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11 Signs You Should Fire Your Doctor
If you’re noticing these red flags, it could be time to move on
by Ruben Castaneda and Angela Haupt
TAYING W ITH A DOCTOR or other provider you’re not happy with is as harmful as staying in a relationship you know is bad because it’s easier than making a change. But parting ways may be the healthiest move. “If you’re not happy with your doctor, you’re not going to have a good relationship. That trust won’t be there, so you might hesitate to see them,” says Michael Urban, senior lecturer and director of the doctorate of occupational therapy program at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. “And you won’t tell them everything about your health when you do go, which could put your health at risk.”
Changing doctors can be a challenging process, however. Before you embark on that path, analyze whether a change is necessary. Here are 11 signs it’s time to fire your doctor:
3. You’re kept in the dark.
A doctor should be open and thorough about why he recommends a certain treatment or orders a specific test, plus share all results with you. If he doesn’t explain a decision, or “not to your satisfaction, at that point a doctor is bad,” Lin says.
1. You don’t mesh.
You don’t need to see eye to eye on everything, but it’s helpful if you work well together. If you want a partnership, for example, a doctor who spouts commands is not the best fit; if you value a warm bedside manner, consider ditching a formal, distant physician.
“Some patients like doctors who are very direct and blunt,” says Dr. Kenny Lin, a family physician based in Washington, D.C. “And some patients can’t stand that type of doctor because they think he or she isn’t empathetic enough or doesn’t provide enough options.” When there’s a mismatch, neither person is at fault – but it could be grounds for termination.

2. Your time isn’t respected.
Do you routinely wait an hour to see your physician, only to feel like you’re being rushed through the visit? If your doctor doesn’t take the time to answer your questions or address your concerns, there’s a problem. “If your doctor’s not giving you the time you need, they’re not listening to you fully,” Urban says. “They’re not giving you the full care that you need.”
The medical community is becoming increasingly sensitive to patients’ precious time. If your doctor’s chronic lateness makes you grind your teeth, why not have a look elsewhere?

It’s also important that information is shared using terms you understand, rather than complicated medical jargon; otherwise, explanations are meaningless. Your health is too important for you to be left feeling confused or uninformed.
4. You’re not being heard.
Listening is one of the most important skills a physician can have, says Dr. Neel Anand, professor of orthopedic surgery and medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles.
A good doctor listens to a patient’s description of pain and other symptoms. “As physicians, we’re a busy bunch,” he says. “But our most important time spent in a day is with our patients. If we don’t allow them to give us a complete picture of their overall health, we can’t help them effectively maximize it. It’s best to go with the doctor who puts down the chart and actively listens to what’s going on with you.”
5. You find the office staff unprofessional.
The receptionists are the link between you and the doctor. If they blow you off – or neglect to give a message to the physician about side effects you’re experiencing due to a new medication, for example – your health could be at risk. Even if you like your doctor, a bad experience with office staff could be grounds for your exit.
6. You don’t feel comfortable.
Doctors need to know intimate details you may not even share with friends or family members. If you’re unable to disclose such facts, you and your doctor may not be the right match. A sense of unease about her decisions and recommendations, even if you can’t put your finger on exactly why you feel uncomfortable, is also a perfectly legitimate reason for cutting the cord, says Don Powell, president and CEO of the American Institute

for Preventive Medicine, which promotes healthy behavior through wellness programs and publications.
Beware of sloppy medical mistakes, too: If your doctor prescribes a drug you’re allergic to – and you know that information is in your medical history – a separation may be needed.
7. Your care isn’t coordinated.
Your primary care physician should be the quarterback of your health care team, managing each step of the medical process. That means keeping track of any reports and instructions from the specialists you see and talking with you about their recommendations. If that’s not happening, important aspects of your health care could slip through the cracks.
11. You’re not treated with respect.
8. You can’t get access.
A good doctor is available for follow-up questions and concerns. Patient advocate Trisha Torrey, founder of the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates and author of “You Bet Your Life! The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes,” recalls the time her husband developed severe tooth pain on a weekend. His dentist’s voicemail included a cell phone
number and the promise of a quick response. But her husband never heard back. An emergency clinic visit and root canal later, he told his dentist she was fired.
A growing number of doctors are making themselves available to patients via email, text message and virtual platforms. At the very least, you need to know that in an emergency, you won’t be left hanging.
9. Your care isn’t holistic.
While most physicians can capably prescribe medication and order tests, it’s important to understand if your physician considers how a new drug or protocol will impact your lifestyle, says Dr. Joseph Giaimo, a pulmonologist in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and immediate pastpresident of the American Osteopathic Association.
If your doctor isn’t addressing your medical issue from a “mind, body, spirit” perspective, she might not be for you. The best health outcomes will happen when you are able to talk to your physician about lifestyle issues like eating habits, how much exercise you should get and whether you’re interacting with other people enough to avoid social isolation.
10. Your doctor is a reluctant learner.
Whether your doctor went to medical school three or 30 years ago, make sure you have access to his curriculum vitae. The CV, or résumé, can offer a great picture of how in touch your doctor is with medical advances, Anand says.
For example, techniques to treat back pain have advanced in the last 30 years. “You want to make sure (your doctor) is keeping pace,”
Anand says. The CV will tell you what conferences the physician has attended, what continuing education he is receiving and whether he is training other medical professionals in the field. A doctor could provide such education by speaking at conferences, conducting research studies, or authoring journal articles or textbook chapters in a given specialty, be it cardiovascular health or spinal conditions. If your physician has you wondering why doctors are so rude, it’s time to split up. Same goes if she trivializes your concerns. One of the clearest signs you should move on is if she walks out of the room while you’re still talking. There are online tools patients can use to see how other people A good doctor actively have rated particular doctors. For example, ProPublica’s Vital Signs API database provides inlistens to you. formation on 1.3 million doctors and other health care professionals throughout the country. The database includes details on the provider’s specialty, location and contact information; standing with federal health programs; office visits and costs; relationships with drug and medical device companies; prescribing patterns and habits; and surgical performance. Healthgrades, another online tool, has more than 10 million patient ratings and reviews across a wide range of specialties. Urban suggests not making judgments based on patient reviews alone. “When people are happy, they don’t always leave comments. I’ve seen some doctors who are great who’ve had many negative comments,” he says. Ask for recommendations from friends and other people in your area, which you can do in online forums. When considering a new doctor, ask if you can schedule a quick meet and greet. If he is willing to take a few minutes to speak with you, that shows he is invested in listening to you down the road. You could even just drop by the office to get a sense of the environment. If the office is clean and the staff is calm and professional, those are signs of a good fit. l