathan less of the size of their Merriam, AJCA president; Veronica Steer; Garry Hansen; Walter Owens; Bradley Taylor; operation and from all Jason Cast; and John Marcoot. Not pictured is Roger Herrera and Sam Bok. regions of the country, to help us promote these becoming more and more sought after and advantages and opportunities our Jerseys familiar to everyday consumers. And now inherit. She is the key that can improve the with the changes in leadership in Washing- economy of the dairy industry and sustain ton, there is an emphasis on sustainability all our dairy operations for generations to and environmental issues—two areas we come. I encourage you to take what you Jersey breeders excel in. learn here over the course of our meetings Having the smallest carbon footprint of and bring back home and share with your the dairy breeds gives Jerseys sustainability fellow breeders and industry leaders and into the future. Over a decade ago, NAJ get them involved too. I hope you enjoy funded research with Dr. Jude Capper the rest of our day here and wish you safe and Dr. Roger Cady showed Jerseys had a travels on your return. Thank you.

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