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July 2021 Polo Players' Edition- Polo in the Pampas


Los Sauces captures Women’s Masters

By Lucas Noel • Photos by Sergio Llamera

Los Sauces handed Pilará, led by 10 goalers Lia Salvo and Hazel Jackson, a big blow in the final of the inaugural Women’s Masters at Palmero’s La Catedral. Los Sauces ended up winning the title by a half goal, part of the handicap it began with.

The tournament is open to teams from 0 to 40 goals. It saw seven teams rated from 14 to 26 goals. The teams were divided into two divisions, with teams playing each of the other teams in its division. The matches were played as eight four-and-a-half minute chukkers. The top team in each division played the Gold Cup final, while the second and third place teams played the Silver and Bronze Cups, respectively.

“It was the first time that I faced players with 10 handicaps. They are the best in the world and it was a great challenge to be on the field against those

stars. You have to anticipate certain plays because it is another level. You have to use your head a lot and be patient,” explained Agustina Imaz, whose joy was still apparent days later.

Los Sauces really wrote a great page in Palermo’s history by beating the favored Pilará, 12½-12.

Milagros Sánchez (7), Fátima Balzamo (6), the aforementioned Agustina Imaz (3) and Francisca Moretti (3) defeated the main favorites to win the title: the consecrated Lía Salvo (10) and Hazel Jackson (10), accompanied by Hana Grill (5) and Martina Díaz (1). Pilará had to give up 5½ goals for its higher valuation and after the first two chukkers of the decisive match it had already overcome it, taking a 6-5½ lead. But the team from the province of San Luis, which won all four games it played in the tournament, was able to recover in a magnificent way. Its comeback was based as much on their technical ability as on their mental strength.

Los Sauces’ Francesca Moretti is flanked by Pilará’s Martina Diaz and Hazel Jackson in the Women’s Masters final. ©Sergio Llamera

The two teams reached the final match on field No. 1 in Palermo after having shown a high quality of play in previous games in their respective groups.

“We did not start well. We began with five and a half goals in our favor and they turned everything around in two chukkers. The truth is that at that moment we did not see the story with a good ending. But then we settled down chukker by chukker. We got into rhythm and then it was hit by hit. The outcome was very even and we only won by half a goal,” confessed Imaz.

At the venue the Argentine Polo Association owns in Pilar, Los Sauces started its campaign by beating La Varzea, 9-6½, then defeated El Metejón by a tight 11-10½. It earned its ticket to the main stage at the corner of Avenida Libertador and Dorrego thanks to an 11½-6 victory over Thai Polo.

Against Pilará, the Los Sauces foursome experienced a very complex first few minutes, perhaps overwhelmed by the circumstance and the magnitude of their opponents. Salvo and Jackson dominated the action and took advantage of several mistakes from its rival to begin to tilt the balance. It was only in the fifth chukker that Los Sauces began to tighten its defense and attack more decisively.

Los Sauces’ Fátima Balzano, Milagros Sánchez, Agustina Imaz and Francesca Moretti won the first Women’s Masters. ©Sergio Llamera

Sánchez took the reins and with her greater experience led the response. Balzano joined in automatically, and Moretti and Imaz, the rookies of the team, contributed to keep their aspirations alive.

“It was hard for us at the beginning. They have a great team and made the experience and the quality of their two 10-goal players prevail, but as the minutes went by we settled and got more comfortable and we were able to get into the game,” explained Sánchez. By halftime, the duel was again in the hands of Los Sauces by a very tight, 8½-8.

The second half was literally an exchange of attacks, coordinated moves and goals that left no room for any certainty. The winner was a real unknown. The development of the meeting was exciting. Goals of great skill were scored with highflying plays from both sides. The final chapter of the game was a tightly-contested affair. However, the decisive advantage was on Mili Sánchez’s mallet and the celebration was for Los Sauces.

The San Luis club is having an unforgettable season: it won the Río Cuarto Open and the Vendimia in Mendoza; got a ticket to play the Argentine Interior Championship with Handicap; and the girls became the first Women’s Masters.

Overa Z7 Tía Claret, played by Hazel Jackson and bred by Lucas Monteverde, was named best Argentine bred horse of the final.

New era begins

A preview of the upcoming Argentine high-goal season

The Triple Crown season has already confirmed its main actors. There are no 40-goal teams this year; Ellerstina and La Natividad are the only lineups that remain unchanged; a renewed La Dolfina makes its debut; and Murus Sanctus threatens to be the sensation of the season.

Last season, La Dolfina was the main character. It was a tough season for the team after all its members suffered several physical problems, but it was able to overcome them, showing up in Palermo and keeping the crown on its head.

This year will be radically different. After a decade, the foursome that dominated the polo elite has split up and divided their paths. That decision not only created new teams, but also increased the perspectives of other players in this competition, decidedly raised everyone’s expectations and delivered—at least in the preliminary stage—the topfavorite status to Ellerstina.

Each team is going through a different reality and pursuing goals tailored to the extent of their possibilities. But while various questions are being asked, at least one certainty seems to emerge: Ellerstina, the team from General Rodríguez, will have to be beaten in order for another team to celebrate a title this season.

Ellerstina: Facundo Pieres, 10; Hilario Ulloa, 10; Gonzalo Pieres Jr., 9; and Nicolás Pieres, 10. Total: 39

Undoubtedly, the candidate. Last year’s inclusion of Hilario Ulloa substantially optimized the collective performance of the Pieres brothers. Facundo was able to dedicate himself to moving as No. 1 without worrying about other roles; Gonzalo regained his fluidity at midfield; and Nicolás improved at the Back position. That performance allowed it to be champion last year in Tortugas and Hurlingham.

It will be imperative to learn from past mistakes and recover from the tough defeat it suffered against La Dolfina in the Argentine Open in Palermo. It entered the last chukker ahead by a goal yet ended up losing the match, 10-8, and saw its Triple Crown aspirations frustrated.

RS Murus Santus: Facundo Sola, 9; Guillermo Caset Jr., 10; Pablo Mac Donough, 10; and Juan Martín Nero, 10. Total: 39

This team will get a lot of attention. Knowing that it was the last season of the La Dolfina dream team, it secured Juan Martín Nero and Pablo Mac Donough. It is complemented by Sapo Caset and Facu Sola, who not only remain on the team, but also played together on Alegría and Las Monjitas.

Although they don’t have a natural No. 2, its 39- goal handicap matches Ellerstina.

La Dolfina: Adolfo Cambiaso, 10; Francisco Elizalde, 9; David Stirling Jr., 10; and Diego Cavanagh, 9. Total: 38

Nine titles in 10 years at the Argentine Open and three consecutive Triple Crowns are in the past. The best lineup in the history of modern polo is no longer. It is time for Adolfo Cambiaso’s organization to renew itself.

In order to rearm the squad, two men of proven experience and quality have joined: Fran Elizalde and Diego Cavanagh, outgoing captain of La Dolfina Polo Ranch and multi champion playing with Cambiaso in Palm Beach and England.

La Natividad: Camilo Castagnola, 9; Polito Pieres, 9; Bartolomé Castagnola Jr., 9; and Ignatius du Plessis, 9. Total: 36

As explosive as it is irregular, its cast remains unchanged from last season. Its handicap did not change either, since Polito dropped to 9 and Jeta was raised by a goal.

A very energetic opponent, the team is well mounted and one nobody will want to face them. A good afternoon from the Castagnola boys and Polito’s precision can be lethal to any defense.

La Ensendada: Juan Britos Jr., 9; Alfredo Bigatti, 8; Juan M. Zubía, 8; and Jerónimo del Carril 8. Total: 33

This team is returning to its roots by repatriating Juan Martín Zubía and Juano Britos, who will join Alfredo Bigatti and Jero del Carril. The idea is to continue adding experience for these four representatives of the new breed of Argentine polo.

LD Brava: Poroto Cambiaso, 8; Guillermo Terrera Jr., 9; Rodrigo Ribeiro de Andrade, 8; and Alejo Taranco, 8. Total: 33

The champion of the Cámara de Diputados Cup and winner of the playoff with last year’s lowestranked team is the second team of La Dolfina. Its main attraction will be the presentation of Poroto Cambiaso, who had a great season abroad playing with his father, Adolfo, and who will be premiering with his new 8-goal handicap. The team is completed

by two former La Dolfina Polo Ranch players, Guillermo Terrera and Jejo Taranco, and the best player in Brazil: Rodrigo Ribeiro de Andrade.

La Irenita: Santiago Loza, 8; Segundo Bocchino, 7; Ignacio Toccalino, 8; and Isidro Strada, 8. Total: 31

Thanks to a 75% change in its composition, this team stays on the main stage despite having been relegated last season. Santiago Loza is the only piece that remains in this structure (he had played for La Irenita II).

Alegría: Agustín Merlos, 7; Pedro Zacharías, 7; Tomás García del Río, 7; and Frederick Mannix Jr., 7. Total: 28

The other big news is the return of Canadian Fred Mannix’s organization. This foursome includes Merlos, with whom Mannix shared a team in 2012, and the Brazilian Zacharias, who had earned a place by winning the playoff but was left out of the LD Brava reassembly.

Will there be logic or surprise? Ellerstina needs to win Palermo to consolidate itself; La Dolfina seeks the path of its reconstruction; Murus Sanctus bets very hard; and La Natividad can complicate anyone when it does not complicate itself. No matter which team comes out the big winner of the Triple Crown 2021, a new era will be born.

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