HOW SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SOFTWARE CAN IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE The fact is, social bookmarking as most of us know it is time consuming, tedious and challenging. There are hundreds of social bookmarking sites available that marketers can use to boost their sites’ rankings, but the problem is that submitting one link to each of these sites can take days, which is time most marketers don’t have to devote to one task. That’s where one company steps in to remedy the problem. Web traffic agency has developed a way to eliminate the aggravation that can result from social bookmarking the traditional way. What’s more, they’ve also upped the ante on the benefits of social marketing at the same time. “When AlphaHype launched we were doing a lot of free marketing including social bookmarking so we found out firsthand how time consuming and tedious it was,” says AlphaHype manager Danielle Evans, who continues on to say that “As we were already based at bringing social media solutions to our clients, we decided to see if we could better make use of this niche as well.” AlphaHype has developed a social-bookmarking software that permits them to submit links to more than 200 social bookmarking sites in just minutes. Minutes! The very best news is that this software is available to the general public. “We charge a flat rate and this gives our customers the ability to submit an unlimited amount of links to all the sites we support,” says Evans. “As far as we know, it’s the only service of its kind to be found anywhere on the web.” Some of AlphaHype’s clients have seen increases of upwards of 1,000 or more visitors per day in less than one week! To find out more about how your business can benefit from this service, check out or feel free to contact AlphaHype directly through the contact form on their site.