THE 411 ON TWITTER MARKETING The core of a successful Twitter marketing initiative is successful generation of as many followers as possible to your page. If you can successfully manage to do that, you’ll get the most out of this invaluable marketing tool. Once you learn the tricks of the trade, you’ll soon find yourself positioned as a market leader in your niche. But you need to keep your eye on the ball and stay focused if you are going to make your Twitter marketing campaign a success. It’s easy to get discouraged when you start out on a Twitter Marketing campaign, which can easily happen if you are going into it unprepared. Once you know the secrets to successful Twitter marketing, you’ll soon enjoy a great deal of success for your efforts. Succeeding at this game requires that you create a sold plan of action that will sustain you through the entire campaign. The best way to go about that is to take into account your business’ current situation, and to devise a plan that addresses both your real situation and your reasonably attainable goal. One of the most important things to do when mounting a Twitter marketing campaign is to be consistent with your Tweets. You won’t get ahead in your campaign if your Tweets are sporadic and irregular. People want to know you care enough to stay in constant contact with them! But don’t just look at Twitter as a one-way street, though. It’s important to also follower other Twitter users in the same way. By doing that, you’ll create a relationship with other like-minded users and make a name for yourself. Finally it’s important to user all the tools at your disposal, including sites like Simply subscribe to their newsletter -- it only takes a couple of minutes and it will be a big help to you in achieving your goals.