5 minute read
Top Production Herds in 2021
Owner Records Protein Milk Fat
1. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, NY 56 974 26,029 1,331 2. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 962 25,509 1,242 3. Countyline LLC, Turlock, Calif. 1,153 918 24,969 1,221 4. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 908 25,041 1,257 5. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wisc. 69 893 24,868 1,231 6. David L. Hogan, Tillamook, Ore. 2,558 887 22,791 1,115 7. Cold Run Jerseys LLC, Salem, Ohio 198 878 23,330 1,200 8. Grant Ahlem, Hilmar, Calif. 2,521 877 23,696 1,111 9. Ann, Charlie & Jay Dicke, Red Wing, Minn. 10 874 23,405 1,227 10. Wingert Farms, Alexandria, Penn. 88 870 22,692 1,172
Owner Records Milk Protein Fat
1. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, N.Y. 56 26,029 974 1,331 2. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 25,509 962 1,242 3. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 25,041 908 1,257 4. Countyline LLC, Turlock, Calif. 1,153 24,969 918 1,221 5. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wis. 69 24,868 893 1,231 6. Airoso Dairy Farms/Joseph Airoso, Tipton, Calif. 49 24,553 787 1,012 7. Red Top Jerseys, Hilmar, Calif. 4,634 23,810 869 1,134 8. Grant Ahlem, Hilmar, Calif. 2,521 23,696 877 1,111 9. Dustin Gingerich, Shippensburg, Penn. 118 23,409 828 1,131 10. Ann, Charlie & Jay Dicke, Red Wing, Minn. 10 23,405 874 1,227
Owner Records Fat Milk Protein
1. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, N.Y. 56 1,331 26,029 974 2. Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer, Wis. 31 1,313 21,992 790 3. Van De Jerseys, Transfer, Penn. 269 1,276 21,576 805 4. Dale Pheasant, Martinsburg, Penn. 188 1,274 22,550 851 5. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 1,257 25,041 908 6. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 1,242 25,509 962 7. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wis. 69 1,231 24,868 893 8. Harold Harpster, Boalsburg, Penn. 29 1,229 21,482 785 9. Ann, Charlie & Jay Dicke, Red Wing, Minn 10 1,227 23,405 874 10. Countyline LLC, Turlock, Calif. 1,153 1,221 24,969 918
Top 10 Herds By Protein (Actual)
Owner Records Protein Milk Fat
1. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 960 26,125 1,237 2. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, N.Y. 56 927 24,820 1,269 3. Hoards Dairyman Farm, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 10 903 24,714 1,123 4. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 833 23,024 1,155 5. Sand Creek Dairy LLC, Hastings, Mich. 219 833 21,794 1,076 6. Wingert Farms, Alexandria, Penn. 88 818 21,814 1,099 7. Dale Pheasant, Martinsburg, Penn. 188 814 22,077 1,220 8. Ann, Charlie & Jay Dicke, Red Wing, Minn. 10 799 21,464 1,130 9. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wis. 69 796 22,291 1,110 10. Cold Run Jerseys LLC, Salem, Ohio 198 787 20,889 1,080
Top 10 Herds By Milk (Actual)
Owner Records Milk Protein Fat
1. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 26,125 960 1,237 2. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, N.Y. 56 24,820 927 1,269 3. Hoards Dairyman Farm, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 10 24,714 903 1,123 4. Airoso Dairy Farms/Joseph Airoso, Tipton, Calif. 49 23,255 733 947 5. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 23,024 833 1,155 6. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wis. 69 22,291 796 1,110 7. Dale Pheasant, Martinsburg, Penn. 188 22,077 814 1,220 8. Wingert Farms, Alexandria, Penn. 88 21,814 818 1,099 9. Sand Creek Dairy LLC, Hastings, Mich. 219 21,794 833 1,076 10. Lyman Rudgers, Attica, N.Y. 173 21,640 773 1,017
Top 10 Herds By Fat (Actual)
Owner Records Fat Milk Protein
1. Den Kel Jerseys LLC, Byron, N.Y. 56 1,269 24,820 927 2. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm, Donahue, Iowa 199 1,237 26,125 960 3. Dale Pheasant, Martinsburg, Penn. 188 1,220 22,077 814 4. Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer, Wis. 31 1,178 19,590 705 5. Merle Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y. 79 1,155 23,024 833 6. Ann, Charlie & Jay Dicke, Red Wing, MN 10 1,130 21,464 799 7. Harold Harpster, Boalsburg, Penn. 29 1,127 19,815 722 8. Vanderhaak Dairy, Lynden, Wash. 71 1,126 18,689 685 9. Hoards Dairyman Farm, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 10 1,123 24,714 903 10. D & D Jerseys, Newton, Wis. 69 1,110 22,291 796



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Louisville Parish Hosts Derby Showcase Sale
Members of Kentucky’s only active Jersey parish— the Louisville Jersey Parish—hosted their annual Derby Showcase Sale on May 2, 2021, in Frankfort. Nine lots of Registered Jersey heifer calves sold for an average of $769.44. The all-breed event also auctioned Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Holstein, Milking Shorthorn and Red and White consignments, for an overall average of $800.26 on 38 lots.
The sale is an anticipated social event for juniors and seniors alike, traditionally held the first Sunday in May following the Kentucky Derby. As dairy numbers in the region dwindle, the sale is opportunity for young people to purchase club calves for the show season. Complimentary grilled cheese sandwiches are served, and juniors are offered a discount on purchases. Funds are raised through a silent auction that includes the geraniums that adorn the show ring, a nice touch in advance of Mother’s Day.
The Louisville Jersey Parish gives back in a variety of ways. Money is donated to judging teams and parish juniors who place in showmanship at the Kentucky State Fair. A small scholarship is also awarded. This year, additional support was given to the Kentucky Dairy Development Council tornado relief fund.
The co-high selling Jerseys were auctioned for $1,000 each. Cassie Tyson of Frankfort purchased Barlu Megapower 964 339. The winter calf sired by River Valley PF Megapower-ET, GJPI +38, is out of a Very Good-82% daughter of Fairway Mygent Dallas-PP, GJPI -66. The next dam is appraised Very Good86% and has a four lactation m.e. average of 17,515–807–662. She was consigned by H. H. Barlow III, Cave City, Ky.
Temple Strader and Andrew J. Hanshaw, Clarkson, Ky., chose the other $1,000-priced heifer, WHJ Shot Desire, a winter calf sired by Avonlea CF Slingshot-ET, JPI -101. She is out of a daughter of KCJF Regencys Demon, JPI -76, who was Junior Champion of the Kentucky State Fair in 2016. She was consigned by Tre Wright, Elizabethtown, Ky.
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