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Polo Development
History made
Past NYTS champions celebrated
By Hayley Heatley
The NYTS Committee is eager to welcome players back to the field in a safe manner. As restrictions are lifted and play begins to resume, the NYTS team will work closely with each club to ensure a successful NYTS Qualifier Tournament. Players and clubs, please contact NYTS@uspolo.org with any questions.
While we wait to mount up and get back on the

2013: Wesley Finlayson, Juancito Bollini, Grant Ganzi and Justin Daniels
field, let’s celebrate the past winners of the NYTS National Championships!
Virginia International Polo Club Upperville, Virginia
Cecil Smith Cup
Zone 3-Florida Justin Daniels Grant Ganzi Juancito Bollini Wesley Finlayson
San Diego Polo Club San Diego, California
Cecil Smith Cup
Zone 3-Florida Wesley Finlayson Grant Ganzi Juancito Bollini Christian Weisz
Columbine Polo Club Littleton, Colorado

Cecil Smith Cup
Zone 4-Eastern Barrett Coke Marissa Wells George Hempt Tommy Huber
Myopia Polo Club Hamilton, Massachusetts
Cecil Smith Cup
Zone 3-Florida Justin Daniels Benji Daniels Nico Escobar Matias Gonzalez
Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club Carpinteria, California
Cecil Smith Cup
Zone 3-Florida Nico Escobar Lucas Escobar Justin Daniels Mackenzie Weisz
East vs. West Challenge
West Grayson Price Bayne Bossom Athena Malin Cory Williams

2016: Benji Daniels, Nico Escobar, Justin Daniels, Matias Gonzalez and Coach Tom Goodspeed

2017 East-West Challenge: Chrys Beal, Dan Walker, Grayson Price, Bayne Bossom, Athena Malin and Cory Williams
2018 Cecil Smith Cup: Cipi Echezarreta, Grayson Price, Vaughn Miller Jr., Will Walton and Coach Mason Wroe.