1 minute read
“A beautifully written, well-organized, and up-to-date gold mine of vital data and wise advice. Particularly focused on the new naval era of fleetcentered operations. Will improve the quality of Navy staff work and decisions by Navy commanders, and empower officers new to a Navy staff to hit the ground running.”
—CAPT Peter M. Swartz, USN (Ret.), senior CNA strategy analyst and former Cold War U.S. Navy strategist
“An excellent read that would be very valuable for anyone reporting to a staff! Very readable with historical context that enlightens today’s staff constructs. Dale succinctly and accurately captures the essence of a Navy staff and provides experienced insights on how to succeed in your inevitable staff assignment.”
—VADM Phil Sawyer, USN (Ret.)
“Rielage’s book reminds me of working with him optimizing a large staff to take on the even larger challenge presented by PRC actions in the IndoAsia-Pacific. Reading his masterfully constructed book will serve you well working on and with staffs, inside as well as outside the Navy.”
ADM Scott H. Swift, USN (Ret.), former Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and founder of The Swift Group LLC, national security consultancy
“A one-of-a-kind work capturing the essence and purpose of staffs supporting commanders across the gamut—from squadron, fleet, and combatant commands to the enterprise level and echelon one. Rielage deftly outlines the skill and art of effectively supporting ‘commander’s intent’ in an increasingly connected world.”
RADM Robert P. Girrier, USN (Ret.), Senior Fellow, CNA; president emeritus, Pacific Forum International; co-author, Fleet Tactics and Naval Operations, Third Edition