1 minute read
from March 27,2023
KaylaHoggard Staff Writer
Iknow thatwe haveall heardabout whatis going oninpop culture,right?If not,don’tworry Igotyou covered! We havealot onthedocket today!FromrapperIce Spice’scareer blowingup evenBIGGER not onlyfromthe BOPSshe’smaking, totheKardashians gettingtheir inviteto theMet Galaswiped rightfrom underthem! Ifyou wantto knowmore aboutthe tea thatis scorchinghot… Well,grab yourmug andkeep readingbecause we’rejust aboutto takeit offthe stove!
HotFemaleRapperGets Crowned“Princessof Rap” ByQueenof RapNickiMinaj.
Whenitcomes tothefemale rapgirlies,the communityseems tobe growinglarger andlarger eachyear!
Megan TheeStallion madeher professionaldebut in 2017with hercommerciallyreleased EP MakeitHot. TheCityGirls, JT and YungMiami, madetheirdebut backin 2018with their first studioalbum GirlCode, andeven newerfemale rappersare steppingonto the scene,suchas LolaBrooke,who gother first commercialbuzz in2023 withher song“Don’t Play With It,” whichblewupon TikTok,andlastly,the femalerapper ofthehour, IceSpice,with herBIGGEST commercial hitfrom theinfamousTikTokapp “Munch(Feelin’U).” seemsasif thingsareonly goingupfor her Asherfan basegrows, itis fascinatingto watch.In anInterview withOn TheRadar Radio(her secondinterview ever overayear ago),IceSpice saidsheowes allofher successto manifestation,saying “Ihave beenlike, manifestingeverything that’shappening now,so likeI’ve beenexpecting it.Like itis happeningpretty fastbut like,I’vebeen expectingit.” Aswestay tunedformore fromIceSpice, don’tforgetto streamher latestEP Like…?On allstreaming platforms!
From TikTok totheBillboard Hot100,Miss Spicehas becomea householdname inhip-hop withher NY drillstylerap.
BornIsis NajaGaston onJanuary 1,2000, Isiswas raisedby herNigerian fatherand Jamaicanmother in theBronx,and hascomea verylongway fromwhere shestarted. Travelingback intime, the first timethat IceSpice everwent viralwas hervery firstcollaborativefreestyle called“Bully.” Producedby Riot,the freestylewas astepping stonefor hercareer whileit wentviralinher socialmediafanbase andcommunity.
Now,in thepresent timewith manyof hersongs, suchas “BikiniBottom,” “Inha Mood,”her lateEP Like…?,andher recentsmashhit featuredin“Boy’s A LiarPt. 2”by NY artist,DustyLocane, IceSpice has beencatchingthe eyeofmany differentartistswho are nowconsidered“old heads”inthe game!
TheKardashians AREN’T InvitedtotheMet Gala??
Anna Wintour, globaleditorial directorof Vogue,and Chair/co-chairof theMet Galais allegedlyrevoking theKardashian/Jennerfamily invitationtothe glamorousfashion event,which isscheduled tooccur onthe 1stofMay,2023 attheMetropolitanMuseum of Artin New YorkCity.Sources saythat Wintourwillbe minimizingthe guestlist forthe fundraisingGala forunknownreasons. With allthisbeingallegedly said,there aresources closeto thereality TV starfamily saying thatthis issimply nottrue andthe “KarJenners”most definitelywillbe makinganappearance attheGala.
TheKardashians madetheir firstappearance atthe MetGala backin 2013when Kimattended alongside thenhusbandKanye West.(Picturedbelow)
Incurrent news,the queenof rapNicki Minajhas hadMissSpice onherradar! Nickicommentedon Ice Spice’slatestinstagram postcaptioned“Thick cusIbe eatin’ oats!”Minaj responds (shown Above).Fansbelievethatthis wasNickiMinaj crowningIceSpice the “PrincessofRap.”
But that’s not all! Nicki Minaj recently not only followedMiss Spiceon Twitterbut alsoquoted and retweetedherrecentmagazine spreadforDazedMagazine,andIce Spiceresponded (Pictured Next).
Nowthat IceSpice hasthis stampof approval,it
Yes,you readthat right. Wehave allknown theKardashiansfor yearsnow.It haskindof gottento thepoint wherewe don’teven reallyknow whythey arefamous(at leastIdon’t)! Iknowmany peoplelike tothank singerand entrepreneurRay Jand basketball player/serialcheater TristanThompson, butIthink we can all agree that they have made a name for themselves from just the fact that they are famous for being famous. Latelyhowever, theKardashians havebeen under fire fortheirbehavior. FromKylieJenner’s involvementin the“bullying”of SelenaGomezwith hermodelfriend HaileyBieber, toKendall Jennerupsetting theHispanic communityby datingsinger/musician BadBunny, to Kim Kardashian letting her daughter “impersonate” IceSpice.But latelytheKardashians havebeenin the spotlight AGAIN,butnot forsomethingthat wouldbe expected,not evenby them!It’s lookinglike theKardashiansare beingEXCLUDED fromthe eventthat theyare usedto attendingevery year:the MetGala!
Itwasn’tuntil 2022thatthe entirefamilywalked the carpettogether(Their lookspicturedbelow).
Whileallof thisisalleged, Ibelievethat itwill comedownto May1stto knowwhatthe truthreally is,andif thereality TV starswillbeattending the fashionevent.