Expanding Horizons The USPG Expanding Horizons programme provides clergy who want to travel overseas on sabbatical, ordinands who are planning an overseas placement, and other church workers the opportunity to experience and share in the life and mission of the world church. SPG offer a small grant and help arrange a placement where required, ranging from one to six months. This can be anywhere in the world where USPG has links with the Anglican Church. Here, three people share their Expanding Horizons experiences:
REV’D JAY NIBLETT TRAVELLED TO THE NETHERLANDS When the opportunity came for a summer placement somewhere outside of the UK I jumped at the chance! I wanted to find out what God was doing in the Anglican Communion - particularly in the Netherlands, 12
where secularism presented a particularly potent challenge to the Christian identity and the great commission to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. USPG was incredibly supportive of this venture, helping with travel, genuine interest and continued support even after I returned. During my placement I shadowed the Chaplain of Amsterdam and was involved in the spiritual life of the chaplaincy. It was great to see the diversity in the different gatherings and to see how the English language and Anglican spirituality could be a positive uniting factor amongst peoples from all over the world. It was also great to see how