ARTICLE MARKETING SERVICE SETS THE STANDARD FOR PROMOTION Marketers everywhere are realizing just how powerful article marketing can be when it comes to generating traffic for your site as well as its SEO benefits. The only trouble is, this route toward online success isn’t an easy one and it can take some time to see results. One company is committed to making the tedium of article marketing a thing of the past. Their new service is designed to make article marketing painless. Social marketing company has launched their new unlimited article distribution service, a service they say will help clients see impressive results in mere days, rather than weeks or months that it ca otherwise take. “With our service, clients can submit an unlimited number of articles for distribution to over 500 of the world’s largest article directories,” says AlphaHype spokesperson Danielle Evans. “But what really sets it apart is that we do all of the work for the client – the service is literally handsoff.” Although article marketing services are not new to the online business world, AlphaHype claims their service is unique in that nothing is required of the client other than to send their articles in to them. The very best part about this new service is that it achieves results for its clients, big time. “We’ve had some clients in certain industries submit as little as two or three articles per day and in less than a week or so, seen increases as much as one thousand visitors per day to their websites,” explains Evans. “And no matter which way you look at it, those visitor numbers mean money.” The price for this article marketing service is $67 per month and clients are able to submit as many articles as they want each month to over 500 sites. To get more information you can head to or you can contact the company via their website.