FRESH VIDEO MARKETING SERVICE CAN GIVE YOU A BIG NAME Of all the ways to promote a business, online methods like video marketing are among the most challenging. That's because the online world is so inundated with people that it's hard to stand out. The challenges, however, don't mean you shouldn't take advantages of video markeitng. If you don't, you could be doing your company a huge disservice. But here's the lucky thing: You don't have to struggle to make your mark on your own; there's some excellent help available in the form web promoters With their help, there's no stopping you. has developed a brand-new video marketing service aimed at helping companies like yours grab the attention of as many potential customers as possible via video-sharing sites like YouTube. Kiss those fruitless hours of struggling to get video views for your content goodbye. With by your side, your part in the process is virtually effortless. "After we launched our other social marketing services, we saw video as the next obvious means for expansion,� says CEO Leon Hill. "Once we found a way to quickly generate loads of quality views to videos, we knew we were onto something that people would go crazy for." The company will do all the grunt work for you. Just tell them what kind of viewers you'd like to attract (based on things like geography or age) and they'll drive traffic right to your video content, via YouTube and through outside sources. Video marketing has never been easier. Hill explains that what makes his company's services groundbreaking is that they can "guarantee fast, targeted traffic to videos, instead of relying on traditional means like hoping for viral use, or pay-per-click advertising." Get the full scoop on this innovative new service by checking out their website at: or simply contact uSocial about their video marketing services via the form on their website.