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200 Capitol Street Charleston, WV 25301
PH (304) 345-0200
FAX (304) 345-0260
WEB www.flahertylegal.com
PRIMARY Peter T. DeMasters (304) 225-3058 pdemasters@flahertylegal.com
ALTERNATE Tyler Dinsmore (304) 347-4234 tdinsmore@flahertylegal.com
Michael Bonasso (304) 347-4259 mbonasso@flahertylegal.com
MEMBER SINCE 2015 Flaherty Sensabaugh Bonasso PLLC serves local, national and international clients in the areas of litigation and transactional law. Founded in 1991, today more than 50 attorneys provide quality counsel to turn clients’ obstacles into opportunities.
At Flaherty, we are deeply committed to partnering with our clients to obtain optimum results. Throughout our history, our prime consideration has been our client’s interests, with a key consideration of the costs associated with litigation.
While avoiding litigation may be desired, when necessary, our attorneys stand prepared to bring their considerable experience to the courtroom. We are experienced in trying matters ranging from simple negligence to complex, multi-party matters involving catastrophic damages.
Additional Offices: Clarksburg, WV • PH (304) 624-5687 | Morgantown, WV • PH (304) 598-0788 | Wheeling, WV • PH (304) 230-6600
ADDRESS 325 E. Chicago Street, Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53202
PH (414) 312-7003
FAX (414) 755-7089
WEB www.llgmke.com
PRIMARY Rodney L. Umberger (206) 628-2421 rumberger@williamskastner.com
Sheryl J. Willert (206) 628-2408 swillert@williamskastner.com
MEMBER SINCE 2002 Williams Kastner has been providing legal and business advice to a broad mix of clients since our Seattle office opened in 1929. With more than 65 lawyers in Washington and Oregon, the firm combines the resources and experience to offer national and regional capabilities with the client service and sensibility a local firm can provide. The firm culture is characterized by hard work, high-performance teamwork, diversity and partnerships with our clients and the local community. Our commitment to our clients is reflected through our quality legal work, personalized approach to servicing our clients and the integrity and pride we devote towards the practice of law.
Additional Office: Portland, OR • PH (503) 228-7967
Jack J. Laffey (414) 312-7105 jlaffey@llgmke.com
ALTERNATE Joseph S. Goode (414) 312-7181 jgoode@llgmke.com
ALTERNATE Mark M. Leitner (414) 312-7108 mleitner@llgmke.com
MEMBER SINCE 2019 Relentless. Inspired. Committed. Authentic. Our team of professionals share an almost fanatical commitment to practicing Law as a means of balancing the unbalanced, leveling the unleveled, and bringing big-time results to you, our client.
We want the hardest problems you can throw at us. There is nothing we love more than diving deep into complex litigation and disputes. We will solve your problems, no matter how large or how small. This team thrives under pressure, so pile it on. Our team of battle-tested attorneys brings an unmatched drive and determination to every client. We don’t rest on our laurels. We innovate and create new solutions to produce winning results. We bring order and symmetry to chaos and complexity. We love what we do.
Lots of firms talk about being responsive; we live it. Our commitment to serving our clients fundamentally shapes how we view and practice law.
We are human beings. While we thrive under incredible challenges and difficult circumstances, we also care deeply about the people we work with and represent. Being authentic also means that we recognize our clients are people too. We understand them, and we know them.